Mein Führer ~ A WWII Role-Play

Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, June 11, 2012, 07:02:20 AM

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The girl stopped at the door and looked down at her bag of pastries and sweets, "I haven't seen them before, they might be new...I should give them these, shouldn't be greedy..." She went back down the street and walked up to the house that Jesse and Cathy went into and knocked on the door.


Jesse stood up and went over to the door. "The soup will be done cooking in about 5 minutes." he then opened the door and greeted the girl behind it. "Hello there. And who might you be...?"


Cathy started to tremble. The mysterious girl could have been anyone. Realizing she had sweets in her hand, she started to inch closer to the door.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


"Cathy, could you go check on the soup for me?" Jesse then asked Cathy.
"I'd like to know if it's done."


Cathy turned back towards the kitchen. She stirred the soup a little, turned off the heat, and went over besides Jesse to tell him about the soup. "It's done," she responded.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


"Take out the plates. How about you, who ever you are? Want some soup?", Jesse asked from the girl after telling Cathy to put the plates on the table.


The girl stuttered, "Oh..uh...I-uh...As long as it's alright with you I guess..." She held up the bag, "I just thought I should bring you some sweets, they're very good."


"Oh great, come in. The two of you can share them, seeing as I don't really eat sweets that much...", Jesse said and started to walk to the kitchen.
"By the way, what is your name?" he then asked from the girl.


Cathy started pulling out the dishes to set on the table. "Thank you for the sweets, that's really kind of you," she said to the mysterious woman. "You seem very nice." She set the dishes down on the table and sat down.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


"Oh...My Name is Alliah." The girl said, smiling shyly while walking inside, "You're welcome, it's the least I could do really..."


"Alliah...What a nice name. Well, I hope you like the soup.", Jesse said, slightly smiling as he put the pot onto the table.
"So, may I ask you a question? Why did you feel the need to bring us some sweets?", Jesse asked from Alliah.


Cathy scooped up the soup and put it in her dish. "It's quite lovely. We did well," she complimented. "You have such a beautiful name," she said after swallowing her first bite.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Jesse filled his dish as much as he could and then sat down and took a bite from it and then, after swallowing, said "Needs more salt...", he then got up and got some salt and after putting quite a large amount of it into his meal, started to pretty fast.
"I have to agree, we did do a great job." he said to Cathy and tried to smile a bit, but then just resumed eating with his usual, serious face.


"Thank-you." She said quietly, blushing, sitting herself down at the table. "I just thought it would be nice...I haven't seen you around here before, so I thought I should give you something as a welcome gift."


"I moved here a couple of days ago. I'm a traveler, so I needed a shelter to stay at while I studied here, so the woman who owned this house gave me the keys for it and left." Jesse said to Alliah after he ate most of the food on his plate.
"You know Cathy. If you can't find anywhere else to stay, you can stay here. I'll teach you how to be a better cook than you are."