Light the hedgehog...a story...chapter 2: the randomness that is Light & friends

Started by Light the Hedgehog, July 07, 2009, 03:00:03 PM

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Light the Hedgehog


madison:...o.o *runs inside the temple still dragging elana*, i like it in here

Light the Hedgehog

me: *puts away my millions of guns*...i hate it when that spaz does that.

Tiger: one time she dragged me in there....i didn't like one bit..... *eye twitches*


Madison:..meh, all the jews here in the town...neyeh

Elana;..too bad im not jewish- WTF is that amy? (not amy rose the Iz one)

Madison:..yeah..o.o dont ask why though

Amy:...>.> elana



Elana:..yeeaahh on second thought imma leave *runs back to the others* it's no's just i met some old friend ._.

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: wait to see what they do in there...the horror...note to self, Jews and christians don't mix.


Elana;..dosent look like much...meh i dont get what you mean, explain please

OOC: it wont offened me, trust me...

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:...actually, i can't's been liek....6 months since i've last been in there. a chao's memory isn't that good, you know. who's that? *points at Solo*

Princessofthechaosemerald idea.... wait.. then how come you remember- oh forget it *shrugs*

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:....meh..who knows. technically i'm ment to help out light on his adventures. but....some times he has to save my *ss instead of me saving his *ss.


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:...don't you remember that time i saved y'all from that GIANT meteor made of Black Material?

me: oh, yeah.....