You know what I hate about Role Plays?

Started by DatzAmorayEX, July 30, 2009, 09:03:59 AM

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Quote from: DatzAmorayEX on July 30, 2009, 09:03:59 AM
1.Insane god modding

I hate how alot of people make fan characters so impossibly powerful, like they have god-like powers!

"I'm (Random Name) The Hedgehog! I have a colossal attack power of infinity! I can destroy reality and all of manking with only a gesture! I can fly! I can run around the world in a split second! And I have hyper chaos powers that transform me into the god, (Another Random Name). I am also immune to everything! Everyone bow down to the awesome power of (Random Name) The Hedgehog!"

It's just not right. Not right at all. I never saw one fan character that is normal, with no special powers, whatsoever. it just takes the fun out of role-playing, when you have a god for a friend, who destroys the mani villain, when you just announce it, the end! *sigh...*

2. Killing off characters out of nowhere

Stupid. Idiotic. Mind blowing. Not Fun. Nuff said.

"So, where exactly are we supposed to go again...?"

"*Stabs ??? with a dagger* Nighty night, someone-I-just-saw-off-the-streets-and-decided-to-kill-him-for-no-reason.... *Turns the dagger, then ??? dies*"

"...dude... what the hell?"

It's basically self-explanitory on how stupid that is.

3. Destroying things, even though you're not supposed to yet.

Do people have enough patience to wait for the main character to cue an attack on something? Do they!?

"Okay, in order to proceed onto getting Eggman, we need to destroy these generators. One of them must be located somewhere around here..."

"*Warps out, destroys all of the generators, kills Eggman, then warps back* The battle is over now. Now rest our heroes!"


It just makes something that at least usually 2 hours, done all in 2 seconds! THUMBS DOWN

4 FTW. Adding things into the storyline, thus, changing the atmosphere of the story.

Let the main character make it up on his own, as it goes, you little trolls! Don't add your own stuff, unless if it's your own story, or if it's rolling along with the storyline!

"Great, Eggman's going to destroy the whole city, if we don't stop him!"

"*Destroys the entire planet, leaving the earth just a bunch of flying space rocks*"

"OOC: Okay man, GTFO."


Which links up to:

5. Annoying character who just won't go away, no matter how many times you tell him/her to!

Spammer uses "World Oblivion!"

It's Super Effective!

Johnny's RP has fainted!

"*Uses chaos spear to destroy a continent full of people.*"

"OOC: I'm sorry but, you need to leave. You're not following up in the story. we've had enough of this!"

"OOC: %*&% YOU!"

"*Uses a bat to bludgeon Louie* HOME RUN, MOTHERF*CKER!"

"OOC: URRRRRGH!!! Go away, man! Your're making everyone leave!"

"OOC: GO @%*^ Yourself!" "*Does something very dirty*"


"OOC: NO U!" "*Uses an energy ball to blow up all of mankind and existance, except himself*"

These guys just put RPs down the crapper, basically  :-\.

That's all I have about what I hate about role-plays in general so far... I'll post more on what else I hate about role-plays, once I think of more on... Tell me about what you hate about role-plays too, if you want. That's why this topic is here!

probably took you a lot of time to type that +1

and michael is like that though..>.> i dont mean to be rude but ehh he is like that...

and heeeeyyyyy~ your back!

i cant say that i am the perfect rper though


Quote from: ChaosDazer on July 30, 2009, 10:58:52 PM
Hey, yourrrr back!

That's why I stopped. Because there was never a plot.

And you people don't detail your posts.

Exactly why I stopped RPing on here.  ._.


Quote from: Elana-The-hedgehog on July 31, 2009, 07:19:33 AM
probably took you a lot of time to type that +1

and michael is like that though..>.> i dont mean to be rude but ehh he is like that...

and heeeeyyyyy~ your back!

i cant say that i am the perfect rper though

Lol, yeah, I had some fun typing this up (Mainly because of the quotes, not because they're real, but to proove my point.)

And yeah ^^, thanks for noticing that i'm back  :).

I'm no perfect RPer either, i'm more of a follower than a leader.
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."

Light the Hedgehog

Quote from: xaio on July 30, 2009, 10:28:49 AM
i'm sorry, to point you guys out, but yeah, light, ben, and a couple of other ppl do that. it gets annoying, but i say nothing.. sorry guys.
nie going, Xaio. -_-


Quote from: DatzAmorayEX on August 01, 2009, 08:23:18 AM
Lol, yeah, I had some fun typing this up (Mainly because of the quotes, not because they're real, but to proove my point.)

And yeah ^^, thanks for noticing that i'm back  :).

I'm no perfect RPer either, i'm more of a follower than a leader.
same here

i do make rp's though...they never end up makeing any sence though...


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on August 01, 2009, 08:38:18 AM
nice going, Xaio. -_-
sorry, i just had to. it was stuck since you made like, your 30'th rp topic..sorry.

wtf? i jsut noticed!! RENDEL'S NOT ON HERE!!!
i thank rendel for the sexy pic he drew me!!
cartoon ver.

i JIMP'd ~Jizzed In My Pants~ cause
John (same name <333)
(runnin outta space so you know who you are) ARE EPICALL!!!!


generic the heghog; *laughs* your going down *kills eggman*

Nick the Hedgehog

i have god like powers when i rp,but i dont be a total dick,and i am easily bored so you dont have to deal with me


I never get too out of hand. I do add random stuff to other peoples RPs though... :(
But all mine have somekind of plot or some kind of awsome gimick.  ;D

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 01, 2009, 03:54:39 PM
I never get too out of hand. I do add random stuff to other peoples RPs though... :(
But all mine have somekind of plot or some kind of awsome gimick.  ;D

By 'awesome gimmick' do you mean 'every character has flame swords'?


Quote from: Elija2 on August 01, 2009, 04:01:43 PM
By 'awesome gimmick' do you mean 'every character has flame swords'?

No by awsome gimick I mean RPG styled play or something like "The Hunt" were I give you scenarios to choose from and hunt you down like a madmad. :D

I'm a very creative child. ;D

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Light the Hedgehog

besides, i've become a more MATURE roleplayer..that is, until BEN pisses me off.


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on August 01, 2009, 04:11:19 PM
besides, i've become a more MATURE roleplayer..that is, until BEN pisses me off.

Mature RP people don't use script format

Oh, who said that?
witty sig caption

Light the Hedgehog


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 01, 2009, 03:54:39 PM
I never get too out of hand. I do add random stuff to other peoples RPs though... :(
But all mine have somekind of plot or some kind of awsome gimick.  ;D
if you mean by "plot" it's writing ridiculously long parts for simple rp's , then yeah. the only time when it's rlly time to make those long ones (not trying to put you on blast[DAMMIT!! STOOPID  TOM JOYNER IN THE MORNIN!!!] or anything) is when you have a gigantic battlealso, to make it easier, you should do this

zapo: hey jkid

jkid: hey (slaps zapo)

zapo: okay..mhmmm.....(shoots jkid) 

jkid: (gets bazooka, and shoots zapo)

zapo: (gets in ROFL copter, and fires 5 ROFL missles at him, and liek, three hit)I WIN!!!!

jkid: (pops outta explosion ) [okay these are the lesson parenthesis,okay? so, ppl it's okay to be invincible in my rp's, the only thing is, you can only be invincible about 5 times, from getting smashed, explosions, drowning, getting shot {reviving counts as one invincibility point} spikes, etc, okay??]  I'M BACK!!! (jkid losses 1 invincibility point,4 remaining) (fires a grenade at zapo, a blows him 70 miles)
[okay guys, now, you saw ow i shot MISSLES the other stuff was like "minor " damage, k? the missles made a BIG EXPLOSION , not a bazooka blast,  the bazooka blast fortunately  takes up no invincibility points , but you can't just constantly collateral damage ppl until they run outta points, only 1 collateral damage every 5 pages, otherrwise, we'd all be dead in my rp's.] 
zapo: (runs back, and becomes a momodo)ZAKAIR!! (or ZAKARE, i dunno blasts) (jkid) (zapo used one invincibility point. he now has 4)
[okay, so that is the end of this tutorial; about MY invincibility pont, and restrictions, so yeah, sorry for this , but jkid, i wanted to help you, now all you have to do is use YOUR ppl in this format, okay?]

Post Merge: August 02, 2009, 10:45:51 AM

Quote from: ChaosDazer on August 02, 2009, 12:33:30 AM
Mature RP people don't use script format

that's not cool, almost EVERYONE USES THAT.. even me, and i'm turnin 13, and i'm VERY mature!

wtf? i jsut noticed!! RENDEL'S NOT ON HERE!!!
i thank rendel for the sexy pic he drew me!!
cartoon ver.

i JIMP'd ~Jizzed In My Pants~ cause
John (same name <333)
(runnin outta space so you know who you are) ARE EPICALL!!!!