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Female Gamers!!!!!!

Started by SuperBrawl10, August 21, 2009, 01:49:38 PM

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Quote from: Snooky on August 22, 2009, 07:30:12 AM
Girls don't play video games.

And Draco is a man.
I love you too.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 21, 2009, 03:36:04 PM
Rofl thanks?

I don't think that just because I'm a girl and I play games, that there's anything special about me.
I have the same brain structure as a male.  I'm not smarter or better at games than them.  In fact, I'm denser and suck at games.  :P
I could see it if games were like some big secret that was kept from girls, then I guess that would be something to brag about?  lol
But it's not.
Everyone has the same access to games, and in that way, everyone is equal.
It really doesn't matter.
I'm not saying that girls who play video games are better than evryone else. What i'm saying is that it's different to see girls play video games cause you don't see girls play as much or know as much about video games than you do about guys. Hopefully everyone understands that i'm not saying girls are better than everyone else just because they play video games.


Quote from: SuperBrawl10 on August 22, 2009, 09:28:55 AM
I'm not saying that girls who play video games are better than evryone else. What i'm saying is that it's different to see girls play video games cause you don't see girls play as much or know as much about video games than you do about guys. Hopefully everyone understands that i'm not saying girls are better than everyone else just because they play video games.

Kk, thanks for the clarification. It's true, there aren't many girl gamers, but like I said, most aren't very discreet about it. They have to announce it to the world... But that's not to say all of them are that way.


Hey I'm down with girl gamers. All gamers are equal in my opinion


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 21, 2009, 03:15:49 PM
Uhhmmm... Okay... I personally don't like female gamers as a generality because of the following reason:

90% ALWAYS come on and start saying: "Oh my gawd! I'm a girl and I'm playing Halo (or any other online game), isn't that so weird? I'm so much cooler than you because I'm a girl playing video games, and I'm a GIRL! Did I mention I was playing video games and that I'm a girl!? Yeah, aren't you just so jealous? Like, oh my gawd! Did I mention I'm a girl playing video games!?" in a very "cheerleaderly" voice (Draco will know what I'm talking about).


I like the other 10% that realize that guys and girls are equal in 99.999999% of all things and just play the game. They are the cool, nice girls. Example of this type of gaming girl is Draco.

So yeah, that's my take on the subject.
Good point. I think next time when i ask a question like this i should take into consideration what other people would say and elabrate more on the subject rather than typing it and sounding like i'm steriotyping.

Post Merge: August 22, 2009, 03:57:34 PM

Quote from: annoyinglad on August 22, 2009, 09:30:36 AM
Kk, thanks for the clarification. It's true, there aren't many girl gamers, but like I said, most aren't very discreet about it. They have to announce it to the world... But that's not to say all of them are that way.
I'm glad someone understands.


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 21, 2009, 03:15:49 PM
Uhhmmm... Okay... I personally don't like female gamers as a generality because of the following reason:

90% ALWAYS come on and start saying: "Oh my gawd! I'm a girl and I'm playing Halo (or any other online game), isn't that so weird? I'm so much cooler than you because I'm a girl playing video games, and I'm a GIRL! Did I mention I was playing video games and that I'm a girl!? Yeah, aren't you just so jealous? Like, oh my gawd! Did I mention I'm a girl playing video games!?" in a very "cheerleaderly" voice (Draco will know what I'm talking about).


I like the other 10% that realize that guys and girls are equal in 99.999999% of all things and just play the game. They are the cool, nice girls. Example of this type of gaming girl is Draco.

So yeah, that's my take on the subject.

i agree with the 90% one :o


Quote from: nkansah1 on August 23, 2009, 11:53:33 AM
i agree with the 90% one :o

Wait, so you don't agree that 10% percent of female gamers are smart and realize that guys and girls are 99.9999999% the same?


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 23, 2009, 11:57:00 AM
Wait, so you don't agree that 10% percent of female gamers are smart and realize that guys and girls are 99.9999999% the same?

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nooo noo noo noo nooo im not saying that i dont agree with the 10% one im just saying i mostly agree more with the 90% one cause eh youll just understand when u visit my school ur gunna say lolwut?(im not being mean to girls they are smart and relise were 99.9999999% the same im just... o.e do you get what im tryng to say?)

                              ( SORRY GIRL GAMERS IF I OFFENDED U IN ANY WAY D:)  :-[ :-[ :-[


Quote from: nkansah1 on August 23, 2009, 12:07:54 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nooo noo noo noo nooo im not saying that i dont agree with the 10% one im just saying i mostly agree more with the 90% one cause eh youll just understand when u visit my school ur gunna say lolwut?(im not being mean to girls they are smart and relise were 99.9999999% the same im just... o.e do you get what im tryng to say?)

                              ( SORRY GIRL GAMERS IF I OFFENDED U IN ANY WAY D:)  :-[ :-[ :-[

No... But let's not fight about this. I don't wanna get into an argument and end up hating eachother for something stupid.


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 23, 2009, 12:10:43 PM
No... But let's not fight about this. I don't wanna get into an argument and end up hating eachother for something stupid.

ok(im saying the abbreviated part right here cause i dont wanna be accused of spamming)


Quote from: nkansah1 on August 23, 2009, 12:12:29 PM
ok(im saying the abbreviated part right here cause i dont wanna be accused of spamming)

Well, as long as it participates to the conversation, it's not spam. If you just said that randomly, it would be. So having said just ok there would have been fine. Not to some of the uber strict mods for some reason though...


Quote from: SuperBrawl10 on August 21, 2009, 01:49:38 PM
I think that girls who play video games are FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!! Cause mostly guys play video games so to all of those female gamers...I salute you. :D
why thankyou good sir



put it simple, girls are better then guys, but guys are the providers for girls 8D WE give them the cash and love, they pwn and r teh beautys, and they bring our sons and daughters -bets that someone with incorrectly read this and think im insulting them- -waits for the flameing-


Quote from: XtheHedgehog on August 23, 2009, 02:19:04 PM
put it simple, girls are better then guys, but guys are the providers for girls 8D WE give them the cash and love, they pwn and r teh beautys, and they bring our sons and daughters -bets that someone with incorrectly read this and think im insulting them- -waits for the flameing-

I didn't incorrectly read it, but I still find it offensive...

1. All people are equal.
2. The female gender is capable of more than you claim.
3. Women can provide for men, just as much as women. Just like men can be the stay-at-home-parent.
4. All of these things and more are why I personally have learned to sew and cook. They are valuable skills, yes. But should I ever get married, I would like my wife to have the option of being the working or stay-at-home spouse.

But yeah, I interpreted that how you meant it to be, I just have those points I wanted to say.