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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 05, 2009, 03:43:23 PM
Click: *rips off slade's mask* O_o
Starfire:..he looks exactly like you jewel..

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *starts biting slade's face*

OOC: lol, scarab bites

Laplace: whoa. he's pretty agressive for a little bug his size.


Jewel:..i wanted to keep that a secret *eyes glow yellow* my slade...

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *is still biting Slade's face*

Slade: *grabs click and throws him at the wall*

Laplace: CLICK!


Jewel:..*runs towrd slade with a metal bar * DONT HURT MY FRIENDS *hits slade with bar*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *merges with Laplace*...DIE!

Slade:....hmph. that bug was a mere pest...

CLick *somehow talking*: WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL MEH?!


Jewel:..why, why did you tell me you would be..a hero, you lied * tear runs down cheak* YOU LIED TO ME!

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *clicks very loudly*...*turns red* GRRR!!!! *starts scratching and biting (while eating slade's skin) at slade*

Laplace: jeez, that little bug has a short temper.

Princessofthechaosemerald should be fighting, but, im not strong enough fight

Light the Hedgehog

Laplace: not strong enough?

Click: *cuts saldes head off* I AM CLICK THE SCARAB! DESTROYER OF EVIL!!!


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 06, 2009, 03:57:36 PM
Laplace: not strong enough?

Click: *cuts saldes head off* I AM CLICK THE SCARAB! DESTROYER OF EVIL!!!
Jewel:..yeah..not strong enough...

Light the Hedgehog


Light the Hedgehog

Clicks: *starts eating slade's head* 7@$73$ 1i3k ch1k3n.

(LOL, l33t)


Jewel:..*walks outside* im sure if it....