Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Started by one4all, July 29, 2009, 06:10:45 AM

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Quote from: jkid101094 on October 09, 2011, 11:33:59 PM
I honest think the Wii is full of great games. The Galaxy Series, Brawl, Twillight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Kirby Returns to Dreamland, Sonic Colors...Just to name a few.
Yeah, that's just a small amount of the awesome games you can get, too. But not everyone really has a taste for them. And.. there are alot of bad games on the Wii, too. As with every console.


Quote from: Riko Sapphire on October 10, 2011, 12:59:13 AM
Yeah, that's just a small amount of the awesome games you can get, too. But not everyone really has a taste for them. And.. there are alot of bad games on the Wii, too. As with every console.
Fanboys need to adimt this quote


Quote from: SmashFinale on October 10, 2011, 01:38:27 AM
Fanboys need to adimt this quote
I'm a Nintendo fanboy and always have been. I know there are plenty out there who can admit it, they just like to be stubborn. I often do that.. x3


Quote from: jkid101094 on October 09, 2011, 11:33:59 PM
I honest think the Wii is full of great games. The Galaxy Series, Brawl, Twillight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Kirby Returns to Dreamland, Sonic Colors...Just to name a few.

If your a Hardcore Gamer though, the Content on the Wii is just not enough.


"Hardcore" gamers can easily find fun in the content the Wii provides. it's just about providing a change of pace. Some people are like I said, just far too stubborn to even touch the thing.

I agree in a certain aspect though. There are barely any games (Though the presence is more than often welcome) of a more hardcore nature on the console because of the way it's marketed. This is... both good and bad.


Quote from: Riko Sapphire on October 10, 2011, 05:37:56 AM
"Hardcore" gamers can easily find fun in the content the Wii provides. it's just about providing a change of pace. Some people are like I said, just far too stubborn to even touch the thing.

I agree in a certain aspect though. There are barely any games (Though the presence is more than often welcome) of a more hardcore nature on the console because of the way it's marketed. This is... both good and bad.

there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
many franchises missing out the Wii.

While the Wii only has got heavy downgraded versions and first party titles.


Quote from: {The Lovely Kyo}~ on October 10, 2011, 05:43:49 AM
there are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
many franchises missing out the Wii.

While the Wii only has got heavy downgraded versions and first party titles.
It also got a very fair share of third party exclusives, or even great alternatives. Not all of it was as such- "Downgraded". That's just the illusion given when you don't bother to play the same game twice. I know I wouldn't- and I know you pose a good point- the Wii misses out on alot. But the other consoles also miss out on alot. 

Then again, before i start running in circles, never settle for one. I'd take two different options. I Buy a Wii for what it provides- because I love what it provides (Even though it's basically an alien among the other Nintendo consoles, it sure has it's place). Then I go for another option as well, taking the "Best of both worlds", and then you can really call yourself a 'true' gamer. None of that hard core crap.
To be honest, you can't rate a platform that easily, unless it's flaws hold it back. At a disadvantage graphically maybe that is so- but developers love to prove us wrong.  And they often do.

The console will soon give it's life, but it would certainly age gracefully to ALOT of people.

So really, you need to look at the bigger picture. having more of the same game on every console isn't fun, because it gives one no room, or rather no reason to move.


Quote from: Riko Sapphire on October 10, 2011, 05:59:05 AM
It also got a very fair share of third party exclusives, or even great alternatives. Not all of it was as such- "Downgraded". That's just the illusion given when you don't bother to play the same game twice. I know I wouldn't- and I know you pose a good point- the Wii misses out on alot. But the other consoles also miss out on alot. 

Then again, before i start running in circles, never settle for one. I'd take two different options. I Buy a Wii for what it provides- because I love what it provides (Even though it's basically an alien among the other Nintendo consoles, it sure has it's place). Then I go for another option as well, taking the "Best of both worlds", and then you can really call yourself a 'true' gamer. None of that hard core crap.
To be honest, you can't rate a platform that easily, unless it's flaws hold it back. At a disadvantage graphically maybe that is so- but developers love to prove us wrong.  And they often do.

The console will soon give it's life, but it would certainly age gracefully to ALOT of people.

So really, you need to look at the bigger picture. having more of the same game on every console isn't fun, because it gives one no room, or rather no reason to move.

Like the PS2 with FIFA and Singstar.


Already pre-ordered this game. I hoping I get my money's worth. Shouldn't disappoint though. I haven't played a LOZ game that has.


Quote from: LunarShadow on October 26, 2011, 05:56:23 PM
Already pre-ordered this game. I hoping I get my money's worth. Shouldn't disappoint though. I haven't played a LOZ game that has.

Just one more day!

I can't wait, they said that the controls don't feel gimickey, like some of the wii games.

Quote from: Riko Sapphire on October 10, 2011, 12:59:13 AM
Yeah, that's just a small amount of the awesome games you can get, too. But not everyone really has a taste for them. And.. there are alot of bad games on the Wii, too. As with every console.


This and Mario come out on the same day... *Picks Mario*


QuoteSo...I finally beat the game...I like it. A lot.

I have to say the story was really decent. Not too good but not the worst. As Jordan said, when the Water Dragon told me to prove myself again my first thought was, "didn't I already do that"?

The third dungeon...I hate it soooo much. For me I have it tedious and overall boring, granted, I didn't know much about taking out the enemies at the time. Things looked up once I figured out the secret to killing the Beamos but it still wasn't enough for me. All for a boss that was more pathetic than Queen Ghoma. My God.

The fights with Ghirahim should have been Mini-Boss fights. They weren't all that interesting and generally just involved me slashing randomly, hoping for a hit. Seeing him instead of a boss may have been one of the most disappointing moments in a Zelda game for me.

As odd as it may sound I'm a big fan of symmetry. I like to have things practically different while still being the same over all. How the order you traveled to the worlds changed during the"gathering of the flames" and the first time you visited changed kinda poked that pet peeve of mine. Also going to say, the forest, in order get into a temple in Eldin was kinda annoying. And the fact that the water dragon got more spotlight than the other two. A rather dumb complaint but one I noticed. It doesn't affect my view of the game in the slightest. I don't dock points for affecting my pet peeves.

I HATED the fights with "The Imprisoned". They seemed more like a Mini-Game than a boss fight and they were just annoying. Those feet...THOSE FEET. Ugh. >.<

Also, riddle me this...When I think of Farore I think of green. Green reminds me of trees, grass, plants. You know, the stuff Ocarina of Time tells us she created herself. When I think of Din I think of Red. Fire, Lava, Volcanos. That kind of stuff. When I think of Nayru I think of blue. The sky, water, etc...So why, in the blazing blue hell, did they represent Nayru with a desert? I'm aware that the desert was a plain or something in the past and they should have just stuck with that. I personally find it more appealing and looking at all that sand...I enjoy seeing more than one color. It just makes no sense to me.

In the beginning Fi was adorable. I loved her "robotic" personality and that whole "85%" thing she did all the time...then she started stopping me in the middle of dungeons to tell me my life was low or that I had to do something absolutely obvious. I swear, she's like Navi if Navi said more than 5 words. It was kinda sad to see her go. It's funny to think that she's in every game though, sitting and counting your battle percentages to herself.

I kinda hated how the world's seemed to lack..."life". I mean In Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker there were towns all over, dozens of shops. Caves and side places to explore...in SS there was...Skyloft? As great of a place as it is it doesn't make up for the under abundance of civilization. I guess that's to be expected from it's place in the timeline, though.

I hated the motion controls. Jabs and upward-vertical slashes were near impossible to pull off and half the time the game didn't know where my Wiimote was. I don't mind recentering the cursor but please don't detect my movements wrong. I guess laying down didn't help, though.

I wish the harp was more like the Ocarina. There was seriously no point to even playing it other than having the obligatory, musical item.

The upgrade system was pretty awesome and the adventure pouch was a neat concept. These two things Nintendo should keep. However, I feel the ability to buy and upgrade shields and other items kinda gave the developers a bit less to use for puzzles. Mainly the absence of the Mirror Shield. Gotta miss that Mirror Shield.

My favorite tool HAS to be the Beetle simply because you get it so early on and it's so useful, especially when upgrading it. I found myself using it much more than arrows or the slingshot.

Ignoring Girahim, which I've already covered, the bosses were..."neat" to say the least. The first two were much less than impressive, the third was just annoying, the 4th (my personal favorite) should have tried out for Monster Inc. and not Zelda, the parasite boss (5th?) also suffers from this and was just a waste of time and an excuse for an aerial battle, the final Girahim battle was fun though the third phase was annoying and Demise...while powerful, was just pathetic. If not for his BS lightning both that ALWAYS get in your way he'd be pushover. Seriously, he may be EASIER than Queen Ghoma, provided you can take the hit every so often. Also, Demise is a cliche name. Just throwing that out there.

I think that's everything. Sorry if my post is jumbled or makes little sense. It's 5 in the morning here and I'm rather tired.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o