Okay..just posting this because it could affect my activness

Started by CradledEggle, October 13, 2009, 01:18:59 PM

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okay..so last night..i was drawing and had just uploading a pic of Crypt onto DA, then my dad tells me we'll have to be packing and moving out by sometime mid november...so then im like about to cry..then i get back to DA and a freind gets mad because crypt keeps reminding her of her FC then we go all out and i end up taking off everything of crypt (kinda ot off topic huh) so anyway..what gonna happen is..we have to find a new place..and just saying that maybe if that place dosn;t have internet..*or good ones* i may not be back on..and we'll be short on money soo don't bother asking about buying internet...so yeah...and i did cry..

sorry jet..

so yeah..just for all that want to know (like anyone will respond at all...)
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~




If you barely have enough money, why bother moving in the first place?! Its gonna cost MORE to buy a new house and pay for it, right...? RIGHT...?!

D: I hope you get internet! I'll REALLY miss talking to you.

And what in the world? About that FC thing. Why'd YOU have to take it down? You didn't copy them >:O

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Gleech on October 13, 2009, 02:13:17 PM


If you barely have enough money, why bother moving in the first place?! Its gonna cost MORE to buy a new house and pay for it, right...? RIGHT...?!

D: I hope you get internet! I'll REALLY miss talking to you.

And what in the world? About that FC thing. Why'd YOU have to take it down? You didn't copy them >:O
i know,,but if you know me REALLY WELL, you'd know when im happy,or just pretending, but sometimes...i gotta go form Rendel..to Crypt..so yeah (my FC's represent my being so yeah cal me weird or whatever i dont really care.)so i went all over reacted and got pissed at jet..who i dont think ill ever be sorry enough too..and i got mad at Tara..and yeah..stuff...
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~



My sister bases most of her fan characters off herself, so I'm kinda use to it.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on October 13, 2009, 01:18:59 PM
okay..so last night..i was drawing and had just uploading a pic of Crypt onto DA, then my dad tells me we'll have to be packing and moving out by sometime mid november...so then im like about to cry..then i get back to DA and a freind gets mad because crypt keeps reminding her of her FC then we go all out and i end up taking off everything of crypt (kinda ot off topic huh) so anyway..what gonna happen is..we have to find a new place..and just saying that maybe if that place dosn;t have internet..*or good ones* i may not be back on..and we'll be short on money soo don't bother asking about buying internet...so yeah...and i did cry..

sorry jet..

so yeah..just for all that want to know (like anyone will respond at all...)

Wait, you have to move out of where and why?


Quote from: annoyinglad on October 13, 2009, 02:52:14 PM
Wait, you have to move out of where and why?
ok...my grandma,,back in 2001 signed something that said that she wouldn't have to pay her taxes until she died, do she died back in july, now they want their money. and we dont have that money ($10,000 by december), and then Medicare wants the house..so we have until sometime november-decemberish till we're kicked out, and its our house..well her,house..but its where i grew up..and she was in a nursing home..and had something called " Dementia" so yeah...
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on October 13, 2009, 03:12:43 PM
ok...my grandma,,back in 2001 signed something that said that she wouldn't have to pay her taxes until she died, do she died back in july, now they want their money. and we dont have that money ($10,000 by december), and then Medicare wants the house..so we have until sometime november-decemberish till we're kicked out, and its our house..well her,house..but its where i grew up..and she was in a nursing home..and had something called " Dementia" so yeah...

That's pretty messed up. No wait, that's seriously messed up! WTF? I feel for you man. So where are you gonna go?


Quote from: annoyinglad on October 13, 2009, 03:15:57 PM
That's pretty messed up. No wait, that's seriously messed up! WTF? I feel for you man. So where are you gonna go?
me and my dad dont know...the cheapest..but most decent, place we can i guess...so that means no christmas,,but as long as we dont end up in a bos..ill be okay..also we have to give away our dog D:
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on October 13, 2009, 03:25:07 PM
me and my dad dont know...the cheapest..but most decent, place we can i guess...so that means no christmas,,but as long as we dont end up in a bos..ill be okay..also we have to give away our dog D:

Dang, your grandma is a real bi***, no offense... Your life is even worse than mine now! I'd help if I could, but there's nothing I can do atm...


Quote from: annoyinglad on October 13, 2009, 03:55:32 PM
Dang, your grandma is a real bi***, no offense... Your life is even worse than mine now! I'd help if I could, but there's nothing I can do atm...
...im gonna ignore the first thing you siad...i mean..im not gonna explode on you...ok.my dad was a Paramedic,and weehn he wasn't there..she was.so she raised me also..so yeah, you can probably tell why i just wanna...yeah...
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Why must everyone be leaving up for the messed up reason called life?
...Life bites.
Stay on if you can, dude.
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Quote from: SonicFan47 on October 13, 2009, 04:43:45 PM
Why must everyone be leaving up for the messed up reason called life?
...Life bites.
Stay on if you can, dude.

ill try...hey im still on..enjoy me while you still can..
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: Rendel The Wolf on October 13, 2009, 03:25:07 PM
me and my dad dont know...the cheapest..but most decent, place we can i guess...so that means no christmas,,but as long as we dont end up in a bos..ill be okay..also we have to give away our dog D:
Pretty much the same for me, too. I'm getting, like, that Lego Assault rifle for christmas, and thats it.

Ironicly, I'm ok with that.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: Gleech on October 13, 2009, 06:20:13 PM
Pretty much the same for me, too. I'm getting, like, that Lego Assault rifle for christmas, and thats it.

Ironicly, I'm ok with that.

all i got for christmas was my laptop, a DSi, my Wii, a trip to Great Yarmouth (awesome beach ;D) and loads of art supplies...not much eh?

ON TOPIC: OMGWTF?! NOOOOOO ima gonna miss those chats SO much, especially those song remixes D: I mean, why does people need to kick people out of houses?! They KNOW we need to live and they live in THEIR own house, let's see how THEY like it >:C it's all about the money i bet...that's the one thing that has stopped us from getting supplies to help the world and stop bad things from happening...we gotta ban money and make up another system "/

...give away...your DOG?! D::: oh MAN that must be hard...i fell for ya man >.<

i guess if you do get kicked out...then we most likely won't see ya again unless you get enough money :s
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Quote from: Mikey the Echidna on October 14, 2009, 06:04:03 AM
all i got for christmas was my laptop, a DSi, my Wii, a trip to Great Yarmouth (awesome beach ;D) and loads of art supplies...not much eh?

ON TOPIC: OMGWTF?! NOOOOOO ima gonna miss those chats SO much, especially those song remixes D: I mean, why does people need to kick people out of houses?! They KNOW we need to live and they live in THEIR own house, let's see how THEY like it >:C it's all about the money i bet...that's the one thing that has stopped us from getting supplies to help the world and stop bad things from happening...we gotta ban money and make up another system "/

...give away...your DOG?! D::: oh MAN that must be hard...i fell for ya man >.<

i guess if you do get kicked out...then we most likely won't see ya again unless you get enough money :s
we're saving up..but hopefully well get something cheap..yet decent..and wif interwebz
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~