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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Laplace: it's basically a beetle. except it's round.

Scarab: *makes a clicking noise*


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 05, 2009, 07:16:44 AM
Laplace: it's basically a beetle. except it's round.

Scarab: *makes a clicking noise*
Jewel:.bleh, i hate bugs

Light the Hedgehog

Laplace: he's actually kind of cute. i'm gonna call him Click. ;D



Starfire: *gives Jewel a comunicater* we forgot to give you this, sorry

Jewel:..don't be, i forget things all the time

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *clicking noise*...*jumps on Jewel's head*


Light the Hedgehog

Click: *starts clicking the teen titans theme for no reason*

Solo: heaven has completely abandoned us.


Jewel:..and why does that sound familiar..the clicking...ohhhhhhh something i compleatly abandond *sings the Tt's theme*

Light the Hedgehog

Click:*jumps off jewel, still making clicking noises*

Laplace: i think he's trynig to tell is something.

Click: *lifts four of his legs*

Laplace: four words.

Click: *lays out blades of grass in the shape of slade*

Laplace: Slade is still alive?!

Click: *clicks happily*

Laplace: well, that isn't good. who knows what he might do next!


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 05, 2009, 11:34:27 AM
Click:*jumps off jewel, still making clicking noises*

Laplace: i think he's trynig to tell is something.

Click: *lifts four of his legs*

Laplace: four words.

Click: *lays out blades of grass in the shape of slade*

Laplace: Slade is still alive?!

Click: *clicks happily*

Laplace: well, that isn't good. who knows what he might do next! stupid uncle



Light the Hedgehog

Click:...? *jumps*....

Laplace: he's says that we should follow him.

Click: *leads us to where Slade is*


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 05, 2009, 11:39:53 AM
Click:...? *jumps*....

Laplace: he's says that we should follow him.

Click: *leads us to where Slade is* never were the nice person of the family, but, you, went to far

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *jumps on slades face, while making angry clicking noises*

Princessofthechaosemerald dont do that!.

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *rips off slade's mask* O_o