This guy, is the most stupid person I met on the Internet.

Started by Fiamonder, June 03, 2010, 10:51:18 AM

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So, there's this guy called Sonicthehedgehog466, who has the WORST, GRAMMAR, EVER. He can't even read properly, says that he's American, says that he's 13, goes to school every day, but how the heck is his grammar that bad..?

Let me give some examples. Here's some quotes I copied and pasted off my chat.

QuoteFiamonder10: [image of the SA2B model in SADX]
Sonicthehedgehog466: o nice 10 can a plz have sa2dx sonic model plese
TheForgottenMiles: no.
Sonicthehedgehog466: plese
TheForgottenMiles: no.
Sonicthehedgehog466: plese
Sonicthehedgehog466: plese
Sonicthehedgehog466: 10
TheForgottenMiles: no.
Fiamonder10: No.
Sonicthehedgehog466: fin i was about to give mh sa2 sonic model
Fiamonder10: First of all, it's not your freaking model. It's Dude's old model he used in his very first Sonic RDX demo he released in 2008. He made the model taller and model edited the shoes so that it looks like soap shoes. Your just stealing everyone's models.
Sonicthehedgehog466: plese
Fiamonder10: ...
TheForgottenMiles: ...
Sonicthehedgehog466: what
Fiamonder10: Did you even read what I wrote..?
Sonicthehedgehog466: what
Fiamonder10: Jesus Christ, can you even read?
Sonicthehedgehog466: ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr/
Fiamonder10: Your not a dog.
Sonicthehedgehog466: zip
Fiamonder10: No, shut up.
TheForgottenMiles: do you ever fo outside, 466?
TheForgottenMiles: go*
Sonicthehedgehog466: i go school yes
TheForgottenMiles: ...
Sonicthehedgehog466: zip foxboy
TheForgottenMiles: and im not tails or a fox you retard
Sonicthehedgehog466: zip it foxboy
Fiamonder10: Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you. Don't tell other people what to do, your not a mod, and your the trouble maker.
Sonicthehedgehog466: what
Sonicthehedgehog466: ok
Fiamonder10: Good.
Sonicthehedgehog466: i hav sa2dx v9
Fiamonder10: ...
TheForgottenMiles: are you even serious?
TheForgottenMiles: SA2DX isnt even released yet
Sonicthehedgehog466: zip foxboy
TheForgottenMiles: SHUT UP
TheForgottenMiles: FIA
TheForgottenMiles: BAN
Sonicthehedgehog466: blablablablabla
Sonicthehedgehog466: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Fiamonder10: Can you even act like your a normal person, 466?
Sonicthehedgehog466: what
Fiamonder10: ...

And alot of more crap.. remember that this chat quote wasn't the first time he showed up, that was like the 4th time, constantly doing the same. He's been banned 3 times, but he keeps changing his IP.

And the (hopefully) last conversation I had with him (in a PM):

Quotesonicthehedgehog466 (10:59:07 PM): i am back
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:02:23 PM): you live in Netherlands
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:04:14 PM): Shreveport, LA
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:08:38 PM): Fincastle, VA
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:12:42 PM): muahahahahahahahahahaha
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:13:19 PM): let me back now fiam
fiamonder10 (11:13:39 PM): No.
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:14:09 PM): yes
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:14:24 PM): yes yes yes yes yes & yes
fiamonder10 (11:16:20 PM): No.
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:18:02 PM): yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
fiamonder10 (11:18:44 PM): No.
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:18:52 PM): grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:19:00 PM): bossy
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:19:41 PM): you are uh bossy ass
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:21:54 PM): let me back nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
fiamonder10 (11:22:12 PM): No.
fiamonder10 (11:22:14 PM): Shut up.
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:22:25 PM): no
fiamonder10 (11:22:28 PM): Yes.
fiamonder10 (11:22:34 PM): I won't let you go back.
fiamonder10 (11:22:42 PM): So go cry in a corner.
fiamonder10 (11:22:52 PM): You won't  ever get that model either.
sonicthehedgehog466 (11:22:57 PM): let mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww Netherland boy
fiamonder10 (11:23:59 PM): Grow up, get a life, learn how to read, fix your grammar, pay attention to school, get a brain, stop lying about your age, and then we'll see.
fiamonder10 (11:24:02 PM): Sayonara.
You have blocked sonicthehedgehog466
You can also report sonicthehedgehog466 to Chatango

The reason why he said "let me back", is because I banned him. I'm hoping that he won't return. His behaviour has been like this everytime he talks to someone.

Also, here's one the last quote for this post, showing how he acts. It's about a PM he had with the other administrator of the website (SA2DX), since this was on the SA2DX chat.

Quotesonicthehedgehog466 (05:05:20 PM): you are ugly
itseasyactually (05:06:06 PM): You're an idiot.
itseasyactually (05:06:08 PM): A spammer.
itseasyactually (05:06:10 PM): A flamer.
itseasyactually (05:06:15 PM): A rule breaker.
itseasyactually (05:06:18 PM): Multiple things.
itseasyactually (05:06:37 PM): And guess what, you calling me ugly is only an excuse to make up for yourself.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:07:31 PM): bla bla bla
itseasyactually (05:07:34 PM): No.
itseasyactually (05:07:37 PM): It's all truth.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:07:42 PM): bla bla bla bla
itseasyactually (05:07:48 PM): See, you're pathetic.
itseasyactually (05:07:51 PM): And you know it.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:07:57 PM): kiss my blue ass
itseasyactually (05:08:08 PM): Sadly you aren't blue.
itseasyactually (05:08:12 PM): You're a human.
itseasyactually (05:08:18 PM): Not some fantasy character.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:08:30 PM): lame
itseasyactually (05:08:33 PM): And there's no need to use such language.
itseasyactually (05:08:51 PM): Because, I believe, with good proof in my opinion, that you are weak.
itseasyactually (05:09:21 PM): I also see you keep sending Fiam our locations
itseasyactually (05:09:32 PM): Good for you, you do know how to read something.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:10:01 PM): lame
itseasyactually (05:10:13 PM): You see, you can hardly even speak for yourself.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:10:29 PM): bla bla bla bla bla bla
itseasyactually (05:10:34 PM): All you can sayare basic sentences, that hald the time don't even make sense.
itseasyactually (05:10:39 PM): say are*
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:10:54 PM): you are gay
itseasyactually (05:11:11 PM): Actually, that's a pretty childish thing to say.
itseasyactually (05:11:17 PM): If I were gay, I'd admit it.
itseasyactually (05:11:19 PM): But am I?
itseasyactually (05:11:25 PM): No, I've had multiple girlfriends.
itseasyactually (05:11:48 PM): You are quite the childish person.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:12:49 PM): muahahahahaha
itseasyactually (05:13:03 PM): What are you even laughing about?
itseasyactually (05:13:12 PM): I just insulted you worse than you ever could insult me.
itseasyactually (05:13:20 PM): and I wasn't even childish about it.
itseasyactually (05:13:29 PM): You however, are quite the child.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:13:55 PM): you ar ah kid
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:14:00 PM): hahahahahaha
itseasyactually (05:14:08 PM): I'm a teenager, yes.
itseasyactually (05:14:17 PM): I have the mind set of someone in their thirties, yes.
itseasyactually (05:14:25 PM): I don't do childish things.
itseasyactually (05:14:41 PM): I don't go around calling people names like you did to me here.
itseasyactually (05:14:48 PM): I actually took the chance to be different.
itseasyactually (05:14:51 PM): I grew up.
itseasyactually (05:15:09 PM): I decided being a little kid, and doing childish things my entire child hood would be pointless.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:15:14 PM): kid kid kid & KID!
itseasyactually (05:15:20 PM): Unlike you, who decided that is'd fun to be a moron.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:15:34 PM): moron
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:15:42 PM): dick
itseasyactually (05:15:42 PM): Wat's your IQ?
itseasyactually (05:15:48 PM): See, you're calling names now.
itseasyactually (05:16:04 PM): it's*
itseasyactually (05:16:06 PM): What's*
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:16:19 PM): lame for a 15 boy
itseasyactually (05:16:23 PM): Hardly.
itseasyactually (05:16:34 PM): You're a 13 year old who hasn't grown up at all.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:16:37 PM): bla bla bla bla bla
itseasyactually (05:16:44 PM): You think you're Sonic, who isn't even real.
itseasyactually (05:17:05 PM): You think you can command people, which you can't.
itseasyactually (05:17:35 PM): You have the audacity to call people names for the simple fact of trying to get to them.
itseasyactually (05:17:39 PM): Which you have yet to do.
itseasyactually (05:17:50 PM): Do two things, then we'll talk again.
sonicthehedgehog466 (05:17:52 PM): lame brain
itseasyactually (05:17:58 PM): Grow up, and get soem smarts.
itseasyactually (05:18:19 PM): Until then, goodbye Mr. Spam,Flame,Trash,Child, little stupid boy.

Feel free to flame/troll him, nobody would care :).

First try at making a sig, It's decent.

Super Sonic Boom

That's lazyness at it's best...bad grammar on the Internet always makes you feel smarter when you use it and they don't.


Yeah, but he's still an idiot. Although, I could also see that Itseasyactually was trying a bit too hard to hold himself above him.
This my face! Don't go around stealin' it man! ROCK ON! \m/ (>_<)\m/

Jazz Nova

sonicthehedgehog466= FAIL *tries to find an image that fits his new level of fail*

Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


What a bonehead. I wouldn't wait so long to finish him off though, I'd give him every hammer I could think of.

I love Jesus! Do you?


whoa... i rember a guy called that he had really got grammer but a short temper or was that me? but i have bad grammer and not a short temper it is like the opasite... anyways back on topic... i think i saw this kind of guy then i banned him once he got nasty...


Quote from: darkyellowz on June 03, 2010, 05:23:49 PM
whoa... i rember a guy called that he had really got grammer but a short temper or was that me? but i have bad grammer and not a short temper it is like the opasite... anyways back on topic... i think i saw this kind of guy then i banned him once he got nasty...
i know who you are talking about... he got mad and started to curse all over the chatbox so i threatened to report him if he didnt calm down.... then he said he is leaving to go look at porn


Quote from: Proto_Blaze on June 03, 2010, 11:24:04 PM
i know who you are talking about... he got mad and started to curse all over the chatbox so i threatened to report him if he didnt calm down.... then he said he is leaving to go look at porn
wow i dont rember that.....


Fia, you could just report him and put the quotes in as proof. that would completely ban him from chatango (Until he makes a new username anyway...) It might only be a temporary fix but its a fix. Also, I wont be able to help out, I'm moving (THUS losing the internet at the only house i can use a computer in) I'll have my PS3 at moms though...


Quote from: rockout909 on June 04, 2010, 06:15:53 PM
Fia, you could just report him and put the quotes in as proof. that would completely ban him from chatango (Until he makes a new username anyway...) It might only be a temporary fix but its a fix. Also, I wont be able to help out, I'm moving (THUS losing the internet at the only house i can use a computer in) I'll have my PS3 at moms though...

If Chatango bans a username, it'll ban the IP of that person. The thing is, is that he constantly changes his IP. He's also banned on the SA2DX forum, since he spammed, but he made 4 different accounts with different IP's, and he didn't post anything yet.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.

Jazz Nova

Quote from: Fiamonder10 on June 05, 2010, 12:35:51 AM
If Chatango bans a username, it'll ban the IP of that person. The thing is, is that he constantly changes his IP. He's also banned on the SA2DX forum, since he spammed, but he made 4 different accounts with different IP's, and he didn't post anything yet.
That guy is kinda a smart spammer...
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on June 05, 2010, 03:35:20 AM
That guy is kinda a smart spammer...

I'll second that... if he has a static IP all he has to do is make another username though... ( Seeming that static always changes every hr... my dad works for AT&T thats how I know this )


Usually I expect stuff like this on Habbo but this dude is acting immature and how old is he 6, cause this dude is acting like one.


Jordan teh Echidna

Wow, i think i actually found someone who's more stupid than me in real life but on the internet o-0

I'd give him an argument and what for >:D
Pesterchum = sirJayden