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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Double:.....(makes me wonder why i'm able to get in water with out turning into a blob of ink)......meh.....


jewel: yeeaahh umm i guess we'll go now bai!

Saphire: yeah bai *slowly backs away then runs off*

Jewel: *trips on a rock* OW!

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: uhmm...notice the ()s in between those words before the meh? he has thinking thay, you silly rabit. X3


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 15, 2009, 09:02:25 AM
OOC: uhmm...notice the ()s in between those words before the meh? he has thinking thay, you silly rabit. X3
OOC: i know but they were going to go to some pizza place

Light the Hedgehog

OOC:...meep.... (translation: oh....)

Double M:....what the heck is robin doing?

Robin: *is randomly swimming*


Jewel:..meh cant belive im askin this but do you guys wanna come to some pizza place with us?

Starfire: im sure we'd love to!

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: LIKE HECK YES! *jumps off the top of the "T" and lands with out breaking a single bone*


Jewel:..what about the rest of the err, team? (japanese translated into english: this is gonna turn out well)

Light the Hedgehog

Beast Boy: 8is still pecking at double M's head*

Double M: some day i'm gonna kill this guy. *points at beast boy.


jewel: o.O

Saphire: -.- *waits for jewel*

Light the Hedgehog

Double M:....*shakes Beast Boy off*

Beast Boy: *morphs into himself* OW! WHAT THE HECK, MAN?!


Jewel:...i'll see ya guys later (or soon) *walks to the pizza place*

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: *somehow warps to the pizza place*.....


jewel:..oh god (please dont bring the whole team!)

Saphire: ohey he's here too... ._.