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Started by Jordan teh Echidna, August 24, 2009, 03:28:49 AM

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Quote from: NiGHTS on November 07, 2009, 02:21:34 AM
in your opinion

but after a cliff hanger the next part HAS to be 2X bettur x3
That's whut makes it evil :P
Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on November 07, 2009, 03:18:15 AM
-1 Michael for saying that >:C you can't be in every single chapter y'know! You're in the next one!

The glitter of hope which caught Mikey's eye was in his trouser/ pants pocket, the two power rings which he got from Jet and Guy. "Everyone, quickly grab onto me!" he said, holding his arms out. "Uhhh Mikey, we may be dying in a few seconds but we don't really need to hug each other!" complained Jet, crossing his arms. Everyone else grabbed onto Mikey except Jet...who was trying to fly out but all he did was flip and land back on his head, knocking him out. Mikey quickly grabbed him along with the others, the spikes reaching their necks, and then he shouted "CHAOS CONTROL!!" He quickly dragged the still bodies behind the spiked wall and chaos control finished as sudden as it had started. Everyone unfroze and came out of their frightened poses, then ran down the staircases, unaware that they were crossing through the spotlights and setting the alarms off. They quickly managed to jump out of emergency closing big metal door, though it took a few more seconds than usual to drag Jet out. After getting out, there were three bad things standing in their way, Jeexx, Michael, and a mysterious Darkness Chaos-hog, which looked like shadow, with darkness emanating from him. Rendel recognised him immediately "You...what are YOU doing here!?" he shouted, growling... Everyone got ready for a huge battle, Mikey spiked up his spines, Shadic, Rendel and Dracoslythe prepared for a lot of karate, and Guy spread out his arms ready to attack...the showdown was about to begin...
Can't....Wait for the next chapter!!

Jordan teh Echidna

For about 3 minutes no one moved, they just stared each other down until someone would move...Eventually Jet blinked and Michael shouted "HAH! YOU BLINKED!" Jet shouted back "YOU BET I DID! I COULD BEAT YOU IN A BLINKING CONTEST ANYDAY!!" and Michael replied with "YOU'RE ON!!" then all you could see from those two was infinite blinking. Rendel then started the fight with a kick in Michael's jaw while he was blinking. Shadic then punched his nuts and Mikey spinballed Jeexx, but missed as Jeexx jumped out of the way. Guy jumped next to the Darkness Shadow and punched it in the face, his fist going right through it "Whoah!! What in the B'Jesus are you?!" he said. The darkness Shadow grabbed his arm, twisted it and threw him into the air, jumped and kicked his stomach until Guy flew into the wall behind him. After Jeexx came back down from the air, he grabbed one of Mikey's spines and dragged him across the floor then threw Mikey in front of him and punched his PINGAS so hard Mikey screamed like a girl. Shadic quickly then jumped over to Jeexx and kicked his face, knocking him down hard then spindashed Michael, but missed as Michael held onto Shadic while she was spindashing and kicked her like a football into the closed metal door behind him. Rendel then got his scythe out of nowhere, struck it into the ground, hung off of it horizontally like a flag and then spun around, kicking Jeexx and Michael at the same time.
Jet was quivering in the shadows all this time still blinking by the way.
Anyways, Rendel then picked up Jeexx and Michael and clonked their heads together SO hard that it knocked them out...twice...
While Mikey was recovering from the PINGAS punch, he saw a little shine just ahead of him, quite far, but in some of the dark parts of the cave that they were in. He slowly made his way to the shine, dodging the fight and kicking Jeexx's back so hard with immense force, knocking Jeexx out cold. He saw the shine growing closer and more clearer, it looked like some kind of gold arched shape...he got a little closer and saw it was the legendary golden scythe!! He never thought he'd see it, as much as he'd want to, he thought it would be somewhere in a barren desert but Rendel was right, Dracoslythe and put it somewhere near her house. Mikey saw that the scythe was planted firmly into the cold hard ground, surrounded by slippery stalagmites and on one little piece of ground in the middle of an endless fall to certain death...which was kind of over reactive security to him. He slowly trudged between two stalagmites and held onto them, making sure not to slip into the abyss. While this was going on, Michael and the darkness shadow had to fend off Shadic, Rendel and an injured but dedicated Guy. Michael got out two magnums, this time with real bullets and tried to shoot Rendel, he dodged two but one skimmed his torso and burnt a little tuft of his fur off, leaving a weak spot. Rendel pole vaulted off of his scythe over Michael, dodging all of his bullets, he landed behind him, ducked under a kick then grabbed Michael's leg, bent it back, breaking Michael's leg, then threw him behind him on top of Jeexx, both of them now knocked out. Shadic kicked the darkness Shadow, then punched it and homing missiled it, but all of these attempts failed as they all just went straight through him like he really WAS just a dark Shadow. None of the attacks worked! Rendel then barely saw Mikey hanging onto stalagmites in the distance and thought that he was falling "Shadic, you distract the darkness shadow!" he shouted, running after Mikey. He jumped over the stalagmites and landed right behind Mikey on a tiny piece of ground. "Mikey, quick! Grab my hand!" he shouted. Mikey didn't hold his hand out...all he did was point his hand behind Rendel, his eyes looked up...then he fell...into the everlasting darkness...the object which caused this horrible  scene stood in Mikey's place, The Darkness Shadow! Rendel thought how the Darkness Shadow could get there so quickly...he also saw Shadic, lying on the ground bleeding around her face. Rendel looked where Mikey had pointed and right behind him he saw the one thing that he thought he would never ever see again in his whole life, the one thing which he thought was eternally lost. The Golden scythe!! Rendel grabbed the scythe and threw away his old one into the abyss. Suddenly Rendel started to shine, he started to glow and sparkle all over! Rendel turned completely gold, his hair spiked up behind him and he somehow could hover over ground...he had become...Super Rendel! The wolf flew over to the darkness Shadow and struck him with a solid hard blow across the head with his golden scythe, shooting the shadow backwards into the wall behind him. Rendel then realized that the one thing he didn't do, the one thing which he needed to defeat the darkness shadow at that time last year, was the golden scythe, and belief in himself that he could defeat this horrible fiend. The darkness flew over to Rendel...but didn't attack him! Instead, what he did was hold his hand out, like in a hand shake position "'ve beaten me...for the second time! I'm calling a truce!" he said in a shaky voice. Rendel held his hand out to shake the darkness's hand but suddenly it twisted it's hand round, turned it into a fist, and Rendel found himself clawing at the air gasping for breath! The one thing that Rendel didn't expect from this bad guy was the thing he knew he could've brought out a lightsaber!! The darkness kicked the scythe out of Rendel's hand and it flew down the cliff, where Mikey had fallen, making Rendel defenceless and made him turn back into normal Rendel again! He then dropped Rendel near the edge of the cliff and stood right in front of him, ready for any attack. Rendel then shouted "No! NOO!! You killed my BROTHER!!!". He was getting much more angrier now. Then somehow all the darkness drained from the darkness shadow and revealed Rendel's biggest surprise ever...a bright blue hedgehog with scratches and blood across his face..."No Rendel...I...AM your brother!! LEDNER!! The brother you left to DIE in the hands of a WEREWOLF!!" Surprisingly Rendel didn't shout NOOOOO, but instead let him finish. There's no way out may have destroyed my army, and my home, but you have not destroyed me" the dark hedgehog stood sideways, his bloodshot eyes angrily glaring at the defenceless wolf, whose scythe had been knocked out of his paw and off of the cliff that they were standing on. Rendel had been following this hedgehog ever since the Sonic Zone had fallen into darkness and it had led him to the underworld. On the way he had discovered his most prized possession which was now lost, and he knew the end of the battle was near, but he did not want to give up so he jumped at the hedgehog and got his paw ready to strike the evil figure. Suddenly in a few seconds a chill fell down his spine as he saw darkness cover the thing he knew there was a huge bang, a flash of dark smoke and an increase of speed of the wind in his face...he had fallen...

"You did the right thing ledner... what I want to quickly know come you look like wolf in all the pictures you feature in, and your brother is a wolf, but NOW you are a hedgehog?"
"shut up..."
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Someones been workin overtime :0

Haha nice work


Way moar epic i could have had expected!




Nightshade the hedgehog

once made by killer ,redone by supersonic196 ,thanx guys :)
yes i am,thanx firestar :)
thanks mikey thanks ecco
fan of ashura ,made by teh shadicz ,thanks for it :)

Jordan teh Echidna

And so begins the rest of the SPRITES!!

To carry on i'll need these sprite sheets:
Dracoslythe (optional)
Rendel's scythe
Michael the Hedgehog

Pesterchum = sirJayden


DIE MIKEY!!!!!!!
I'm soooooo gonna own yer ass!!!

+3 for:
Making a Jeexx sprite sheet.
For making a sprite comic of Jeexx fighting Mikey.
And for the last:
Because this will make *spoiler free* moar epic!


Quote from: jeexx on November 11, 2009, 05:03:19 PM
DIE MIKEY!!!!!!!
I'm soooooo gonna own yer ass!!!

+3 for:
Making a Jeexx sprite sheet.
For making a sprite comic of Jeexx fighting Mikey.
And for the last:
Because this will make *spoiler free* moar epic!

your really looking foward to that *spoiler free* bit arn't you?

but yea that sprite comic style is pretty ossum lookinz


Quote from: NiGHTS on November 12, 2009, 09:37:03 AM
your really looking foward to that *spoiler free* bit arn't you?

but yea that sprite comic style is pretty ossum lookinz

Why wouldn't i looking forward to it?
It's the best thing that's happening to me anytime soon.

Jordan teh Echidna

wait wut *spoiler free* bit are we talkin' bout?
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Blue Rider

Can I still Sign up? I want to be Good guy or maybe a evil to good!
Rider Style:Made by me!!
Thanks to Gleech for this awesome status card


Yo Mikey!

You working on this or not?
I wants to read the next chapter!!!