adventures of the inhabitants of mobius

Started by darkness shadow, November 05, 2008, 12:14:41 PM

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darkness shadow

aurum: heh, people do tend to get crazy with that sorta power, i was 2 when i first found this
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Sem was pretending sad, he then lifted his face and kicked Aurum. "I need it to go home, I need it, like it or not..." he sed to Aurum.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

aurum: if you wanted to go home, you could of just asked me and alex to build you a machine
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Gimme that emerald I SED!" Sem yelled at Aurum.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Then will you mind..." Sem sed whit a calm voice, then loud "IF I TAKE IT OVER YOUR DEATH BODY?"
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

aurum: yeah, but you're gonna have to kill me first
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"That is the part you need to pass over, give me it and I'll spare your life, its one of the only 2 ways to get back home, I need it and I'll do anything for it!" Sem sed.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

aurum: if you tell m where you live, i could take you home
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"When 2 people use chaos control one against each other a time-space gate appears.... that is my plan B, should we try or should we die?" Sem sed while lifting his hand whit a chaos emerald in it.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"CHAOS..... I dont think I can do this move but watever... CONTROL!" Sem sed.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

aurum: CHAOS CONTROL! *does the 06 thing where they make the portals*
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Ok, i'll be waitin' here when you get back Aurum!" Arrow said as he transfromed back into Alex.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

aurum: ok, but only sem needs to go through the portal
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D