Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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NOTE: Due to a moderation error, the old, "Sonic Future Force" was deleted, and it took me up until NOW to finally make a new one. I luckily had all this saved, but you people will sadly have to be re-accepted, and before that, remake your bios...

This section is for the current updates in the roleplay.
November 29, 2009
I finally got the roleplay posted again, after weeks of not posting it.
SLIGHT update, you can now decide if your character is good, neutral, or evil.

November 30, 2009
We'll now be color coding your names, to make sure we know how close you are to being kicked out.

December 18, 2009
The city this takes place in has a name, now. Irrithous. This, however, isn't the whole world. Mobius is more than just Irrithous, but Eggman conquered more than just the central city, he conquered more, and more, and more, making one big city thats almost half the world. So basically, he's in control of half the world. The other half should still be free, but half is a LOT.

May 10, 2010
More updated story, and an attempt at a revival.

Color Code:
Purple ~ Clean
Blue ~ Ok
Light Blue ~ Slightly watched
Green ~ Watched
Yellow ~ Danger
Orange ~ Kicked (Temporarily)
Red ~ Kicked (Forever)

Current Accepted:

Gleech ~ Arrow
HMS7 ~ HMS7, Ninja
Draco ~ Solstice, Equinox
Shadow26 ~ Shade
Jeexx ~ Jeexx
Mikey the Echidna ~ Mikey, Blaushike
DarknessShadow ~ Aurum, Blade
Voorhees21 ~ Esfer
Gamerdude ~ Alex
KirbySoul11 ~ Flash
ChaosDazer ~ Fireyo

Current Pending:


Current Denied:


Current Banned:

Jetthehawk ~ Failure to follow the topic rules.

"10 years later... heh, no one would've ever expected it," a lonely voice says... showing a city of mayhem, cars destroyed, buildings burning, streets torn up,

"I... I wonder if I could've stopped him... I always do," the voice says, showing more destruction,

"The force he had... it was just too much." the view of the city started to go to static,

"All the people he hurt, building he destroyed, homes he ruined... I just, couldn't handle it... I ended up getting myself caught when I went to face him without backup," the image gets normal and turns to a large tower,

"I bet you're wondering who I'm talking about, right?" the camera pans up to see someone standing on the tower, it quickly zooms in and shows,

"...My nemesis, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, or, as I call him, Eggman." the camera zooms out and then breaks,

"Because of me, the world has no hope," there was a pause in the speaking,

"I bet you're wondering... who I am," he asked,

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog... and because of me, everything is destroyed."

Well if you hadn't guessed from the intro, Eggman has finally beaten Sonic, 10 years later. As recorded from the data logs that were scrapped, the legendary hero, Sonic the Hedgehog went into battle with Eggman recently, to try and stop him from continuing his rampage all over the world. Sadly, because of the losses Sonic suffered during that battle, Sonic's mind was set on revenge, not victory, making him weak on the outside. He fell for every one of the old tricks Eggman threw at him. No one really knows how Eggman became so powerful, but all they knew was, all the old heroes, were either dead, captured, or badly injured.

Data Log, April 29th, 2019

Status Report:
There have been a few deaths,
Many injuries.

The capitol of Irrithous, the Center, has been completely taken over, the attempts at suicide missions into The Center have all been failures.

The outside has been hit with many years of damage. The outskirts are covered in sand, cars piled up on the sides of the road, buildings collapsed, places destroyed. However it's still the home to many of the fighters.

The Tower, the very center of Irrithous, is where Eggman resides. The building touches the sky with its demonic shape and messed-up appearance.

The Center is the inner area of Irrithous, many Mobians still live there, but the rules are strict. The dictator-like aggression from Eggman has sent many Mobians in The Center to their death... but it's cleaner and nicer than The Outskirts.

The skies are usually blue and cloud-less in the morning, making stealth airstrikes vulnerable and able to be seen. Even at night the Night Watch usually sets up defenses to stop any air attacks.

We only have a few leaders left,
Major Manic the Hedgehog his leaderships skills are lacking in war, but he leads the stealth division. Knowing most of the streets of the south-east Outskirts, he leads a group of Mobians into stealth missions. If he ends up in a Firefight, he usually can handle himself, due to his years of experience in the Sonic Underground.
Weapon of Choice: Dual Wielded Glock 17s.
Sidearm: His second Glock 17.

Lieutenant General Sally Acorn her strategic mind has helped out in many battles, giving her the rank of Lieutenant General. She's good around a pistol, and knows her enemies well. Stick with her, and you'll be safe... for awhile.
Weapon of Choice: Desert Eagle.
Sidearm: None.

Captain Miles "Tails" Prower, his powerful (Even though the Power-EMP weakened it) mind helps in creation of many inventions. Sadly Captain Prower suffered an injury from a grenade and is no longer out in the field. Instead he usually stays behind and helps Lieutenant General Acorn plan out strategies, and helps in the creation of new technology.
Weapon of Choice: MP5.
Sidearm: M1911.

Brigadier General Knuckles the Echidna, even though his strength is gone, his knuckles still pack a big punch. He may not be the strongest of the group, but he's still good with melee tactics. However fighting alongside Captain Prower, he too suffered an injury from the grenade. However it wasn't as bad as Captain Prower, he still rarely shows up in battle.
Weapon of Choice: M16.
Sidearm: His fists.

Major General Shadow the Hedgehog, his aggressive style of war is strange, yet effective. Most are discouraged to join his team, however some still do.
Weapon of Choice: AK-47 w/ scope.
Sidearm: Mini Uzi.

MIA reports:
Second Lieutenant Silver the Hedgehog
Last Seen: Freedom Fighter HQ, 2019.

Captain Mighty the Armadillo
Last Seen: Stealth mission into The Center, 2018.

First Lieutenant Sonia the Hedgehog
Last Seen: Firefight, Northeast side of the Outskirts, 2019.

Colonel Bunnie Rabbot
Last Seen: Firefight, Northeast side of the Outskirts, 2019 (Along with First Lieutenant Sonia).

Corporal Espio the Chameleon
Last Seen: Stealth mission through the sewers, 2019.

KIA Reports:
Sergeant Amy Rose
Reason of death: Attempting to rescue Sonic.

End Status Report."

Eggman used his genius mind to use Sonic's own powers against the world, too. He generated enough power from the chaos emeralds, and a sample of DNA from Sonic, to set off an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) that instead of knocking out electricity, would knock out all powers from anyone who had super powers.

To clear things up: Eggman made their powers uncontrolable and weak, meaning they had to learn them all again, causing issues when fighting against even Eggman's lowest robots.
Knuckles isn't super strong.
Tails isn't super smart*
Sonic isn't super fast

* I know Tails' genius mind doesnt come from a power, but think about it... it should.

1)You CAN'T learn to control your powers in one post.
2)An important enemy can't be defeated in one post.
3)You have to have a reasonable opening, not like, "Steve: *fights robots* HAI GUYZ"
4)Please at least TRY to use proper english during this...
5)You can use the "Character: Words" system, but it'll be looked down on by me and a few others.
6)No posting random entries to battles that are quickly won, example, "Stever: *Goes and fights Metal Sonic* YEAH! *Kicks metal sonic and kills him*"
7)You must be accepted if you want to join in, if you aren't you can't join in. If you say I'm not fair, then tough beans.
8)If you aren't accepted, and you go off and create a roleplay just like this, I will delete it.
9)Too lazy to read the rules or story? Well then that means you can't join.
10)No godmodding... this is stupid and against the rules.
11)You may swear but please don't go too over-board with it.
Character sheet:
|Appearence description/picture:
|Other Abilities*:
|Roleplaying Style:
|Sample of Roleplaying:
Don't wanna deal with the lines?
[b]Appearence description/picture:[/b]
[b]Other Abilities*:[/b]

[b]Roleplaying Style:[/b]
[b]Sample of Roleplaying:[/b]

* Can be deleted.
Do not edit this sheet, or copy it without permission. This sheet includes EVERYTHING you need to make a character, thought the box around it can be deleted, that was just for looks.
NOTE! You're age has to be 10 years older than your characters original age.
NOTE! You're "Other Abilities" will NOT be uncontrollable, unless its your main 'power', like if you use a sword, your strength will be too heavy to use, etc...
NOTE! Remember to type OUTSIDE the "B" boxes, so that we dont get the title and the words mixed up.

Name: Arrow
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearence description/picture: Arrow is a purpleish-blue hedgehog with red sripes on his spikes/spines/hair. He also has a big red one going down his head, ending between his eyes, and going back, like an Arrow. He's medium height for a 21-year-old, and has a deeper voice than when he was 11, thought, it's not TOO deep. He sometimes wears a belt, to carry grenades and guns in for when he's going out. He usually has some dirt on his face, since he's usually either working on a vehicle, or blasting robots down.He also has a few cuts and blast marks in some places, due to him being sometimes thoughtless in what he does. His fur is always a tad messy, since he doesn't bother to fix it since it'll just mess up anyway, dodging so much. He also wears a brown bandana on his head.
Equipment: He has a guns thats your average Berretta pistol, with a few modifications, such as a laser blast setting, and a laser pointer for a target. He also installed a scope on it, just in case he needed it. His gun's scope is removable. He sometimes carries regular, and smoke, grenades with him. He might also hop on his custom made ATV he uses, 2 seats, he also has a few guns equiped to it, so he can shoot when on it.
Power: Un-controllable super speed.
Other Abilities*: He's pretty smart.
Personality: Because of his friends and family being killed or captured, Arrow can be easily angered if that subject is brought up. He tries to show his true nice self at all times, but he finds that a lot of times an angered mess comes out instead. He doesn't know why he's like this, but he tries not to be. He still helps his friends when he can, though, even taking a blaster shot if needed. His hunger for killing has grown because of Eggman being in control, so sometimes he makes stupid mistakes without thinking it through. He's usually nice around his friends and fellow allies, or at least, tries to be. He isn't bad though, since, as I said, he tries to be nice, but the war has changed him.
History*: Arrow's family were the first killed, it seemed like they were to him, at least. He tried to stop the robots, but when he tried he just failed. He attempted to kick at them, but somehow they were smarter than the previous models, 10 years ago, and grabbed his foot, swinging him around until he was unconsious. When he woke up, his parents were dead, and he had failed them.

He always remembered that day where he failed to rescue them, and blames himself for what happened. When he found out Knuckles, the first hero to get injured, was hurt, he knew this war was going to turn the wrong way. Somehow, Eggman knew all their moves! He figured that after more than 20 years of being beaten around, Eggman must've revived all his old data of fighting moves and stuff.

The real problem, was when they re-did Arrow's powers. Arrow didn't know what to do once his powers were, 'gone'. He couldn't control them, when he tried to run fast, he ran at a normal speed! When he DIDN'T want to run fast, rarely, though, would he speed up. He never got it, he knew HOW to control his powers, well, eventually he forgot, since it was awhile since those days, but it just wasn't working for him! He knew he wasn't the only one, though. He tracked down Tails, to find out he was injured, as well, and couldn't help. He then tried to find one of the other heroes, Silver, but he was no where to be found. He eventually teamed up with the group the heroes led. Now he waits for the day he gets revenge on Eggman for what he did to his family.
Family*: His parents (Dead).

Roleplaying Style: Advanced
Sample of Roleplaying: Arrow fell to the ground, stunned. His parents were dead, and it was his fault, "...I... I'll get revenge for you," he said to his now dead parents, "...Robotnik will pay for this, I promise."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Name:HMS7 the hedgehog
Nickname*: HM or hms7
Gender: male
Age: (in this rp) 27 (in others he is my age)
Appearence description/picture: look at profile pick
Equipment*:a RG350MDX black heavy metal guitar
Power:can blast sound waves and shock waves
Other Abilities*:has speed but onlys uses in rare problems
Personality:strong goin will save anyone in trouble
History*:HM and ninja are the last off their kind
Family*:his twin bro ninja

Roleplaying Style:random what i feel like putting down
Sample of Roleplaying:
HMS7:hey look out *doges*
"hey buddy look out"jumps and doges bullet and knocks the gun out of the mans hand
as HM hears the gun fires he turns and jumps over the bulletand lands behind the man"nice try buddy"HM places his hands around the mans neck and snaps it  then lays the dead mans body on the floor
Name:ninja the hedgehog
Age: HM's age
Appearence description/picture:like HM but all black
Equipment*:his swords and fist
Power:master of all forms of fighting
Other Abilities*: can use chaos powers transportantion
Personality:a fighter but keeps to himself(like shadow)
History*:ninja was seperated from HM at a young age and met back up on a fight for their lives
Family*:his twin bro HMS7

Roleplaying Style:same as before
Sample of Roleplaying:(look up at my frist post)


Accepted, and sorry about the flaw in the code that left the "Name:" unbolded... >_<

We'll start when we have at least 4 people (counting us)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


ok hopfully draco hurrys up.....thats right i know ur postin here


FFF, I lost my old post.  Oh well, now maybe I will have chance to post before 300 posts come from nowhere.  xD

lol I just realized HMS and I both decided to use our twins.<3

Well, here's the first one, I was drawing the picture.  xD  I'll post Equinox's Bio when I get it.  ^ - ^

H-710 Project "Solstice the Hedgehog"

Solstice, Sol



Embryotic creation, hedgehog

Darker-Neutral (not fully dark)

Appearence description/picture:
*see picture belowww*

none >:O

She has the ability to effect a planet's tilt, which is now uncontrolled.

Other Abilities*:

Solstice is a cold, alienated individual to strangers, but she's like an onion.  Get to know her, and she can be one of the sweetest, loyal, kindhearted character's you've ever met.  Solstice, although she doesn't like to show it, is very fond of her twin brother, and would do anything for him.  She has mix of both seriousness and humor, is very belligerent, and not afraid to say what's on her mind. She's very showy too.

H-710 and H-711. They were the perfect creations. He had been working on them for years. But they were only embryos. They had to be born. Dr. Eggman looked and looked for a hedgehog to plant the embryos into. When he finnally found one that met his specifications, he set the embryos of H-710 and H-711 into her. Sadly, the mother had died while giving birth, but thankfully, the two children survived. Dr. Eggman felt no remorse, though, for the deseased mother. The two hedgehogs never even knew that they had a mother. The only parent they ever had was the Doctor. He was kind towards them while they were young, but started training them hard by the time they were seven years old. He used Shadow to aid their training. G.U.N had heard that Eggman was planning more trouble, but they had no other information about it. Over the next few years, however, G.U.N had gathered information about two hedgehogs that were always with Eggman. Twins; the female named "Solstice" and the male named "Equinox." By the time that the two were thirteen, each could singlehandedly take out any G.U.N robots that were set against them. Over time, Equinox had developed a sort of hatred of Eggman, but Solstice had stayed loyal. Her brother had only stayed for her sake, not because he wanted to, and this secretly made Solstice very very happy.  Over the past ten years, Solstice has come and gone, very sneakily too.  She felt bad for not telling her brother where she was, but she just couldn't.  Well, not if she wanted to keep the friendly relationship she had with him.

Dr. Eggman, H-711 Project "Equinox the Hedgehog"

Roleplaying Style:

Sample of Roleplaying:
"I'll kill you!"  The sound of her voice was frenzied.  A rush of wind here and some sand kicked up there gave away the position of the fleeing character, which appeared as a light blue and dark green blur at the moment.  She continued to frantically talk, although nobody was there to listen.  Was she still stuck in the past, that last fatal encounter with the legendary hero, Sonic the Hedgehog?  No, she couldn't be.  That was ten years past, she should be over it.  Heh...getting over things wasn't exactly my strong point, it never has been.  About the time she finished her thought, a robot fired a lazer beam at her.
"Damn it, Eggman!  Why the sudden turn?"  She thought aloud, as she just barely dodged the lazer, her ear getting nipped.  Then another thought came to her.  What if they're mistaking me for Equinox...?  She growled as her protective instincts kicked in.

H-711 Project "Equinox the Hedgehog"

Equinox, Equi



Embryotic creation, hedgehog


Appearence description/picture:
Equinox's appearance hasn't changed much in the past ten years (this picture is of their actual ages, 19)

none >:O

He has the uncontrolled ability to effect the planet's rotation and revolution.

Other Abilities*:

Equinox is an outgoing character, he loves making new friends, and is very spontaneous.  His biggest downside is that he doesn't know how to talk to girls, as the only female he is mainly around is Solstice.  He's very ditzy, and not too bright, and, like his sister, he loves to show off.

(yay for copy and paste/same backstory xD)
H-710 and H-711. They were the perfect creations. He had been working on them for years. But they were only embryos. They had to be born. Dr. Eggman looked and looked for a hedgehog to plant the embryos into. When he finnally found one that met his specifications, he set the embryos of H-710 and H-711 into her. Sadly, the mother had died while giving birth, but thankfully, the two children survived. Dr. Eggman felt no remorse, though, for the deseased mother. The two hedgehogs never even knew that they had a mother. The only parent they ever had was the Doctor. He was kind towards them while they were young, but started training them hard by the time they were seven years old. He used Shadow to aid their training. G.U.N had heard that Eggman was planning more trouble, but they had no other information about it. Over the next few years, however, G.U.N had gathered information about two hedgehogs that were always with Eggman. Twins; the female named "Solstice" and the male named "Equinox." By the time that the two were thirteen, each could singlehandedly take out any G.U.N robots that were set against them. Over time, Equinox had developed a sort of hatred of Eggman, but Solstice had stayed loyal.  He only stayed to make Solstice happy, as she seemed to really warm up when he was around.  Over time he had noticed that she was disappearing for days at the time, but never asked where she was, and figured that she'd end up telling him, which she never did.

Dr. Eggman, H-710 Project "Solstice the Hedgehog"

Roleplaying Style:
Same as above

Sample of Roleplaying:
(notice as I'm using these to show how I suck at roleplaying males, and I'm good with females?  xD)
The man looked his sister in the eyes.  "Don't lie to me, Solstice...Where have you been?"  His sister was always a good liar, and was even better at hiding emotions, but was seemingly failing this time, as she lowered her head and stared at her feet.  " know I care about you right?"  He put his hand under his sister's chin, and lifted her head so that she wasn't looking down anymore.  She never spoke, but rather nodded her head ((OOC||  I CAN GODMOD MY OWN CHARACTERS, FOOLS)) slowly.  He smiled warmly.  "I just don't want anything to happen to you.  You're my sister.  Strange as you are, it's always going to be that way.  So can you please, if you tell nobody else, just tell me where you've come and gone from for the past few years?"  He knew that he was doing what he did best; peeling her layers away, as she gulped, and took a deep breath.
"If I tell you, would it still change our relationship?"  She softly said, and Equinox's smile half-faded.
"I told you already.  You're my sister, I love you, and nothing would change that, even if I do get a little upset at you."  He paused after finishing his sentence.  "Did you do something...?"
Solstice sheepishly smiled.  "You know, and hate, that I still have ties to Eggman-"  Before she could finish talking, Equinox spontaneously raised his fist and punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground, surprisingly with no resistance.  When he realized what he had done, he gasped, and quickly apologized, but ran out, without saying another word.  She helped harm...maybe even kill my friends...that's something that can't be forgiven...  He stopped running and looked to the sky.  ...of someone I don't care for as much as her...  For the first time since he learned that his friends had been harmed and/or killed, he broke down and cried.


cool more people
Quote from: Dracoslythe on November 29, 2009, 05:49:10 PM
lol I just realized HMS and I both decided to use our twins.<3
copy cat lol >:C jk its ok
i dont mind someone else is usin 2 yay i is not alone


Quote from: HMS7 on November 29, 2009, 05:54:24 PM
cool more people copy cat lol >:C jk its ok
i dont mind someone else is usin 2 yay i is not alone
OOC || Mine are cooler, though. >:C


OOC||no duh mine suck lol  note to self make better drawing of both of them lol
Quote from: Dracoslythe on November 29, 2009, 05:49:10 PM
lol I just realized HMS and I both decided to use our twins.<3
why were in my head when i made that.....can u get out...if not then can u clean up that pile of junk my old gf left me lol




Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Gleech on November 29, 2009, 06:16:59 PM
Accepted, Draco XD
OoOC ||  Updated,  >:O
Hurhur, we need an OOC thread.


Can i join?

Name:Shade the Hedgehog
Nickname*:Shade or Speed
Age:??? (If you think Shade is a baby,he is not  :P lol
Appearence description/picture:
Equipment*: None
Power:Super Speed
Other Abilities*: Fighting  :P
Personality:Shade is a nice guy who likes to meet friends and new people.And he sometimes doesn't give out to people.But the thing that happens to Shade is,he sometimes can turn bad in a second....
History*:Shade has had a lot of adventures,and has changed over the years.
Family*:Shade does not have a family....

Roleplaying Style:Advanced/Beginner 
Sample of Roleplaying:Shade look up at the night sky.
Shade:I need a challenge in this world....


Name:Jeexx the Hedgehog
Nickname*:Eagle Shot.
Appearence description/picture:
Equipment*:D.E long barrel.
M4 custom.
D.E normal.
1911 handgun.
Grenade launcher.
MK.II T.gun.
Rail gun.
Power:Super speed
Other Abilities*:sharp eyes, Excellent CQC and knife skills.
Personality:Jeexx is a hedgehog who likes to hand around his friends and to run, but if there's something he doesn't like, it's evil!
If there's something evil, he just uses his:
"Shoot first, ask later"-style.
He can get angry very very easily.
History*:Jeexx has been a sneaking veteran for 10 years.
He was first in the USA military doing private missions, but was transferd to "Hellfighters" after 1 year.
Jeexx was there for the 10 years.
Then he quitted.
No one had any idea why.
He just went to his boss adn yelled:
"I QUIT!!" And left.
Now his a veteran with no job what so ever.
Family*:Fatal,Flame,Steve,Oblivion,Leafy,Dave and a few others.

Roleplaying Style:Advanced.
Sample of Roleplaying:Jeexx drew his SOCOM and shot the robot right in his head.
"Headshot!" Jeexx yelled and laughed, then he noticed something...There were robots all around him!
"OH CRAP!!!" Jeexx drew his D.E long barrel and shot the robots with his SOCOM, but wasn't able to kill them all.


Quote from: Shadow26 on November 30, 2009, 12:35:00 AM
Can i join?

Name:Shade the Hedgehog
Nickname*:Shade or Speed
Age:??? (If you think Shade is a baby,he is not  :P lol
Appearence description/picture:
Equipment*: None
Power:Super Speed
Other Abilities*: Fighting  :P
Personality:Shade is a nice guy who likes to meet friends and new people.And he sometimes doesn't give out to people.But the thing that happens to Shade is,he sometimes can turn bad in a second....
History*:Shade has had a lot of adventures,and has changed over the years.
Family*:Shade does not have a family....

Roleplaying Style:Advanced
Sample of Roleplaying:Shade look up at the night sky.
Shade:need a challenge in this world....
Accepted, but note: That isnt "Advanced roleplaying", since you're using the name:text format. I'm watchin' you >:O
Quote from: jeexx on November 30, 2009, 02:11:24 AM
Name:Jeexx the Hedgehog
Nickname*:Eagle Shot.
Appearence description/picture:
Equipment*:D.E long barrel.
M4 custom.
D.E normal.
1911 handgun.
Grenade launcher.
MK.II T.gun.
Rail gun.
Power:Super speed
Other Abilities*:sharp eyes, Excellent CQC and knife skills.
Personality:Jeexx is a hedgehog who likes to hand around his friends and to run, but if there's something he doesn't like, it's evil!
If there's something evil, he just uses his:
"Shoot first, ask later"-style.
He can get angry very very easily.
History*:Jeexx has been a sneaking veteran for 10 years.
He was first in the USA military doing private missions, but was transferd to "Hellfighters" after 1 year.
Jeexx was there for the 10 years.
Then he quitted.
No one had any idea why.
He just went to his boss adn yelled:
"I QUIT!!" And left.
Now his a veteran with no job what so ever.
Family*:Fatal,Flame,Steve,Oblivion,Leafy,Dave and a few others.

Roleplaying Style:Advanced.
Sample of Roleplaying:Jeexx drew his SOCOM and shot the robot right in his head.
"Headshot!" Jeexx yelled and laughed, then he noticed something...There were robots all around him!
"OH CRAP!!!" Jeexx drew his D.E long barrel and shot the robots with his SOCOM, but wasn't able to kill them all.

We'll start in just a sec.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Gleech on November 30, 2009, 03:14:07 AM
Accepted, but note: That isnt "Advanced roleplaying", since you're using the name:text format. I'm watchin' you >:O

We'll start in just a sec.

Oh,sorry. :S I'll change that to Advance/beginner because sometimes i get busy and have to write quickly.:S