aint mine, made it for light CODE LYOKO 2 THE CONTINUEING CHAPTER

Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, September 18, 2009, 11:34:35 AM

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so the opening is this : 

And i guess we can start off with everyone as humans :P nuff said

Light the Hedgehog

thanks, Elana! you're the best friend i've ever had in teh interwebz! (besides Xaio)


Light the Hedgehog


Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: *falls from teh sky* NYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!! *lands falt on back, infront of Mashia, Elana and the others*


Light the Hedgehog


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 18, 2009, 11:49:33 AM
Stephen (muffled):could someone get me to the infirmary?
Elana: kay, my first period class is right next to it anyway *drags stephen to the infirmary*


Elana:meh *walks next door* OH SHET MRS BITTERS, i heard evil things about you >.>

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: how'd we end up back here anywayz? well, atleast the world is safe from XANA.

in lyoko, sector five

Xana: those fools really thought htey could destroy ME?! hmm...that kid with the brown hair seems powerful...

OOC: XANA's referring to Stephen


illiah (evil madison): Xana, the kid with the brown hair may seem power full but..his evil side will be more powerful

OOC:yeah stephan's middle name will be evil stephan's name, idk..


Mrs bitters:...oh that amy, pfft, she was too smart for me, so i had to move, i knew you so i came here


OOC: yeah my irken fc, not amy rose >:U

Light the Hedgehog

Quote from: Elana-The-hedgehog on September 19, 2009, 05:02:15 AM
illiah (evil madison): Xana, the kid with the brown hair may seem power full but..his evil side will be more powerful

OOC:yeah stephan's middle name will be evil stephan's name, idk..

Xana: you may be right...




XANA:....*takes Stephen's evil side, and creates Alex (yeah, my middle name [and stephen's] is alexander)* welcome to the world, first thing to do is to find them... *points at a picture with all of us in it*...but find the boy with the brown air. he is you can think of him as your good-side... NOW GO!

Alex: your wish is my command, XANA..*transports to the real world*


Stephen: *walks out of the infirmary* weird. i feel like a part of me just got stripped away from my soul for some reason...

??: that's because XANA took it.

Stephen: you said that?!

Alex: i did.

Stephen: who are you?! and why do you look like me?!

Alex: i am alex. i am the evil that has been inside you for the past 11 years...

Stephen: so, your one of XANA's goons, huh? well, prepare to be destroyed, FAKER!

Alex: *knocks Stephen out in one hit*


Illiah:..Well at least my job is done ._.

Real world

Elana:..shit, everyone is gonna freak