Sonic's Vacation { Literate Roleplay }

Started by Angelic23, March 02, 2009, 07:22:43 PM

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Sonic woke from his daydreaming. He had herd a high-pitched scream come from somewhere in the distance. What's going on? he thought. Sonic felt like going to check it out but he was too comfortable where he was so he went back to daydreaming. Sonic was in the middle of relaxing when he felt a cold sensation around his feet. "What the..." Sonic said out loud and jumped up. Sonic stared at the clear blue ocean, then looked at his feet and realized the tide came in. I guess I'm a bit too close to the water. Sonic got up and began searching for a new place to relax, but the cold water had stirred him too much he thought he wouldn't get back to relaxing anyways. Might as well explore some more Sonic thought to himself, not noticing that he left his shoes at the tide.


OOC: I was used to long RP's, then medium ones on another forum, now small one here. It's hard to adjust XD

Tails woke up. He had been having a wonderful dream, the first time to he flew his plane, the tornado, into the air. He could remember how he battled robotnik, and how he had first met Sonic. But all was interrupted as he woke with a fright, to see a pink hedgehog holding out her hand.

"T-tails...? Are you okay?"

He realized that it was Amy. He was hurt, it looked like his leg had been bruised. Still, he got up with Amy's help. He then asked, in a curious, but slightly frustrated voice, "Wha? What just happened?"
witty sig caption


Sonic continued walking in a random direction, carefree. He had never felt this relaxed before. He was usually up and about running places, but now he finally had time to relax. Sonic, deep into his thoughts, didn't notice the beach volleyball net until he walked into the netting. Huh? Sonic broke free from the netting's grasp. "Hehe, whoops." Sonic said out loud. "I hope nobody saw that..." Sonic glanced at a nearby beach ball. He picked it up, tossed it in the air, and caught it with ease. I wish there was someone around to play with. He thought to himself. I wonder who else is here. Sonic tossed the beach ball onto the ground and began exploring some more.


[[ooc~ Haha, it's okay chaos101, I know how you feel. I'm so used to lengthy roleplays. xD
Sorry, by the way, to everyone for disappearing. I had a lot of studying to do lately with the quarter ending and all, I was all over the place. ;,;]]

[ + ] `

    A bit flustered by the question, Amy awkwardly stood in place for a good few moments staring down at the younger fox. Not noticing his intentions were purely to just know what happened, she presumed that he was thinking of her as a complete moron. Shifting her weight from side to side and burning up, once again, she finally managed to nervously sputter out a few words. There was almost nothing else in the entire universe she loathed more than looking like a clumsy idiot. Which was somewhat difficult since Amy -was- clusmy. She definitely was not an idiot though!

    "Aha... Well, uhm... You seeee-" Stressing the last word, she fiddled with her pink hair and bit her lip trying to come up with something to say. The whole situation was becoming painfully embarrassing for her. Oh geez, she thought, I guess there's really no way out of this one... Amy let out a heavy sigh, practically heaving her whole body forward from the extent of it, and collected herself before addressing Tails once again. She swiftly averted her eyes from his and casually turned her head to the side to try and avoid eye contact.

    "Aw man," she had slipped out, "I... I kind of tripped over you because I wasn't looking at where I was going." Amy then resumed her nervous quirks. Slowly turning her head back towards the fox, she shrugged her shoulders and ended up gathering enough courage to look at him in the eyes once more. "... Sorry, heh." She finished with, giving off an aura of complete shame. Looking at Tails now, she could see that she had given him a bruise on leg. She let out a quick gasp. The previous aura quickly changed to tremendous guilt when Amy realized that she had actually hurt him. Motherly instincts invading, she stooped down to his height and inspected the bruise. "Ohmigod Tails, did I hurt you?" She choked out. "We should get you to the hotel right now! I don't want you to leave here hurt!" She over dramatized, like she normally did.
` [ - ]
Please join my roleplay, "Sonic's Vacation." I'd really appreciate it! Just make sure you read all of the rules!
Here's a link. <3
Also, if you're interested, here's my own personal art thread: [link]


OOC: This RP is starting to die and it just started! Let's try to keep it going longer.

Sonic got bored of walking in the same direction and decided to head back into the hotel and check in to his room. Sonic turned around, looking for the hotel. He spotted a sign that read 'SunnyDreams Hotel' with an arrow. Sonic followed the direction of the arrow.
Once he arrived at the hotel an employee informed him of his missing shoes. "Oh man, I must have forgotten them at the tide!" Sonic ran back to the beach. He had forgotten where he had left them. He decided to comb the entire beach until he found them. This could take a while, he thought to himself.