Submit your stories and books here!

Started by Jordan teh Echidna, August 24, 2009, 03:28:49 AM

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Jordan teh Echidna

WOW i'm so lucky this topic didn't get to the second page of DEATH!!
Who wants me to write a short xmas chapter about them in Red Hill Zone? It's gonna be completely seperate from the main story, like some kind of filler or something...
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on December 19, 2009, 08:09:05 PM
WOW i'm so lucky this topic didn't get to the second page of DEATH!!
Who wants me to write a short xmas chapter about them in Red Hill Zone? It's gonna be completely seperate from the main story, like some kind of filler or something...

o3o that'd be cool you so should lol *0*

Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: NiGHTS on December 19, 2009, 08:49:22 PM
o3o that'd be cool you so should lol *0*
Meh okay. It gives away part of the main story. It's a little short but enjoy anyways ^^

This takes place AFTER the Sonic Zone FanFic trilogy (yup guys, I'm writing three books ;D) .

The day was freezing...cold...everyone was hungry...and they couldn't wait...
There was SNOW, why else would it be freezing cold? Everyone was HUNGRY for Christmas food and cheer, and they couldn't wait for Santa Blosh to give 'em all their presents for this year!

20th of December...5 more sleeps to go...
Mikey woke up...groaning...but the he quickly thought of Christmas and he managed to force a grin on his face. He looked out the window and said to himself "Wow, that snow's been here for three days and it hardly ever snows here! This place is right in the middle of volcanoes!". He had his breakfast, washed his face, brushed his teeth and got dressed in his gloves, trousers, running shoes, shirt, jumper and woolly coat. He wore a scarf too and a Hedgehat (since his hair is shaped like a hedgehog's). He rushed out his house's front door and left a clean track on the ground like a one-wheeled car had just driven right through! He saw Shadic, Rendel (he's part of the town now, as he had no-where else to live) Guy, NiGHTS (yep, he turned bad to good, find out in the first book later)Dracoslythe (She lives with Rendel after her cottage was crushed) and John Gillis (Gilliston gets one of the books, not saying =3).
NiGHTS called over to Mikey "Hey, Mickey, get over 'ere, we got somethin' to show ya!" and he laughed, Mikey got quite angry when people called him Mickey, but he was getting used to it. He ran over where a few people were crowded, in the middle of Red Hill zone in the park, and he saw a green fox laying on the ground "Whoah, what happened to him?" Mikey asked, poking Santa Blosh's fit belly. NiGHTS said "hmmm, come back in... I dunno...maybe COUGHFOURDAYSCOUGH and see how he's doing then..." and he walked off back to his house.

24th of December...1 more sleep to go...
Without hesitation, Mikey got ready and rushed out to where Santa Blosh was. He wasn't there. In his place though was a huge pile of presents, around 100 for each person in the village! The pile was HUGE. One thing that perplexed him though was that it was 3pm and no-one was awake. Until suddenly someone tapped his back and he spun round really fast. It was Santa Blosh...
"Hello...Mikey...I know you have saved the world many, many times...and I need to tell you something I've been meaning to for the whole of this year..." He said, giving Mikey a present. Mikey opened it and it read on the title "Sonic Zone's Robotimutation". He was absolutely shocked..."Whoah, I thought there was only ONE of these books! How many are there?" Mikey said, hugging the book and grinning.
Blosh answered "Three, and do you know who the author of these books are Mikey?" Mikey shook his head, Blosh carried on "You are...You have lived through all of these adventures in the books and you write them sometime in your life. You go into that pit you fell in on your first adventure and take the books back in time one year before when you read them. You do this to fulfil your destiny and save the world. If you hadn't have done this, none of this would be. I have told you what I needed." Blosh said, as he disappeared.
5 minutes later Mikey saw everyone rush out their doors and look for Blosh. All they could hear was in the distance.
Merry Christmas to ALL, and to ALL a good NIGHT!!

Pesterchum = sirJayden



whew... nice story... like the ultimate showdown bits XP

Jordan teh Echidna

T_T i am so VERY sorry, guys. School is seriously taking over my life (they even took over the sonic-loving section of life city and i can't fight back >:0)
I'm gonna have to cancel this story, i'm sorry but i'll just say that this is the end of book 1...
Book 2 can be made...pfff i dunno, but someone ask me some time in the far future (2-3 months from now) to write it please.
Someone can, i dunno, paste this story into something and publish it, add pictures, draw concepts, make a video game for it, i don't know. But anyone can take this story now, so give credit when you DO use it in something, so for once i just KNOW that i have done something right in my life...

For now, i might make a topic of this other story i'm writing in school, so no-one bullies me because of my sonic-writings.
It's called: Draik and William: The foremaker's future sword

~Topic loc-- actually, can someone like, sticky this topic so no-one forgets it and whenever someone DOES come here, they'll be able to read it. Or just turn into a "Submit your stories here" topic or something.
Thanks ;)
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Aww.. thats too bad. I wasnt replying but i was following the story. Good luck on School.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.

Nightshade the hedgehog

Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on November 11, 2009, 10:02:59 AM
And so begins the rest of the SPRITES!!

To carry on i'll need these sprite sheets:
Dracoslythe (optional)
Rendel's scythe
Michael the Hedgehog

why not use the sprites you made me :)
once made by killer ,redone by supersonic196 ,thanx guys :)
yes i am,thanx firestar :)
thanks mikey thanks ecco
fan of ashura ,made by teh shadicz ,thanks for it :)

Jordan teh Echidna

Pshh, i did too, but nooope, i'm carrying on! SZ's ultimate darkness part 2 =D
a preview...

It was endless...a spinning, endless abyss...the fur on Mikey's body was brushing upwards, as he fell backwards...He was falling in sync with the air and felt no speed rushing against him, just the feeling of a breeze whistling on his back. He knew he had failed the Sonic Zone and soon after this abyss would finish, the final phase of his life would take place and he'd crush against the ground. He saw, after around 20 minutes, Rendel and his Golden scythe falling beside him, so he called out to Rendel "Hey Rendel..." he called. Rendel's eyes opened and averted to Mikey..."Yeah mate?" he replied, fatigue obvious in his voice. "I just wanted to say...*sniff*" Mikey's eyes began to water and Rendel said "What Mikey? There's nothing we can do now, our fate rests with the other guys up there". Mikey continued "I'd like to make one last request"

Cliffhanger torture >:0
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Soo like, this is gonna be awesome

Even though I haven't been reading. I'll start reading from part 2 XD
(Can we submit our stories? If so I'll submit my fanfic)
witty sig caption

Jordan teh Echidna

Yeah you can submit it and i'll add it to the first post!

Tomorrow i'll leave another preview!
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Im planning on writing a Chaotix/sonic and co fanfic, I can post it here whenever I finish it?
All your bass are belong to me


Quote from: HyperVector77 on March 03, 2010, 07:33:44 AM
Im planning on writing a Chaotix/sonic and co fanfic, I can post it here whenever I finish it?
Of course you can  ;)

Jordan teh Echidna

Yep, of course!
BTW guys...the rest of the chapter!

It was endless...a spinning, endless abyss...the fur on Mikey's body was brushing upwards, as he fell backwards...He was falling in sync with the air and felt no speed rushing against him, just the feeling of a breeze whistling on his back. He knew he had failed the Sonic Zone and soon after this abyss would finish, the final phase of his life would take place and he'd crush against the ground. He saw, after around 20 minutes, Rendel and his Golden scythe falling beside him, so he called out to Rendel "Hey Rendel..." he called. Rendel's eyes opened and averted to Mikey..."Yeah mate?" he replied, fatigue obvious in his voice. "I just wanted to say...*sniff*" Mikey's eyes began to water and Rendel said "What Mikey? There's nothing we can do now, our fate rests with the other guys up there". Mikey continued "I'd like to make one last request" he said, confidence restored in his voice, Rendel's eyes showed an expression of confusion "I'd like for you to hold my hand" Mikey said, putting on a smiley face (Though, this drop is LONG!!) Rendel got his energy back all of a sudden and answered "Hey...i know we're about to do die and all that, but I'm not gay, so no". Mikey grabbed Rendel's hand and Rendel sighed...Mikey lastly then said "Hey Rendel, now that we're ready, hold the golden scythe". Rendel's face lit up "Ahhhh, i see what you're up to...okay then" Rendel swiftly grabbed the golden scythe with his other hand and began to glow, then sparkle, and suddenly burst out in golden flame! Super Rendel once more! Rendel put on a sly grin and zoomed all the way up the hole they had fallen. It took them 10 minutes to whoosh up and Mikey was wondering how big this hole really WAS!
Eventually, they both got to the top of the hole and saw Ledner, looking down, laughing. Obviously he hadn't seen them, though they had no idea in the B'Jesus of their minds how he COULD miss them, with a big gold whoosh in front of his face. Rendel didn't want to do this, but for the good of the world, he had to. He ran into the back of Ledner and struck him with his scythe, seeing the blood of his own family fall pathetically down the hole and out of the world. Then everyone was happy and they lived happily ever after!
Mikey closed the book and said to himself "Well, what really happened is another story, but that was the end of the darkness...and the end of our troubles!" He put the new book into the library and walked out. Around near his front door, he saw that he had mail hanging out of the post box, he raised his right eyebrow and muttered "I wonder how the post man missed our post box, it has a sign saying "INSERT MAIL HERE" right above it. He ran over and opened the letter, not really caring if it was for someone else. It was addressed to him... unsurprisingly... maybe it was his 100th fan letter or something? Nope.
Dear Mikey the Echidna
It has come to my attention that you have defeated the evil hedgehog of darkness. I know it was 2 YEARS ago, but i need to warn you of remember that hole you fell down yes? That takes you to the underworld, or a parallel universe just like this one, but everyone is dead. You were 5cm from falling in there. If you would like to know more information, then please visit me in the forest of Music and Art.
Signed Rcehzaaods.

Well, Mikey didn't know what to call it, but his 100th fan letter hadn't appeared yet...even after 2 years. He was now 15 and hadn't had a decent adventure since the dark hedgehog, well, destroying Robotnik's base in the sky could count...i guess.
He ran out of his front garden, past his friends' houses and out of the Red Hill Zone (his mother had died unfortunately due to fright after hearing of his near death, she was found dead when the gang returned home, so Mikey was free to roam where he pleased and owned his house) and to the demented forest.
He stood outside until he saw a red blob on the moved somehow into the forest and he followed it, being extra cautious as he did. The forest was as spooky as ever, with the high-pitched screams of dying people being shattered in the trunks of the distorting trees and music breaking, reversing and melting on the floor with ancient userbars and signatures. Eventually the blob stopped in front of a huge building near a secret exit of the forest and the door of the building creaked open. It looked like some kind of old dojo, where ancient heroes would train, he must have thought this by the sign saying "Mega awesome hero training ONLY!!" next to him. On the floor in the centre lay a stone with an inscription written on it. He walked over, going past broken wooden planks and holes in the ground, then read the inscription.
Whoever may have arrived here on a date after this was written...
Then you have received my late letter, as has your partner.
I, unfortunately, have not been so fortunate as to meet you in person,
But this ancient dojo of heroes will now take you...
Back in time...
Signed...the dying soul of ChaosDazer.

Mikey thought it was just a load of rubbish and proceeded towards the door. He thought some epic adventure would await him but nooOOoo... he knew it was too good to be true.
When he went to grab the handle of the door, the door suddenly smacked into his face and he fell to the floor unconscious with a slight little grin on his face, another adventure...

Pesterchum = sirJayden


I'm dead?

Fix this now, or I'm gonna go hulk on your ass >:[
witty sig caption