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Started by Jordan teh Echidna, August 24, 2009, 03:28:49 AM

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Quote from: NiGHTS on September 06, 2009, 12:10:25 AM
lol niice you always make people crack...

by that i mean laugh or give in no drugs involved <_<>_>

8D yay *waits at laptop with much anticapation

I know, I'm good like that.

witty sig caption

Jordan teh Echidna

Lol you kept asking me and asking me, then ya did the puppy dog eyes then you put your mouse over the green karma arrow and i put it there lol.
Pesterchum = sirJayden



good work

that one made me lol a bit x3

but anyway a sprite comic of this would be pretty much well "epic" or just plan ossum

Nightshade the hedgehog

i want to be a evil guy dont say anything just put me as a bad guy
once made by killer ,redone by supersonic196 ,thanx guys :)
yes i am,thanx firestar :)
thanks mikey thanks ecco
fan of ashura ,made by teh shadicz ,thanks for it :)


Nightshade the hedgehog

once made by killer ,redone by supersonic196 ,thanx guys :)
yes i am,thanx firestar :)
thanks mikey thanks ecco
fan of ashura ,made by teh shadicz ,thanks for it :)

Jordan teh Echidna

well there aren't many evil guys, so that's ok, and *does movie voice* Or else...WHAT Michael?! *interrogation face*
Pesterchum = sirJayden

Nightshade the hedgehog

Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on September 21, 2009, 06:22:47 AM
well there aren't many evil guys, so that's ok, and *does movie voice* Or else...WHAT Michael?! *interrogation face*
*gets my weapon combiened with all weapons* thats why
once made by killer ,redone by supersonic196 ,thanx guys :)
yes i am,thanx firestar :)
thanks mikey thanks ecco
fan of ashura ,made by teh shadicz ,thanks for it :)


Quote from: michael the hedgehog on September 21, 2009, 05:31:08 AM
im sick of being good put me as evil or else


nice work! ;D

could i be evil/lazy
(supposed to be evil but too frikken lazy to try an take over the world :D)

but if the evil corporate office is about to be taken over, i'll get off my butt and help out
Hedgehog (definition): an animal who hoards all the bushes.


Quote from: SuperSonic11 on August 31, 2009, 11:13:05 AM
Can I be in it? I wanna be a good gai.
Nice story. But can I be a legend that comes and saves the day and works with Jet instead of Nazo?

Jordan teh Echidna

Next chapter, sign ups will be include later on so patience guys  ;D

The coolio city of Spamville

The gang reached the entrance to the huge neon city. The gate was heavily guarded and there was a big warning that NiGHTS had struck a month ago, destroying Draco's memorial statue. When Rendel saw this, he took it as Draco had died after his last adventure...he was not happy and felt a bit down, especially how she had helped him from certain death. They ventured to the security foxes, of all which had three powerful tails to fly round with, instead of helicopters. The group tried to get in, but they weren't allowed because they required an identification of some sort, like a card or a badge. Everyone showed their "Gilliston explorer" badges and they were allowed access, except Rendel..." know me guys? I'm a world famous explorer!" the foxes backed him away and said "One, you haven't shown any identification, and two, how do we know you're not just a rapist in disguise and you could just molest these kids when we won't notice?!" Rendel reached into his pocket and pulled out a wallet, he took out his driver's license and showed it to them, then they let him in. The city looked REALLY rich, and as you entered the city you were given a pair of sunglasses/shades to shade your eyes from the neon lights, and the blinding car headlights. The team ran to the destroyed statue and examined it, bitz by bitz, then read the plaque, a little dented and burnt, but still readable. It read "Reputation is like a tower, long to build up, but easy to destroy" wow, very good point there...They inspected around the statue more until Rendel spotted a little hole under part of Draco's body. The group all pushed the statue a few nudges past the hole, being careful not to attract any attention and they all JUST managed to squeeze in and into the underground "Wow, I know this place!!" said Rendel, he saw a little worn out house in the distance, as if it had sunk under the entire city and left without a trace, "That's Dracoslythe's house!! Ooo I wonder if her corpse is there :3" the kids stared at him in disgust, but still, they entered the old house...

Soz this chapter is so short x_x
Pesterchum = sirJayden


i lolled after i read when rendel said "Ooo i wonder if her corpse is  there :3"

+1 for another great chapter

Nightshade the hedgehog

once made by killer ,redone by supersonic196 ,thanx guys :)
yes i am,thanx firestar :)
thanks mikey thanks ecco
fan of ashura ,made by teh shadicz ,thanks for it :)