Fan characters?

Started by Xephious, August 08, 2009, 12:03:11 PM

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I 'unno if this is the right place to post this.. *Tweeeetch*
So basically, Post a picture of your fanchar.. I guess?
Warning- This sprite isn't done, It is missing the cloak, and the robotic arm. Also, I screwed up a bit on the tail when ripping it... keekeekee.

Also, the bangs are a bit screwed up.
You have 384 characters remaining in your message.
" proof of the phrase "crazy like a fox"" ~STP


Here is mine...

I lke your FC!

it has many tails XD.



Quote from: blazerh44 on August 08, 2009, 04:16:22 PM
NightFire the Hedgehog

This is the only recolor I liked my whole life.


Haha thanks, but why? Cuz I added clothes, or made him move?


Wow, those are .. pretty good.. o_o
Also, If I see a FC that odviously took half a second to make, I'mma eat them.
You have 384 characters remaining in your message.
" proof of the phrase "crazy like a fox"" ~STP


this is mine ferox the firehog


i have many FC's too many,so ill just post the twins(rendel & shube) :3

rendel is the skinny one and shube is teh chubby one,despite the fact they are twins.they also rarely get along.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


You have 384 characters remaining in your message.
" proof of the phrase "crazy like a fox"" ~STP

darkness shadow

aurum the hedgehog
blade the fox, pheer the rubbish sword
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


*omnomnoms Darkness Shadow* >_<
...Meh... I could help with the sword... Mabye.
You have 384 characters remaining in your message.
" proof of the phrase "crazy like a fox"" ~STP

darkness shadow

Quote from: Xephious on August 12, 2009, 04:57:37 AM
*omnomnoms Darkness Shadow* >_<
...Meh... I could help with the sword... Mabye.

O_o get of me... and thnx
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


lol okay, get ready for picture rape.
These are from newest drawings to oldest  (basically, they get crappier the farther down you scroll)

Nova the Virus:

My Twin characters, Equinox - H-711 (male) && Solstice - H-710 (female) the Hedgehog(s):

Faye the Cat (Manx to be exact) (one of my "main" charas):

Taze the Angler Fish (another one of my "main" charas):

Beatrix (Bea) the Hedgewolf (HOLY SHIT NEEDS REDRAW):

Sophie the Hedgehog (this is the most recent decent picture I have of her  xD  but she's also one of my main cahras):

Starfire the Fox (you guys haven't heard much about her):

-------------------------- ((below this line, pictures start SUCKING))

Haya the Hedgefly (the other chara isn't mine.  This was done using a base, so basically, I just added extra details to the body and colored lol):

Cherry the Bobcat (lmfaoooo  this is like the only pic of her.  NEEDS REDRAW NAO):

Venus the Rabbit:

Spectrum the Spirit/Ghost:

Kay the Penguin:

Siarra the Tiger:

Quote from: Xephious on August 09, 2009, 07:48:13 AM
Wow, those are .. pretty good.. o_o
Also, If I see a FC that odviously took half a second to make, I'mma eat them.
Did mine take .5 seconds to make?  D:


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 12, 2009, 06:28:43 AM
lol okay, get ready for picture rape.
These are from newest drawings to oldest  (basically, they get crappier the farther down you scroll)

Nova the Virus:

My Twin characters, Equinox - H-711 (male) && Solstice - H-710 (female) the Hedgehog(s):

Faye the Cat (Manx to be exact) (one of my "main" charas):

Taze the Angler Fish (another one of my "main" charas):

Beatrix (Bea) the Hedgewolf (HOLY SHIT NEEDS REDRAW):

Sophie the Hedgehog (this is the most recent decent picture I have of her  xD  but she's also one of my main cahras):

Starfire the Fox (you guys haven't heard much about her):

-------------------------- ((below this line, pictures start SUCKING))

Haya the Hedgefly (the other chara isn't mine.  This was done using a base, so basically, I just added extra details to the body and colored lol):

Cherry the Bobcat (lmfaoooo  this is like the only pic of her.  NEEDS REDRAW NAO):

Venus the Rabbit:

Spectrum the Spirit/Ghost:

Kay the Penguin:

Siarra the Tiger:

Did mine take .5 seconds to make?  D:

O...M...F...G.......make me an anime! :D

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


lmao FC battle

Below Are ALL my FC's

Natalie the Echidna

Crypt And Sarah

Lenard the Echidwolf

Jack The Echidna

Razor (formally know as blade) The Hedgehog

Eclipse The Wolf

Jamie The Kangaroo

and my Newest Terry The Wolf

~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~