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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Double: no one else barely came..except for starfire and this green creep that's still pecking at mah meeping head!


Starfire: the others are probably going to come in a little while..i dont know

Jewel:..thats...lovely *eye twiches* theres a table over there enough for 8 people

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: *grabs beast boy by the neck and pinches the pressure point that's on the neck*....heh-heh...that oughta keep him off my back for a while


Jewel:....i hope i dont get scrabled in a agument with you guys *sits down

Light the Hedgehog

Beast Boy: *is foaming at the mouth*

Double M: whoa.


Starfire: oh look theres raven!

Raven: dont ask why im here... -.-

Jewel: trust me, i dident want to...

Saphire:... o.o

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: first the greenboy.

Beast Boy: *is still foaming at the mouth*

Double M: then the girl who can shoot green balls out of her hands. and now the emo girl.


Raven:*smacks Double M* the other two are coming in a minuet

Jewel: you mean the robot man then the guy with the cape?

Starfire: cyborg and robin

Jewel: yeah thos guys

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: it's days like this i wish someone can stick a sword through me.

??: that can be arranged.


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 15, 2009, 01:56:41 PM
Double M: it's days like this i wish someone can stick a sword through me.

??: that can be arranged.
Jewel:...i know how you feel double M..( ._.) [japanese translated into english]: besides this might go horrably wrong

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: this following post is a screwy scene where the guy named Solo comes in.

??: *takes off his robe/hood thing-a-ma-bob off and is reveiled to be solo*...

Double M: didn't MegaMan already finish you off?


Jewel:...o.o [japanese translated into english] OH COME ON! im starting to think every time im with you guys something stange happens!





Light the Hedgehog

Solo:.....fooling around is not a good choice..the end is two days the world will be destroyed...*disappears* MUAHAHAHAHA!


Jewel:..good for 2 days is my sisters birthday...

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: uh...EARTH TO JEWEL! no more wold, means no more us. and that means the whole freaking plot will end and everyone will die expect me because i'm just a stick-man drawing that somehow came to life! *record scratches*...did i just say all that out loud...?