Dash Adventure Story: 2nd Half

Started by EchidnaPower, November 17, 2009, 06:48:41 AM

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(After a brief flashback of the events of Nazo unleashed, we meet up with the team in what remains of Daze's shop)

"So, a pure chaos energy being." Dash said. "Yep, we almost weren't able to stop him. He had us beaten and under a tomb of rocks." Sonic explained. "Then...how did you beat him?" Dash asked. "I don't know, we were lying there...when something just...clicked, something in our minds...gave us a second wind, and we had enough power to boost the emeralds enough to give us our hyper forms." Sonic explained. "Well, now what?" Slynic asked. "We have six of the seven emeralds, even Nazo, or Zero, or whatever! IT...needs an emerald to use Chaos Control. If we can go super and beat him before he gets the chance to transform, we can save a lot of time." Dash said. "Great, but how do we get to the Death Egg?" Ashura asked. "We could always take the...Blue Typhoon." Tails said. "Didn't it get beat up?" Knuckles asked. "Yes...but I fixed it." Tails said. "We'll need a power source. And I can't generate enough power to power a whole ship." Electro said. (Everyone looks at Knuckles) "Oh no! Not again!" Knuckles exclaimed. "Ok, we'll just let that power hungry Nazo obliterate it instead." Sonic said. "Grrr, fine, we'll go to Angel Island and get it." Knuckles said. "We have our plan, let's go!" Dash said.

With Eggman

(Eggman is talking to a shadowy figure over a videophone)

"You're sure he can't escape?" Eggman asked the figure. "Do not worry doctor, he will not escape, I'll make sure of that." The figure replied. "Very good, you'll get an important place when I create my Eggman empire." Eggman replied. "You are most generous doctor." The figure said. (Eggman hangs up) "Cinos, go check on the prisoner." The figure(revealed to be Dread) said. "Of course Dread." Cinos said. (Cinos walks in to the prison where a snow white fox appears to be unconscious) "Hmmph, stupid fox, not even strong enough to wake up." Cinos said to himself. (Cinos walks out...Myst eyes snap open)


"Time to see if that dumb kitsune is awake so I can gloat." Dread said to himself. (Dread walks into the prison and sees...Cinos?) "What are you doing in there?!" Dread yelled. "The kitsune jumped me and threw me in here!" Cinos said. (Dread lets Cinos out) "He didn't go far! Maybe we can still catch him! I'll go this way and you go that way!" Cinos said. "Grrrr, fine! But don't screw up again!" Dread warned. "Oh don't worry about me." Cinos replied. (Dread runs in the opposite direction and runs into...Cinos?) "What wrong Dread?" Cinos asked. "What the?! The kitsune! Come on!" Dread ordered. (Dread chases after the fake Cinos) "Aww man, (Myst tranforms back into himself) now my covers blown." Myst said to himself. "Get back here!" Dread screamed. "Sorry you two, but I don't have time to deal with you. I got bigger fish to fry." Myst replied. (Myst glows in an aura and flies threw the roof) "Does this mean we don't get a country Dread?" Cinos asked. "GRRRRRAAAAAHHHHH!" Dread screamed. "I can sense Satsuki, if I find her, I find Dash and his crew." Myst said to himself. (Myst flies off screen) (Level Starts) (Level Ends)

(At Angel Island)

"Looks like Eggman was one step ahead of us, those bots are getting harder to beat." Dash said. "Hmmph, they weren't so tough, I am the toughest one here." QuickSilver said. (Shadow clears his throat) "I told you, I'M the ultimate." Shadow said. "You WERE the ultimate." QuickSilver re-corrected. "You're more of a faker than Sonic is!" Shadow exclaimed. "You want to settle this now?!" QuickSilver said back. "HEY! You two can decide which one of you is "ultimate" later! Right now, we have a job to do!" Dash said. (They both grunt) "There's the Master Emerald. Let's get it and go." Knuckles said. "Great, every time someone says something like that, some bad guy shows up and makes us fight." Slynic said.

(Later, at Tails's workshop)

"Hmm, I stand corrected." Slynic said. "Alright we're set, let's go." Sonic said. (Tails is reluctant to get on the ship) "What's wrong Tails?" Cream asked. "I have some bad memories with this ship." Tails said. "You miss Cosmo don't you?" Cream asked. "I always missed her, seeing this ship just makes the memory more glaring that's all." Tails said. "Oh Tails." Cream stated. "I-I wish I didn't have to destroy her, I wish I could've found another way, I wish I could've protected her. But I failed, like I failed to protect you." Tails said sadly. "You did your best Tails, I'm proud of what you did." Cream said. "But I wish I was stronger, like Sonic and Shadow, then I could've saved her...and you." Tails said. "Tails, you can do things that neither Mr. Sonic or Mr. Shadow can do. "You've built things that have saved us many times before, including this ship." Cream said. (Tails shrugs) "Besides, would Cosmo want you to be sad because of her?" Cream asked. "No, but it's still hard not to be." Tails said. "I know Tails, I miss her too." Cream said. (Tails hugs Cream) "What's this for?" Cream asked. "This situation would've been much harder to cope with...if you weren't here. Thank you Cream." Tails said still holding the embrace. "You're welcome Tails." Cream said with a soft pink spreading across her muzzle. (Tails takes Cream's hand and they walk into the ship) (Note from EP....Awww, Cream helped Tails with his confidence and Cosmo issue) "Wait! Let me load a supply of candy!" Daze said. "We're only going a few miles into space Daze." Ashura said. "Yeah, we go up, beat Eggman and Nazo, and get back for a brawl rematch." Slynic said. "But-But!" Daze stuttered. "Come on!" Quicksilver exclaimed. (Quicksilver drags Daze into the Blue Typhoon) (The Blue Typhoon takes off and then docks in the Death Egg) "Whistle,Looks like Eggman beefed up security around here, check out all the Phi robots running around." Sonic said. "Eggman should be in the center of the Death Egg. Let's go!" Dash said. (Level Starts)(Level Ends)

"Eggman! Show yourself!" Dash called out. (No response) "Nazo! We've come to beat you!" Dash tried again. (Still no response) "Weird, no one's here." Slynic said. "And there's no power in here." Ashura said. "I'll take care of that, there's an energy conduit over there." Electro said. (Electro turns into a bolt of electricity and powers up the room) "That's better." Ashura said. (A holographic message comes on) "Mwa ha ha ha ha! You fell for my trap heroes! As you're watching this message, Nazo and I have gone down to Angel Island to steal the Master Emerald!" The message ranted. "Yeah, except we have the Master Emerald!" Knuckles exclaimed. "Psst, Knuckles, It can't hear you." Sonic said. "And since we obviously don't want you spoiling our plans, the Death Egg is set to self-destruct as soon as this message is complete!" the message said. "WHAT?!" The team yelled. "Farewell, Sonic team, we WON'T meet again!" The message completed. (BOOM!) "Great! Now the whole place is gonna blow!" Quicksilver exclaimed. "Quick everyone! Back to the Typhoon!" Tails exclaimed.

(Level Starts)
(Level Ends)

(BOOM!)(BOOM!) "The Death Egg's comin down on top of us!" Electro exclaimed. "Come on! We're almost there!" Tails said. (BOOM!) "AAAHHH! Help!" Ashley screamed. (Ashley is blocked off by a giant metal pole) "Ashley! Hang on!" Dash exclaimed. (Dash does a flying kick and breaks the pole in half) "Whoa. I didn't know he could do that." Ashley thought. "Hold on tight!" Dash said carrying Ashley and running off. (On the Typhoon) "Come on Tails! Get this thing started!" Amy screamed. "I'm trying! Knuckles! We need power!" Tails said over the intercom. "I'm not Sonic you know! I can't get there in a split second!" Knuckles exclaimed. (Knuckles reaches the engine room and does his chant) "That's it Tails! Get this thing started!" Knuckles exclaimed. (Tails starts up the Typhoon) "Why aren't we moving Tails?" Cream asked. "Dash and Ashley aren't here yet! We can't leave without them!" Tails said. "Here they come!" Sped said. (BOOM!) (Dash jumps onto the Typhoon with Ashley in his arms) "Floor it Tails!" Dash yelled. (The Typhoon takes off right before the Death Egg explodes completely) "We made it!" Cream exclaimed. (Everyone cheers) "Well, where to gang?" Tails asked. "Eggman said they were on Angel Island. So that's where we go." Dash said. "Hmmph, how convenient, that Nazo returns to where we defeated him before." Shadow said. "Alright then, everyone get ready. This will probably be the final battle." Sonic said. (Everyone nods) "Hey Dash?" Ashley asked. "Yeah Ashley?" "Thanks for saving me." "No prob, glad to help." Dash said. (Ashley kisses Dash and walks away)(Dash feels where Ashley kissed him, it was warm) "Angel Island in view." Tails said. "Weird, we're losing power." Tails said to himself. "TAILS! TAILS!" Knuckles yelled over the intercom. "What's wrong Knuckles?!" Tails exclaimed. "The Master Emerald! It's gone!" Knuckles exclaimed. "What?! How?!" Tails panicked. "I was watching the emerald, when all of a sudden it just disappeared!" "Or teleported." Shadow stated flatly. "Teleported? Are you saying?" Tails said realizing what happened. "Exactly, Nazo used Chaos Control and took it." Shadow said. "Electro! I know you can't keep our power steady, but you have to keep us going long enough for us to land! Here, take the Chaos Emerald to help you!" Dash said. "I-I'll try!" Electro said before turning into electricity and zapping into the engine room. "I'm scared Tails!" Cream said holding onto Tails' arm. "Just hold on tight." Tails said. (Cream nods and holds on tighter) "Tails! I'm here!" Electro said over the intercom. "Alright, hang on everyone!" Tails yelled. "Grrrraaaahhhhhh!" Electro strained. "Keep it up Electro! We're almost on the ground!" Tails yelled. (The Typhoon makes a rough landing) "Phew, everyone ok?" Tails asked. (Everyone nods) "How bout you Cream?" Tails asked. (Cream smiles and nods also) "Way to go Electro!" Tails said over the intercom. (In the engine room) "Phew, thank goodness. "I think I'll stick with being just a hedgehog for a while." Electro said. (Tails opens the hatch of the Typhoon) "Awww, this'll take forever to fix again." Tails moaned. "Don't worry little bro. We'll help you after we beat Nazo." Sonic said. "I sense the Master Emerald." Knuckles said. "Where is it?" Dash asked. "It's at the shrine, but..." "But what?" Sonic asked. "I feel a different energy as well." Knuckles said. "I-I feel it too." Satsuki said. "Funny, I don't feel anything." Ashura said. "I wonder why only Knuckles and Satsuki could feel it?" Slynic wondered. "Well let's go, and keep your guard up guys, Nazo could be anywhere." Sonic said.

(Level starts or End scene)

"There's the shrine. Keep a sharp eye out." Knuckles said. "Hey Slynic, keep a tight grip on that Chaos Emerald." Dash said. "Come on, what's gonna happen? It's gonna vanish out of thin air?" Slynic asked jokingly. (The Chaos Emerald disappears) "AAAHHH! Where'd it go?!" Slynic panicked. "My guess would be there." Ashura said pointing towards the shrine. "Oh no, if Nazo has all of the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald, we're in DEEP trouble!" Sonic said. "Why? What will happen?" Daze asked. "Just hope you don't get to see what happens." Shadow said. (They get to the shrine) "Ahhh, welcome Sonic, I must admit I'm actually happy to see you and your team alive." Nazo said. "And why is that?" Quicksilver asked. "Because now I can destroy you with my bare hands!" Nazo said charging towards Sonic. (Nazo flies past the team with Sonic in his grasp) "Get your hands off Sonic!" Amy yelled pulling out her hammer. "We've gotta help him! Come on!" Dash said. (A missile fires) "Whoa! That was close!" Electro said. (They turn around to see Eggman) "Mwa ha ha ha ha! "Now that Nazo is taking care of Sonic, I'll take care of you!" Eggman bellowed. "We don't have time for this, Shadow! Go help Sonic! Electro! Tails! Get the girls to safety!" Dash said. (Shadow nods and runs off)(Electro and Tails escort the girls to a safe distance away) (Sonic hits the ground and slides on his back) "What's the matter Sonic? Not fast enough?" Nazo taunted. (Sonic rebounds and runs towards the shrine) "There's no way I beat him like this." Sonic thought. "Hmmm, I'll let him go to the shrine, that way it'll be more of a challenge." Nazo thought. (Sonic runs by Shadow) "Getting serious eh?" Shadow said. "I'm sick of being banged around, time for an upgrade!" Sonic replied. (Shadow nods knowingly) (Dash and his team beats Eggman easily) "What a pathetic master I serve." Nazo thought. (Sonic and Shadow reach the shrine and go super) "Ha! Now you're finished!" Sonic said. "I am no mere copy of the being you know as Nazo, I can't be defeated by the likes of you!" Nazo said. (The battle continues) (Nazo bangs Sonic and Shadow around despite them being super) "Grrrr." Shadow growled. "Come on guys! They need help! Let's help em!" Dash exclaimed. (Dash and his crew try to get Nazo off Sonic and Shadows back) "You still don't understand, you don't stand a chance." Nazo said confidently. Despite the valiant effort by Dash and his crew, Nazo continued to dominate. "(Groan) I've got to get back in this." Sonic said struggling to maintain his super form. (Sonic charges towards Nazo) "Hmmm?" Nazo reacted. (Nazo turns around and punches Sonic out of his super form) "Ouch!" Sonic exclaimed hitting the floor again. "SONIC!" Amy yelled from the distance. "I feel that strange energy again." Knuckles said. "(Gasp) Now I know what that energy is!" Satsuki realized. (Note from EP...figured out what the energy is yet?) "Now...you die!" Nazo exclaimed. "Sonic no!" Amy panicked. (A black beam strikes Nazo before he can finish Sonic off) "Who dares?!" Nazo yelled. "Guess who?" Myst said. "Is that Myst?" Daze asked. "In the flesh!" Myst replied. (Myst gets shot out of the sky by Nazo's Chaos Torrent) "Not even your inari powers can beat me kitsune." Nazo growled. "(Groan) We'll see about that." Myst quipped back. (Myst fights Nazo and gives Sonic and Shadow a chance to recharge) "You're beginning to irritate me kitsune." Nazo said. "I'm just getting started!" Myst said cockily. (Nazo fights back) "Time to get back in this!" Sonic said to Shadow. (Shadow nods) (Sonic and Shadow go super again and help Myst fight Nazo) "You can't beat all three of us!" Sonic exclaimed. (Nazo growls) "Then it's time to power up!" Nazo exclaimed. (Nazo flies towards the shrine) "Oh no, we can't let him gain any more power!" Sonic exclaimed. "Then don't! Let's get him!" Myst said. "Look out!" Dash yelled. (Sonic Shadow and Myst turn around and see a boulder hurtling towards them) "I'll handle this." Shadow said. "CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow yelled firing a bolt of chaos energy. "Marx again, you'd think this guy would have enough already." Knuckles said. "He's gonna pay for trying to hurt my Sonic!" Amy exclaimed. (Amy pulls her hammer out and rams towards Marx) (Marx looks up and sees a pink hedgehog running toward him) "Oh crud." Marx thought. (Amy swings her hammer and Marx goes flying) "That'll teach you!" Amy said satisfied with a job well done. "Whoa, she's a lot stronger than she looks." Sonic thought. "Mwa ha ha ha! Marx did his job! Nazo will transform into his Perfect form once again!" Eggman exclaimed. (A black aura envelops Nazo completely, and when it dissipated, Perfect Nazo emerged) "(Growl) We gotta beat him while we still can!" Myst exclaimed. (Myst flies towards Perfect Nazo) "Myst no!" Sonic yelled. (Perfect Nazo fires a black energy ball and sends Myst back down where the rest of the gang is watching) "(Groan) That hurt." Myst groaned. "Are you okay Myst?" Satsuki asked concerned. (Myst nods) "Now come at me." Nazo taunted. "Do we try?" Sonic asked Shadow. "Hmmph, distract him, I'll use Chaos Control while he's not looking." Shadow said. (Sonic nods) "Here I come you creep!" Sonic exclaimed. (Shadow teleports) "Ha ha ha ha ha. I'm not stupid, Shadow's gone." Nazo said. (Nazo uses his Chaos Control and overrides Shadow) "Ah, there you are." Nazo said. (Nazo goes up to Shadow and blasts him to everyone else) "Shadow!" Sonic yelled. "Excellent! Now, kill Sonic!" Eggman ordered. "(Gasp) No!" Amy whispered while hiding behind the shrine. (Nazo does nothing) "Hello? I said kill him!" Eggman tried again. "This power...I can do anything. (Nazo turns towards Eggman) And I don't need to take orders from anyone!" Nazo exclaimed. "Uh oh." Sonic thought. "How dare you?! I gave you life!" Eggman yelled. "Oh yes "master" I thank you. And now, it's time to pass the baton." Nazo said. "Nazo's hand starts glowing and he controls Eggman's ship and puts it where everyone else is) "Why are we standing here?! "Let's stop him!" Quicksilver exclaimed. (Nazo snaps his fingers, and a force field of flashing colors appears) "(Gulp) I-I feel weak." Sped said woozily while grabbing onto Daze's arm. "What's up with this force field?" Quicksilver asked. "It's a special negative chaos energy field. The more you resist it's power, the weaker you become, and the stronger it becomes." Nazo said. (Eggman scans the field) "He's right, it's sucking the power right out of my ship." Eggman said as his egg mobile died. (Nazo turns his attention towards Sonic) "And now Sonic." (Nazo flies at super speed and knocks Sonic out of his super form) (Sonic growls and tries to get up) "Get up Sonic, please." Amy whispered to herself. "Ugh, you think I'll just give up?" Sonic strained. "Always showing your hero courage Sonic, I think before I kill you, I'll show you just how un-courageous you are." Nazo said sinisterly. (Nazo grabs onto Sonic's face and Sonic's pupils grow small) "No!" Dash yelled. (Dash uses all his might and kicks the field, only to land on his back, weakened from the field) "It's no use Dash, it's up to Sonic now, just hope he can withstand whatever Nazo is doing to him." Ashley said. (Dash grunts)(Inside Sonic's mind)

"Where am I?" Sonic wondered. "You're inside your mind, and we're going for a little walk down memory lane." Nazo said sinisterly. "I'm not letting you probe my mind Nazo!" Sonic exclaimed. "I'm afraid you have no choice." Nazo replied. "Oh yeah? Just watch!" Sonic said. (Sonic runs off) "Ha ha ha ha ha! Run! Run all you want Sonic! There's no escape from here! You're here on my terms!" Nazo taunted. (Background changes to the time at Emerald Coast when he saved Amy from drowning) "W-Where am I?" Sonic wondered. "You don't remember Sonic? This is Emerald Coast, where you showed just how un-courageous you are." Nazo said. (They watch the scene unfold) "Heh, you have your memories mixed up Nazo. I overcame my water fear here." Sonic said. "Look closer." Nazo replied. (They continue to watch, as memory Sonic runs off as soon as he brings Amy up) "You ran off as soon as you could, you were nervous. If it had been that little fox or that dumb echidna you would have stayed and made sure they were ok. How courageous were you now?" Nazo asked attacking Sonic's emotions. "S-So what? One time, big deal." Sonic defended. "Oh no Sonic, that's not the first time. You've done that many times before, let's go back to the beginning shall we?" Nazo said as he snapped his fingers. "Huh?" Sonic asked. (The background changes again, this time, to Little Planet) "Do you recognize this place Sonic?" Nazo asked. "Is this...Little Planet?" Sonic realized. "Yes, this is where you first met that pink hedgehog that makes you so nervous." Nazo said. "She does not make me nervous!" Sonic defended. "Really? Let's watch." Nazo replied. (The scene unfolds as the then 11 year old Sonic saves the then 8 year old Amy Rose) "Heh, I saved her from that exploding base, now that takes some courage." Sonic said cockily. "You still don't understand do you?" Nazo said. "Understand what?" Sonic said impatiently. (The scene continues as Sonic puts Amy down and runs off) "You did what you were good at, and rescued her. But then you left her there by Never Lake. Scared, confused, and bewildered. Because you were nervous around her. Anything you're not used to you run away from. And you know that don't you?" Nazo said attacking again. Sonic stayed silent. "Excellent, soon he won't even want to try anymore." Nazo thought. "Let's do one more." Nazo said. (Back in the real world) "Anything?" Dash asked. "rrraahh! There's no way out! Everything we do only makes the force field stronger!" Quicksilver said angrily. "We could try Chaos Control." Shadow suggested. "You think you could warp out of here Shadow?" Tails asked. "What do we have to lose?" Shadow said. (Shadow attempts Chaos Control) "Grraahh! Nothing works!" Shadow roared. "We've got to keep trying! Who knows what Sonic is going through." Knuckles said. "Tails?" Cream said getting Tails' attention. "What is it Cream?" Tails asked. "Do you think Mr. Sonic will be ok?" Cream asked with concern in her voice. "I'm sure Sonic will come through, he always does." Tails said reassuringly. "Ok, but I'm still a little scared." Cream said. "Don't be." Tails said as he sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around Cream to comfort her. "It's so hard to be scared in his arms." Cream thought as a smile spread across her face. "I have something!" Eggman said finally contributing. "What is it?" Dash asked. "If we can generate enough chaos energy, we can overload the force field and cause it to shut down." Eggman explained. "You mean like a super form?" Slynic asked. "Precisely! But it will take a lot more power than Shadow alone can generate." Eggman said. "I can help. Knuckles said. "I'll try to use my inari powers to simulate chaos energy." Myst said. "Ok! Ready guys?! Now!" Dash exclaimed. (Shadow and Knuckles power up into their super forms and start radiating a chaos energy aura while Myst radiated his own power) "How're they doing?!" Dash yelled. "We need more power!" Eggman replied. "Give it all you got guys!" Slynic yelled. (Electro joins in with his electric power) "Come on guys, you can do it." Amy said to herself from behind the shrine. "It's no good! Stop!" Eggman yelled. (Everyone powers down) "(Sigh) We didn't get anywhere, but at least it was too much to absorb, so it didn't get any stronger." Eggman said. "Well that's it then, it's all up to Sonic now." Satsuki said. "I hope he's alright." Sped said. "I'm sure he's alright, he's Sonic! He'll never give up!...Right?" Daze said." (Everyone looks at the still blank faced Sonic) (Back in Sonics mind) "Remember this Sonic?" Nazo asked. "Yeah, this is the final battle against the Metarex in space." Sonic said. Weakened from the two previous memory encounters. "Let's see, what happened here?" Nazo asked sarcastically. (The scene unfolds as the mysterious bubble appears and envelops Sonic and Amy) "Something out there is protecting us Sonic!" Memory Amy exclaimed. (The scene continues) "I'll never know what that bubble was all about. And now you must be thinking, you're smiling, you're ok." Nazo said. (Sonic nods) "You're wrong, I can sense that you were nervous, your heart was pounding, and you wanted to get back into your comfort zone. Real courage Sonic, is when you're willing to get out of your comfort zone and take it on, not run from it. And obviously, you don't fit that description, you're not only not courageous, you're downright pathetic." Nazo said finishing his inside attack on Sonic. "I-I don't..." Sonic stammered. "And you know what else? I don't know what that pink hedgehog ever saw in you." Nazo said evilly. (Back in the real world) (Nazo releases Sonic and Sonic falls flat on his back, unconscious) "SONIC!" Everyone including Amy yelled. "Ha ha ha ha ha! With any luck, that hedgehog will save me the trouble of killing him and never wake up!" Nazo said. "Sonic! Hang on!" Amy thought as she ran down from the shrine. (Dash sees Amy from the corner of his eye) "Psst, Slynic." Dash whispered. "What is it Dash?" Slyinc whispered back. "Amy's gonna try and get Sonic back on his feet, we gotta keep Nazo distracted." Dash said. "So Nazo, what exactly do you plan on doing?" Dash asked. "I suppose I can tell you, since you're powerless to stop me." Nazo said. (Nazo begins his long laggy monologue while Amy runs to Sonic un-noticed) "Sonic! Sonic! You have to wake up!" Amy cried. Sonic could hear her, but couldn't find the strength to move. "Sonic please! We need you!" Amy cried. "Shadow can handle him, I can't even find the courage or power to say how much I care for you." Sonic thought. "Sonic please! Don't leave me! You promised you would never leave me! (Sniff) Please Sonic...please. Amy begged as she collapsed on top of him crying. "I-I did promise that. I can't believe you care enough to put up with me after all these years." Sonic thought in amazement. Then the thoughts that came to him the previous time came back to Sonic in full volume, one phrase louder than the others. "Power is enriched by the heart. "He now fully understood what that phrase meant, that was the reason the emeralds protected them a while back, and he realized something else, it wasn't her fault she made him nervous, but she was the reason that he could keep fighting no matter how hard things got. It was the thought of her that granted him his hyper form, and the thought of her would grant it again. Sonic slowly wrapped his arms around the crying girl on top of him, causing Amy to open her eyes and look at her beloved blue hedgehog, and see him smiling up at her. "Sonic?" Amy asked in astonishment. Sonic and Amy slowly inched closer to each other, as they tightened their embrace and shared their first kiss as they began to float in the air together. "Look!" Ashley exclaimed pointing out Sonic and Amy. "What?! Impossible!" Nazo exclaimed turning around. Sonic turned super once more, not once loosening his grip, but it didn't stop there, as the emeralds glowed bright and began increasing in size. "I won't let that happen!" Nazo exclaimed as he charged towards the couple. Nazo attempted to attack them, but the familiar bubble enveloped them once more, protecting them from Nazo's attack. "That can't be! I can not be stopped!" Nazo yelled. Apparently you can. Dash said. (Nazo flashes Dash a sinister scowl) Sonic continued gaining power to the point of gaining his hyper form, and just as Sonic turned hyper, Amy's fur turned yellow, as if she also had a super form locked inside of her, and she did not power down until Sonic slowly descended as their lips parted and he released his grip on her. "Thank you Amy, you gave me the strength to continue on." Sonic said. (Amy clasps her hands together in happiness) "Get out of there Shadow! We have a monster to bash!" Sonic said. (Shadow goes hyper and overloads the force field) "You may have broken my field, but you won't beat me!" Nazo said. "Wanna bet?!" Sonic said winking at Shadow. (Shadow nods as he understood what Sonic meant) "Go for it you guys!" Knuckles yelled. "What are they going to do?" Dash asked. "Just watch!" Amy said joining the group. "There's only one thing left to do! Ready Shadow?!" Sonic exclaimed. "Ok!" Shadow replied. "CHAOS CONTROL!!" They both said, as the unification began. "What's happening to Mr. Sonic and Mr. Shadow Tails?" Cream asked. "Something awesome Cream! Something awesome!" Tails said. "What's happening?! I can't even look at them!" Nazo exclaimed. (The dramatic transformation finally came to an end, and a white and red hedgehog emerged enveloped in a flashing rainbow aura) "What happened? Who is that?" Daze asked. The hedgehog looked down and exclaimed loudly. "Shadic!" Everyone stared in awe at the hyper hedgehog preparing for the final battle. And Nazo growled with incredible ferocity. "Very well, Hyper Shadic. Prepare to meet your end!" Nazo roared. (Boss starts)

(Boss ends)

"Not bad Shadic, I'm actually impressed with your power." Nazo said. "Hmmph, I'm just getting warmed up!" Shadic replied. "Pretty big talk for someone who needs ring power to fight, how much do you have left anyway?" Nazo said. "I've got enough to beat you, that's for sure!" Shadic said. "I gotta beat him quick, I'm actually almost out of power." Shadic thought. "Yes, perhaps you have enough power to beat ME, but can you beat, ten of me?!" Nazo exclaimed. "(Gulp) You can't do that! The real Nazo couldn't even do that!" Shadic exclaimed. "But I'm not the real Nazo, I am...Nazo 3!" Nazo said as he split himself into ten different Nazo's. "I'm gonna have to sacrifice all my rings to beat him now." Shadic thought as he began his assault on 2 Nazo's. (The battle rages, Shadic puts up an incredible effort, but every time he starts beating on one, a different Nazo shows up and throws him off) "(Groan) Need rings, power ebbing." Shadic said struggling to keep his hyper form. "Ha ha ha! The hero has fallen! And now you die!" Nazo exclaimed as he and his copies prepared to finish him off. (Nazo charges up his attack) "Someone has to help him!" Amy cried out. "Ungh, guys! Concentrate! Use the power of the emeralds and go super!" Shadic exclaimed. (All the guys, including Tails go into their super form, except for Knuckles who goes hyper) "Alright let's go!" Dash exclaimed as they charged towards their chaos foe. "What?! How can this be?!" Nazo exclaimed. "Did you really think we would stand by and let our friends get killed?!" Dash asked. "(Snarl) Very well, I'll destroy you guys before I take Shadic's life." Nazo said. (Everyone starts battling their own Nazo) "Sonic! I know you're in there! You've got to help them!" Amy exclaimed. (The Sonic side of him shined through, as he smiled at Amy and took off for what would be the roughest battle ever) "Well Shadic, let's see just how much power you have left." The original Nazo said. (boss battle) (boss ends) (All the clones have been defeated, and Knuckles and Dash hold Nazo in one place) "No! I can't be defeated! I am a pure chaos being!" Nazo exclaimed. (Shadic kicks Nazo into space) "Be right back, keep Eggman here." Shadic instructed. (Dash nods) "Chaos Control!" Shadic said before warping to Nazo's location. "(Growl) I'll get Shadic for this indignity." Nazo said to himself. (Shadic appears) "Excellent, you've come to me. I'd say your rings are just about gone by now, you sure you want to face me?" Nazo asked sarcastically. "I don't need rings, I'm finishing this now." Shadic said. (Final boss starts) (Final boss ends) "(Groan) This...is...impossible." Nazo groaned turning back into his regular form. (Shadic grins as he charges his final attack) "Oh no! This can't be! You're out of rings! How can you be so much stronger than me?!" Nazo panicked. "Because power is enriched by the heart! And you...don't...have one!" Shadic exclaimed with pride in his voice, as he destroyed the Nazo body that encased the eyeball form of Zero. (Zero falls back to earth) As Shadic floated back down to earth, he split back into the individuals, Shadow and Sonic. "Oh, you did it Sonic! Congratulations!" Amy said. (Everyone starts congratulating Sonic and Shadow) "Uh, where's Eggman?" Sonic asked. (Dash turns around and sees Eggman sneaking away to pick something up) "Be right back." Dash said as he ran towards Eggman. "Well, if at first you don't succeed..." Eggman said to himself reaching down to grab Nazo's bracelet. (Crash! The bracelet shatters as Dash crushes it under his foot) "Don't try again." Dash said. "(Growl) This isn't over Dash!" Eggman growled at his new nemesis. "Whatever, but in the meantime, time for an egg-sicle." Dash said freezing Eggman with his ice powers. "C-c-curse you D-D-D-Dash the hedgehog." A half frozen Eggman said. (Zero shrinks down un-noticed by the gang) "So, what do you say we...ARRRGGGHHH!" Sonic screamed. "Sonic what's wrong?!" Amy panicked. "Zero! He's trying to take over again!" Sonic exclaimed struggling to stay in control. "What do we do?!" Sped asked. "Zero can't be destroyed! We've got to imprison him somehow!" Tails said. "(Groan) D-Do it!" Sonic said. "What?!" Knuckles asked. "S-Seal me into the Master Emerald, it's the only way to stop him!" Sonic struggled. "B-But Sonic!" Tails stuttered. "HURRY! I can't hold out much longer!" Sonic said as his personality began to turn into Zero. Knuckles did his chant and sealed Sonic just as Zero completely took over his body. (Amy runs up to the Emerald, shoving Knuckles out of her way) "Hey! I..." Knuckles stopped mid-sentence when he saw Tails motioning him to come back down from the shrine. "Oh, poor Mr. Sonic." Cream said tearing up. "If you ask me, I think Amy is worse off than him." Ashley said looking at the crying girl at the altar. "(Sniffle, Sniffle) Please, bring him back! Bring Sonic back please!" Amy begged the emerald. (Meanwhile, inside the emerald. Zero flees Sonic's body after being sealed in the emerald) "(Phew) That's it! You'll never hurt anyone again!" Sonic told Zero. "I am sorry you had to do this." A female voice said. "Who said that?" Sonic called out. (Tikal appears) "It's you...Tikal." Sonic said in astonishment. "You succeeded in defeating Zero, I'm sorry that you had to sacrifice your regular life to do so." Tikal said sadly. "What do you mean? And how did you know about Zero?" Sonic asked. "Me and Chaos saw everything from here, and I'm afraid we're all trapped forever within the confines of the Master Emerald." Tikal explained. "What's it like being trapped here anyway?" Sonic asked. "Despite Chaos being here to keep me company, it is...rather lonely here." Tikal said. "Huh, I bet Knuckles would understand what being lonely is like." Sonic said. "I admire Knuckles' sense of duty to guard the emerald, and the only thing that would distract him from that duty, is to protect his friends." Tikal said. "Heh, You'd like to get out of here wouldn't you?" Sonic said. "I would actually, but I'm afraid that's not possible." Tikal said. (Sonic smiles) "I wouldn't be so sure of that." Sonic said, now that he knew what the phrase power enriched by the heart meant. "I'm afraid I don't understand." Tikal said confused. "You said it yourself, Power is enriched by the heart. Anything can happen if you want it passionately enough, and if I know Amy, she won't stop until I'm free." Sonic said knowingly. "I see, but I don't think that it will happen for me." Tikal said sadly. "Who knows? Maybe when you learn how much you "admire" Knuckles, the emerald will grant you freedom to join him." Sonic said knowingly. (Tikal blushes) "I sense the emerald reacting, I believe what you said is coming true." Tikal said. "That's my Amy." Sonic thought. "Think about what I said Tikal." Sonic said. (Tikal nods and says goodbye as Sonic disappears in a flash of light) "Yes, maybe I will gain a second chance to live a normal life, so I can be with him." Tikal thought to herself about Knuckles. (Outside the Emerald) Amy continued to sob, and beg the emerald to release her beloved Sonic. Then the emerald began glowing bright, and a ball of light emerged from the emerald and shaped into Sonic the Hedgehog. "Is that, Sonic?" Tails asked. (Sonic motions them to stay back with a wave of his hand, as he walks up to the sobbing Amy who neglected to notice his return) "What's such a long face doing on such a pretty girl?" Sonic asked with confidence he never had before. (Amy raises her head from crying and looks up at Sonic who was smiling down at her) "S-Sonic?!" Amy stuttered. (Sonic kneels down in front of her) "Oh Sonic, I thought I lost you forever!" Amy said still crying and hugging Sonic tightly. "I promised I would never leave you Amy, and I still won't...ever." Sonic said, stroking her back to calm her. (Amy stops sobbing and calms down to a slight sniffling) "You know, you look good in a super form." Sonic said. "Is that what that warm feeling was? I have a super form?" Amy asked in amazement. "Yeah, and you know, I'd love to try and help you unlock it." Sonic said. "Oh you." Amy said now laughing. "Ahem!" Dash grunted. (Sonic and Amy let go of each other as everyone runs up to the altar) "So what happened?" Tails asked. "Zero will never return, Tikal and Chaos will make sure of that." Sonic said. "You met Tikal?" Knuckles asked. "Yeah, and in that short time there, I felt what she had to go through, extreme loneliness. She said she would like to return." Sonic explained. "But how could that happen?" Knuckles asked interested. "You have to want her to return, like how Amy brought me back." Sonic explained. (Knuckles looks at the emerald) "Well that's it then, I'd say it's time for a brawl rematch!" Quicksilver exclaimed. "You're on! Dash said. "So Sonic, what happened when Nazo grabbed you? It looked painful." Tails said. "It was Tails, but in a way, it helped me more than I could ever imagine." Tails replied. "What do you mean?" Tails asked. (Amy walks up and takes Sonic's arm) "Oh, that's what he means." Tails said to himself. "Heh heh, see you later bro." Sonic said. "Where are you going Sonic?" Tails asked. (Sonic winks) "Oh, ok, have fun you two." Tails said. "What did he mean?" Amy asked. (Sonic picks Amy up into his arms) "Sonic, what are you doing?" Amy asked. "I believe I owe you something you've wanted for a long time." Sonic said. (Amy eyes shine bright with joy as she realized what he meant) "See ya guys!" Sonic called out. "See you later you two! We'll be at Daze's place!" Dash called out. (Sonic gives his trademark grin and runs off with Amy in his arms)

(1 Week Later)

"Come on Ames try again." Sonic encouraged. (Amy concentrates and attempts to activate her super form) With a cry of determination, Amy...doesn't get enough power. "Oah! This is really hard." Amy whined. "It wasn't a piece of cake for me either the first time, but you'll get it, try again." Sonic said. (Amy nods and begins concentrating) "Now, feel the emeralds power, absorb the chaos energy and unlock your super form!" Sonic encouraged. (Amy transforms into her super form and retains it...for about 3 seconds) "Oh this is too hard! Can't we stop now Sonic? We've been doing this all day." Amy pleaded. "Heh heh, tell you what, you get it this time, and I'll take you to Twinkle Park. How about that?" Sonic tempted. "(Gasp) Ok! I'll try one more time!" Amy exclaimed. Sonic couldn't help but laugh at his new girlfriend's change of spirit. (Amy concentrates and finally transforms thanks to the extra motivation of a date) "Wow! I feel great!" Amy said in her new super form. "You look great." Sonic said. "(Giggle) Thanks." Amy said. "Alright, now try to fly." Sonic requested. "Well, ok I'll try." Amy said reluctantly. (Amy attempts to fly and fails miserably) "Whoa, I'm dizzy." Amy said powering down and falling down. (Sonic catches her) "I gotcha." Sonic said. "I must've looked like a dying duck up there." Amy joked. "You did good for your first time, you'll get the hang of it." Sonic encouraged. "(Giggle) Well let's go." Amy said. "Go where?" Sonic asked sarcastically. "You promised that if I managed to go super, you'd take me to Twinkle Park." Amy replied. "Did I?" Sonic joked again. (Amy punches him playfully) "So, ready for a light speed trip?" Sonic asked warming up his feet. "Oh Sonic, can't we just walk there this time?" Amy asked. "Awww, come on, getting there is half the fun." Sonic said. "Sonic, I know you love to speed things up, but do you ever stop and just look at the beauty our world has to offer?" Amy asked. "No, never." Sonic replied. (Amy takes Sonic's hand) "Well then, now is the perfect time." Amy said. (They begin walking towards Twinkle Park) "Have you heard from anyone since the adventure ended?" Amy asked. "Actually, I swung by Tails' workshop yesterday. And he told me..." Sonic said.

(Flashback begins)

"Hmmph, shoulda known everyone would bail on helping me fix this thing." Tails grumbled referring to the Blue Typhoon. (Tails puts on his goggles and gets to work) (Later) (Knock knock) "Hello? Tails?" A voice said. "Who's that?" Tails thought, turning off his welding torch. "Come in!" Tails called. (Cream walks in) "Hey Cream, what are you doing here?" Tails asked. "I came to see how you were doing, and to see if you needed help." Cream said. "Well fixing the Typhoon again is gonna be a huge job, so I could use some help." Tails replied. "You can count on me!" Cream exclaimed striking a cute pose. "Ok, do you know how to use a screwdriver?" Tails asked. "Mm hmm." Cream nodded. "Here, go over there and start tightening those loose screws, that way the walls don't cave in on me while I'm welding." Tails said pointing in the direction of her assignment. "(Giggle) Ok Tails." Cream said smiling. (Cream flies to her job and starts screwing screws) (Later) "Phew, looks good." Tails said to himself. (Tails notices Cream slowing down) "She's done a great job, She deserves a good break." Tails thought. "Hey Cream, you want some lemonade?" Tails called. "I'd love some! Thanks!" Cream said flying down from her location. (After a lemonade break) "So, how'd you like to have some fun?" Tails asked. "Sure, what did you have in mind?" Cream replied. "Hmmm, how would you like to learn to fly the X-Tornado?!" Tails asked. Cream stood in awe, Tails was reluctant to even let Sonic fly his pride and joy, and now he was offering to teach her how to fly it without even thinking twice. "Well?" Tails asked. "Cream shook herself awake and said: "Are you serious?!" "Sure, I'd love to teach you. So whaddya say?" Tails replied. "Sure!" Cream said still slightly shocked. (At the X-Tornado) "Oh, I can't reach the controls." Cream said sadly. "Sit here." Tails said bringing her onto his lap. "Thanks Tails." Cream said. "Alright, now start off slow, then accelerate." Tails said. (Cream follows through and the X-Tornado takes off) "Nice job! Now just go ahead and fun!" Tails said. (The Tornado does a few flips and it flies away with Tails and Cream laughing inside)

(Flashback Ends)

"I don't believe it!" Amy said amazed. "I know! He won't even let me fly that thing." Sonic said. "Not that! Wise Guy." Amy said. "I mean how well Tails and Cream are getting along." "Yeah, I guess that's kinda important." Sonic reasoned. "What about Knuckles? Has he managed to bring Tikal back yet?" Amy asked. "As a matter of fact..."


"Sonic said I had to want her to come back, like Amy did." Knuckles thought. "Well I don't want to be the last of my kind anymore, I'm sick of being known as, "The Last Echidna" I want someone I can relate to as an echidna. Please, I no longer wish to be the last echidna! Bring Tikal from the emerald!" Knuckles pleaded with passion he didn't think he could have. (Meanwhile, inside the emerald) (Note from EP...Chaos can't speak, but he is intelligent, so let's just say that he and Tikal speak through telepathy) "What is it princess?" Chaos thought to her. "He's attempting to release me." Tikal replied. "You truly want to be with him don't you?" "Yes, yes I do. I can understand how lonely he is being the last echidna alive." Tikal replied. "Then you two will be the last two echidnas alive." Chaos said. (Remember, telepathy) "True, but I want to keep him company, perhaps he will feel better if he has someone of his own kind to talk to, to relate to, to...feel close to." Tikal said. "So, you not only want to be with him, you have strong feelings for him." Chaos said. "(Blush) Yes, I suppose I do." Tikal said. "And you don't like it here." Chaos said. "No, I don't, being here is like being dead, I want to live out my life." Tikal said. "Well then, go on, help him get you out." Chaos said. "But what about you Chaos? You'll be all alone." Tikal said. "Do not worry princess, I can come out at will, and I can visit you when I wish." Chaos said. (Note from EP...Remember Sonic Battle? There was no real explanation as to why he was there) "Besides, I have a new toy to keep me occupied." Chaos said pointing at Zero. "(Giggle) Ok, thank you my friend." Tikal said. (Tikal asks the emerald to grant her, her freedom) (Tikal disappears in a flash of light) (Back outside the Master Emerald) Knuckles opened his eyes and saw a familiar red ball of light appear, it formed into the young echidna girl that appeared before when Chaos went into a blind rage. But she appeared...unconscious. (Knuckles kneels down to the unconscious echidna in front of him) "What happened?!" Knuckles wondered with an alarmed tone. (Knuckles grabs her wrist and feels for her pulse, she was still alive) "(Relieved sigh) You're alive, I'll keep an eye on you until you wake up." Knuckles said as if she could hear. (An hour later) "(Moan) What happened? Where am I? (Gasp) Chaos!" Tikal sees that she is outside the emerald, but Knuckles is nowhere in sight. "Come and visit soon my friend." Tikal said to herself. "Who're you talking to?" Knuckles said with a smile. "Oh, uh, I-I was talking to Chaos." Tikal stuttered. "Well I'm glad you're ok." Knuckles said. "Really?" Tikal asked hopefully. "Of course, I certainly didn't want to go back to being the last echidna again." Knuckles said. "Oh, right." Tikal said slightly disappointed in his answer. "So why exactly did you want to come back? Weren't you happy with Chaos?" Knuckles asked. "Chaos is a good friend, but being in the emerald is like being dead. There's...nothing. Time doesn't pass, yet I watch time pass. Thank you so much for releasing me from that prison." Tikal said with more emotion then she intended as she hugged Knuckles. (Knuckles makes a confused face as he looked at the beautiful young echidna who was embracing him) "You're welcome." was all Knuckles could say as he just barely hugged her back. "Um, may I ask you a favor?" Tikal asked. "Sure, what is it?" "I was wondering if you could show me around the area, so much has changed since I was sealed. I would like to be reacquainted with the world." Tikal said. "But what about the Master Emerald?" Knuckles asked. "There's that dedication I admire so much." Tikal thought. "Don't worry, unlike me, Chaos can come out at will, if any threat should come to the emerald, Chaos will divert it." Tikal said. (Knuckles thinks about it for a minute, then reluctantly says yes) "Thank you Knuckles." Tikal said taking his arm. "You're welcome princess." Knuckles said. "Please don't call me that, I am no longer a princess, call me by my name, Tikal." Tikal requested. "Very well...Tikal." Knuckles said as they glided down from Angel Island. (Chaos appears from the emerald) "Have fun Tikal." Chaos thought to himself.

(Flashback ends)

"Wow! So Tikal is back?! I'll have to take her shopping for something different to wear, those tribal clothes are so out of date. About 4000 years out of date." Amy laughed. "Yeah who knows? Maybe she'll be able to do something about that temper of his." Sonic joked. "Have you heard anything about Shadow?" Amy asked. "Not much, but Dash did tell me a couple days back that Quicksilver and Shadow still had to decide who was the TRUE ultimate life form." Sonic said.


(A battle between Shadow and Quicksilver is raging) "Hmmph, not bad Quicksilver." Shadow said while fighting. "You're not bad yourself Shadow." Quicksilver replied. "But I'll repeat myself, I am the ultimate!" Shadow said getting a blow in. "Wrong again Shad, I am! In fact, once I prove my superiority, I think I'll take that bat-girl out on a date." Quicksilver said. "Hmmph, like she would go anywhere with a faker like you." Shadow replied. "Are you jealous Shadow?" Quicksilver asked. "Hardly, I'm a weapon, I had only one person in my "heart" and that's Maria." Shadow said. "Then why do you care what I do with her?" Quicksilver taunted. "Just shut up and fight!" Shadow said. "Whatever." Quicksilver finally said.

(Flashback ends)

"Don't tell anyone, but my bet is on Shadow." Amy said. "Yeah, that guy is dangerous when he's determined, but don't count out Quicksilver to put up a fight." Sonic said. "What else did Dash tell you?" Amy asked. "Well, Dash went out with Ashley the day before I spoke to him, he said he might like having her as his girlfriend." Sonic said. "Good for him!" Amy exclaimed. "As for Myst and Daze, here's what I heard.


"That's it... feel the power in you... RELEASE!" Myst encouraged. "Oh come on Myst, I'm not an inari! I can't do this stuff." Satsuki groaned. "You'll get it eventually. Keep doing that until you think you have the technique Suki. I'm goin for a coffee break!" Myst said.
Myst left Satsuki and walked into Daze's basement, he slumped on a chair and polished his gauntlets, he set them down and smiled, then he dozed off. A half hour later, a huge crash was heard. "Myst! Where the heck are you?! a voice screamed. Myst put his gauntlets on and floated sleepily into the shop " Ahh, Suki. What a great way to greet the dawn, yelling with a side of aggression..." Laughed Myst nervously towards the raging fur ball wrecking the merchandise around her. She stopped and turned around slowly, her eyes grew large and oval shaped, "Myst! I have been looking for you!" she screamed. She pounced on Myst, who scratched his head too vigorously. He went flying into the roof and laughed, with Satsuki still hanging onto his legs, he hoisted himself up into Daze's room and pulled Satsuki with him. (Meanwhile) "Here, I made this candy myself." Sped said presenting a box of homemade rock candy to Daze. "(Gulp) Y-You made it from scratch?" Daze asked, nervous about the fact that Sped had taken the time to make him, the candy connoisseur, a box of homemade candy. (BOOM!) Myst and Satsuki rammed through the floor of his kitchen. "Whazzup Daze?" Myst asked. "Whaddya want Myst?" Daze asked. (Myst pulls Satsuki up out of the floor) "Let's talk Daze." Myst said pulling him aside. (Satsuki grabs Sped) "What Myst?" Daze asked impatiently. "It looked like you were about to throw up, something wrong with Sped?" Myst teased. "Hmmph, had a fight with Satsuki?" Daze countered. "What makes you say that?" Myst asked. "THE HOLE IN MY FLOOR!!" Daze yelled angrily. "I'll fix that don't worry. But here's some advice, start toughening up around Sped." Myst said. "Who said I want your advice?" Daze asked. "The look on your face." Myst said. (Satsuki and Sped) "Sped, what are you doing?" Satsuki asked. "Trying to show Daze what we have in common." Sped said showing her the candy. "Sped, Daze is just getting used to having you around, I think you need to back off just a little, he looked like he was going to pass out!" Satsuki laughed. "Oh, do I have to?" Sped asked. "It's my opinion, if you think your way is better, go ahead." Satsuki replied. "Ok!" Sped said walking away. (Satsuki sweat drops) (Daze and Sped walk away from their respective tutors in love, and meet again) "Here, try one." Sped said. (Daze takes one and eats it) "Wow! These are great!" Daze exclaimed. "Thanks, it's a recipe I've worked on for a long time now!" Sped exclaimed. "Well, they're great, thanks Sped." Daze said turning back into his jittery self. (Myst and Satsuki look at each other and then at the would be couple)

(Flashback ends)

"Poor Daze, think he'll ever get used to her?" Amy asked laughing. "Maybe one day, but he's like me, girls make him nervous." Sonic said knowing he was going to get whacked for that comment. (Amy flicks his nose) "Ow, I knew that was coming." Sonic said rubbing his nose. "(Giggle) what about the "bachelors?" Amy asked. "I already mentioned Quicksilver. Slynic is back to hanging with Dash, he's also messing with Dash about his new girlfriend." Sonic said. "You mean like Knuckles with you?" Amy said sadly. "Hey don't worry about him, if he tries something, I can just bring up Tikal now." Sonic said grinning. (Amy smiles) "As for Electro and Ashura, I haven't heard much about them, but if I know them, they're looking for another adventure, like yours truly." Sonic joked. "Of course." Amy said rolling her eyes. "Hey, we're here." Sonic said as they stood in front of the elevator to Twinkle Park. "Look Sonic! It's the couples get in free night!" Amy said. "Of course." Sonic said. "Wait, you...you planned this didn't you?" Amy said knowingly. (Sonic gives his trademark grin) "You're the best...Sonikku." Amy said using his pet name. (Sonic blushes slightly) "Well what are we waiting for? Let's have some fun!" Amy said running off. "Wait up Amy!" Sonic called running after her. (Screen starts scrolling to the sky) "(Giggle) You're too slow Sonic! (Giggle)" "I'll show you slow!" (Scene ends with Eggman flying across the sky laughing maniacally)

The End?

I love Jesus! Do you?


I liked the battle parts, not so much the mushy stuff.


Yeah well everyone knows you hate girls.

I love Jesus! Do you?


geez couldnt you space it out into three or four posts