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Started by Hakudamashi, December 15, 2014, 02:35:05 PM

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Quote from: Hakudamashi on September 01, 2015, 02:25:54 PM
Again, I don't know, or care about wrong or right, and you're free to do what you want

But I will advise against speaking about topics that you yourself are not particularly invested in.
God forbid we live in an age where any random Joe's opinion has more or equal weight than someone who's been a fan for years.

There's nothing wrong with an outside opinion, and ultimately it's up to the game developers to decide whether they'll take those opinions to heart or not.


It is up to devs, and devs should do what they want.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Then why are you worried about people criticizing games that they don't usually play?


I'll answer that with another example.

Using the same Street Fighter 5 example, except this time, you had no intention of buying the game, you just despise jiggle physics, think it's a blight on the gaming industry that must be eradicated.
So you, and thousands of others like you voice your opinion on the travesty that is Chun Li's giant jiggly chest, and because there is a much larger number of you than Street Fighter fans, CAPCOM decides to give you all what you want, remove the jiggle and reduce her chest size in hopes it may convince you to buy it.
But lawl, none of you are neither into Street Fighter, nor fighting games in general, so none of you bought it, so the Street Fighter fans, for the sake of argument, are left with an inferior game than what they could've gotten.
Some may get over it, some may be eternally dissapoint, and others might just skip SF5 and stick to USF4 cause at least Chun Li's chest still jiggles in that game.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Again, Capcom made the decision to remove jiggle physics and since they're the devs, they can do what they want.


Are you purposefully missing the point just to piss me off?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


What's your point? This entire time your argument has been that developers should be able to do what they want and that's exactly what happened.


You just asked
Quote from: Elija2 on September 01, 2015, 05:15:54 PM
Then why are you worried about people criticizing games that they don't usually play?
This particular part has nothing to do about devs doing what they want, which is what you responded with.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


But your example has Capcom listening to the criticism and changing their game because of it, which I assume is what you're worried about. However, Capcom chose to listen to the criticism, and it was ultimately up to them to make that change. So basically you're worried about Capcom making the game that they want to make, even though earlier you were saying that they have every right to do so.


So you did miss the point

Capcom, made a change for people who people who weren't going to support their game, and turned it into something that their own fans would no longer support
Ultimately, Capcom loses out on money they could've gotten by making a decision they wouldn't have made if not for the outcry.

Gaming is still a business, regardless of what devs want to do, they have to warp their wants to go for the bigger pay, that's the reality

I'm saying, we should at least leave the outcries for the fans who support the games. Because every video game in the beginning starts as a no name new IP where devs are just doing what they want, some people enjoyed what they were doing and encourage them to do more of it, so by sticking with just the fans, devs can keep doing what they really want.

If they want to change their fans or their image or some shit, that's fine, people change their minds, but if they did it cause of stupid outside influence, then personally, I think they deserve whatever happens to them

Trust is a very fickle thing.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on September 02, 2015, 10:59:14 AM
Capcom, made a change for people who people who weren't going to support their game, and turned it into something that their own fans would no longer support

AKA they made a decision about the kind of game they want to make.

Quote from: Hakudamashi on September 02, 2015, 10:59:14 AM
I'm saying, we should at least leave the outcries for the fans who support the games. Because every video game in the beginning starts as a no name new IP where devs are just doing what they want, some people enjoyed what they were doing and encourage them to do more of it, so by sticking with just the fans, devs can keep doing what they really want.

Are you implying that Capcom didn't really want to get rid of the jiggle physics?

Quote from: Hakudamashi on September 02, 2015, 10:59:14 AM
If they want to change their fans or their image or some shit, that's fine, people change their minds, but if they did it cause of stupid outside influence, then personally, I think they deserve whatever happens to them

Nobody forced Capcom to change anything. They made the change because they wanted to. Do you think that they should only make the kind of game they want if their fans want it too? Because that's the exact opposite of letting the devs make what they want.


And Kotaro Uchikoshi wanted to make an anime about panty shots

Let's move on.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I would rather you answer my questions.

And Uchikoshi took up Punch Line as a hint to ZE fans that ZE3 wasn't gonna happen. But you're right, many times game developers don't do things because they want to, they do things because they have to. Designers are often given demands by the higher-ups to make their game in a certain way, and many games are focus-tested to try to make them more appealing to specific demographics while compromising the designer's original vision. So your whole desire that game developers should make what they want is pointless because most of the time they never truly do. Why complain about "outside influences" ruining a game designer's artistic vision when you were never really getting their vision in the first place?


Because a designer's artistic vision does get out in the first place? More than once?

Do you even Final Fantasy? Or Devil May Cry?

There are success stories out there, and they still happen.

If the game industry was truly such a miserable place, it would've crashed long ago.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


FFXIII was linear due to the difficulty of developing in HD. Did that ruin the developers' artistic vision?

DMC3 had different difficulty levels depending on which region you bought the game in. Did that ruin the developers' artistic vision?

Is SFV not having jiggle physics ruining the developers' artistic vision?