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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Princessofthechaosemerald mean me?..

Jewel: *has a tear drop on side* how many more radom things can i take

Light the Hedgehog

Lucky: i better stop saying stuff like that. and it's COMPLETELY impossible if two hamsters that could somehow talk fell from the sky. o.O *nothing happens* meh...i'm gonna go out side..*goes outside, next thing he knows Hamtaro and Oxnard fall right on him* what the heck?!


Jewel:..yeah..i think we should all leave for a while...

Light the Hedgehog

Lucky:....i hate my life. T_T

Hamtaro: uhm..hi?


Jewel: *picks up lucky* you wont when i start petting you.. *goes inside and starts petting lucky*

Light the Hedgehog


Jewel: *sits on the couch*..hmm..i wonder where their tv is

Starfire: oh it is right there *points at the window which is really the tv screen*

Light the Hedgehog

Hamtaro: what da fira.... @.@

Oxnard: is it just me, or does Kagami (OOC: his owner watches lucky star [but not in the actual hamtaro series. or any other things having to do with hamtaro]) seem WAY past vicous?


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on August 04, 2009, 03:32:45 PM
Hamtaro: what da fira.... @.@

Oxnard: is it just me, or does Kagami (OOC: his owner watches lucky star [but not in the actual hamtaro series. or any other things having to do with hamtaro]) seem WAY past vicous?
Kagami: I HEARD THAT!!

Jewel:... .-.

Light the Hedgehog

Oxnard: anyway, atleast Konata seems nice. yet, addicted to...

Hamtaro: anime and Manga.

Oxnard: and is an expert in-.

Hamtaro: pulling an all nighter? yeah, that's basically her thing. pulling all nighters. an kagami thinks that Konata isn't human.

Oxnard: wow, hamtaro. you sure now your stuff.


Jewel:...well...waaaait..the teen titans have a anime? in is double m..straaaaaaaaange

Light the Hedgehog

Double M:..

Solo: *reappears infront of the giant screen...thing-a-ma-jig*

Princessofthechaosemerald in a tv show.. anyway..hai solo

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: hai. and uhm..i........almost..killed Slade.

Princessofthechaosemerald uncle...HOLY SHET why did you go alone anyway?