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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Jynx: WHAT DO YOU WANT! you keep following me, all i want is the Teen Titans, i'll let this girl..go if you give them to me...yeesh

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:....this is probobly one of tricks.....i can see into your mind. one of the abilities i attained rom my ancestors..who lived on the Continent of Mu....anyway..*dashes at Jynx, read to kill her*


Jynx: *jumps* dash after me i will drop the girl.. *is about to drop Jewel*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:.....*closes eyes*.....*clasps his hands hard and starts chanting in Murian*......


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 23, 2009, 12:12:13 PM
Solo:.....*closes eyes*.....*clasps his hands hard and starts chanting in Murian*......
Jynx: *rolls eyes* hurry up, *rope jynx is holding starts sliping* oops, it's sliping...

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:....*stops chanting*.........CHAOS...........CONTROL....! *warps Jewel down to himself*.....*un-ravels the rope*, jewel. now.


Jewel:..*stays where she is* time for me to stop running, she's more powerful than you think

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:..i can take her...*the symbol of loneliness appears infront of him*......take this! *abosrbs the symbols power and rapidly starts hitting jewel*


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on July 24, 2009, 07:58:48 AM
Solo:..i can take her...*the symbol of loneliness appears infront of him*......take this! *abosrbs the symbols power and rapidly starts hitting jewel*
OOC: you mean

Jynx: *jumps backward* your pretty good..but not good enough *kicks solo then warps inside the T for resons unknown*

Jewel: You stay here, i'll go *warps to the T*

Light the Hedgehog


Jewel: Why did you kill my sister

Jynx: weeeeelll.. maybe because i wanted your powers, or to get closer to the T.T's, you never know..

Jewel:...Stupid way to do that but meh *charges at jynx*

Jynx: *simply punches jewel*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *appears behind Jynx*.....hmph...*knocks jynx into the ceiling* you really think i give up that easy?


Jewel:*starts getting up but faints*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...*notices that Jewel is knocked up* I'M GONNA TEAR YOU IN HALF, JYNX! *starts rapidly PWNING Jynx*


Jewel:*voice over*: i actualy had to go to the hospital for that, for at least 3 weeks, my mother was worried, so was my father, they wanted to move..but they couldent, what with my father being the mayor and all *sigh*