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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...*sees the Mu seal near the cherry tree*...huh?..i wonder what this is..*clears up the moss*....there's some kind of writing. "only two who feel the same type of misery can open the seal of Mu".....


Jewel:..NO im not doing anything that will get me into MORE trouble

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: this part of my home....the continent of won't get us into any trouble. all it's doing is lifting thishunk of earth into the sky, thus rebuilding my home town.


Jewel:..this, is where i have been for years..oh forget it *warps to the other side of town*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:.....*puts both his hands in the slots* GAH! BY THE POWER OF THE MURIANS!  I COMMAND YOU! RISE UP INTO THE AIR! CENTINENT OF MU!!!!!

*the continent of mu starts to rise into the air, and every one in teh world can see it rising*


Jewel:..*voice over* thats where my life SLIGHTLY went down hill, a few weeks later i think the robin guy came back with an offer the shoked me...

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:.....*is on teh screens again* People of earth. as you can see there is a floating island above all of you. it is the floating continent of Mu. i'm organizing a plan to re-populate Mu, those of you who want to join me in my plan. use the bridges that are now stretching out.

Double M: *voice over* i dunno why solo was doing this..but he did it for a reason.


Hollow: yes, Solo?

Solo: go to the building that is known as the T. now.

Hollow: yes, Sir. *warps to the T*.....


Jewel:....*sighs* he's doing this, for a reson..wait..why is that guy going to the T?

Light the Hedgehog

Hollow: i am here to move this place to a part of Mu....*lifts it up and puts the island and the T on a remote part of Mu*

Double M: WOW! you can see everything from up here!


Jewel:...the T is part of this area not some other grandfather helped build the T....and the island is  artifstil (lol cant spell) , its not a real island

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: Mu is not a plnet...but it's the 7th continent of earth....


Jewel:....what, you mean the 8th..theres already 7 contenets... north amarica, south amarica,euope,asia,africa,australlia,and antartica -.-

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...good point....actually, if you count antlantis.....than it's the 9th....


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 20, 2009, 08:50:54 AM
Solo:...good point....actually, if you count antlantis.....than it's the 9th....
Jewel: *has an anime tear drop* yeah...right..*eye twiches*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: speaking of which, Antlantis is Mu's sister continent.

*antlantis starts to rise otu of the water*

Solo: that was convenient.