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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Double M: anyway, i don't think i said my name just yet. my name is Meeping Man, but you can call me Double M.

Robin: nice to meet you, Double M.

Double M: anyway, i here you guys are looking for uh...."new recruits". and i'd like to join your team.

Robin: well, since you already showed us what you can do, you're in.

Double M *voice over*: that's when my life began to change forever.


Jewel:..umm i see your bussy so i'll just give you thiss and i'll be on my way *gives meeping man the pice of paper and leaves*

*later that day*

Saphire:so how was school sis?

jewel:i dident have it, that creature that came was too "dangerouse" and school was closed down..the 3rd time this week..., so how was your day?

Saphire; i made a neacklace for you *puts neacklace on jewel*

Jewel:aww i like it saphire, so where do you wanna go

Saphire:i met a friend named starfire and shes gonna take me to her house in a can come if you want

Jewel:...i'll come!


Okay, can I join? Can I be the Amazing Arachno Man? (joking)

jk, I wanna be Coon Man (Tavy) , so , can I? I can be him and.. erm, Jinx? :o

btw, Coon Man's not the good guy if u didn't know, Tavy's NOT THE GOOD GUY :O


Name: Foster Thovias AKA Tavy
Age: teen
Pers: depressed, frustrated, stubborn, angsty and always moody
Powers: incredible senses that warn be4 an attack, right on time 4 him to avoid it, and flexibility, reflexes 50 times faster than a normal human
Height: 6 feet (very tall)
Weight: 57 kg
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


lol jynx kills saphire the day before her birthday D:

Saphire: look theres starfire now

Starfire: ready to go saphire?

Jewel: *eye twiches*....shes your friend?

Saphire:yeah well c'mon

*at the front of the T*

Jewel:...(oh shit, this is where starfire lives) uhh wow..thats..a big house?

Saphire: *runs inside*

Light the Hedgehog

Double can't get this feeling something BAD might happen out of my head....something having to do with some people named "Mephiles" and "Iblis". and the merging of the two to create Solaris. *record scratches* WHOA, WAIT A SECOND! didn't some dude named Sonic take care of that already?


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 12, 2009, 03:13:10 PM
Double can't get this feeling something BAD might happen out of my head....something having to do with some people named "Mephiles" and "Iblis". and the merging of the two to create Solaris. *record scratches* WHOA, WAIT A SECOND! didn't some dude named Sonic take care of that already?
Starfire: *opens door* remeber the friend i told you guys about? i have here and her sister

Light the Hedgehog

Double M:....sheesh. i'm sick of this Stick-Man look. *makes himself look like solo* to rogue-ish. *makes self look like zim* TO ZIM-ISH. *poofs self back into a stick man. this time with white eyes*much better.


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 13, 2009, 04:05:33 AM
Double M:....sheesh. i'm sick of this Stick-Man look. *makes himself look like solo* to rogue-ish. *makes self look like zim* TO ZIM-ISH. *poofs self back into a stick man. this time with white eyes*much better.
Jewel: *eye twiches* runs around

Starfire: you must meet all of my friends *draggs jewel to the others*

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: don't mind me, i'm just a stick man that suddenly came to life.


Saphire:well wheres robin and the others?

Jewel: ohey im the mayors daughter jewel thats my sister saphire and i guess thats...

Starfire: my name is starfire im pleased to meet you

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: the name's Meeping Man. but just call me "Double M".


Jewel: so i guess my sis wants to see

Saphire: the teen titans

Starfire: yes, where is robin and the others double M?

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: well......Raven is being her usual Emo self in her room. all cyborgs doing is lifting weights,which i can't do because i'm a stick man, and Beast boys pecking at my head being a bird.


Starfire: i want jewel here to see robin though

Jewel: *voice over*: yeah this is about the time i see robin meh i guess we became some good friends some kids picked on me saying we were a couple krestal said we were a good couple but meh i dunno

Saphire: neyeh i want jewel to see robin too 8D