What's your most hated Cartoon/Anime show?

Started by HereAndThere, December 11, 2009, 08:24:31 PM

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Quote from: ChaosDazer on January 20, 2010, 08:15:37 AM
Ice is 12 so he might not know all the old shows.
Oh, that's right, I didn't notice. Sorry. :-X




I would have to say my most hated anime is Yu-gi-oh 5Ds, and GX.
Sorry but the original Yu-gi-oh was the best, is the best, and shall always be the best of the series.  I hate 5Ds because it bores the living s*** out of me, and they have wayyy to much technology just for a children's card game.
I hate GX because some kid who doesn't have a life just gets up and says one day he will become king of games (children's card games) The only character I like on GX is Sirus.
The original Yu-gi-oh kicked some major butt.


I would say Barney- you know, the purple- happy, fat dinosaur with arms that just stick to the sides? But he's not a cartoon. So...

I'll say Danny Phantom. Why? First one that came to mind. There are actually a bunch of cartoons I could name, but we'd be here all day. xD

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Quote from: EchidnaPower on January 21, 2010, 05:45:47 AM
I would say Barney- you know, the purple- happy, fat dinosaur with arms that just stick to the sides? But he's not a cartoon. So...

I'll say Danny Phantom. Why? First one that came to mind. There are actually a bunch of cartoons I could name, but we'd be here all day. xD

Danny Phantom?
A terrible Anime/cartoon rip-off thingy

On the plus side, I want them to make more Avatar: The last Airbender
witty sig caption


Quote from: ChaosDazer on January 21, 2010, 06:23:40 AM
Danny Phantom?
A terrible Anime/cartoon rip-off thingy

On the plus side, I want them to make more Avatar: The last Airbender

I wouldn't mind a spin off of Zuko looking for his mom, but Aang's story is over. It had a great ending that tied everything up nicely, so I wouldn't want them to just make more up so that there could be more.

Here's hopin' the live action movie's good, though. It looks like it's going to be, but who knows.


Quote from: Sonic360 on January 20, 2010, 05:12:57 PM
I would have to say my most hated anime is Yu-gi-oh 5Ds, and GX.
Sorry but the original Yu-gi-oh was the best, is the best, and shall always be the best of the series.  I hate 5Ds because it bores the living s*** out of me, and they have wayyy to much technology just for a children's card game.
I hate GX because some kid who doesn't have a life just gets up and says one day he will become king of games (children's card games) The only character I like on GX is Sirus.
The original Yu-gi-oh kicked some major butt.
He looked like a bondage slave.
I can't tell you how I fangirled over that outfit when I was like 11.  >3>
(That and Marik.  Oh god, the Marik fangirlishness overwhelmed my life.  >3>)

But anyway, quoted for absolute truth.
After the Realm of Darkness stuff, I really stopped paying attention to the series.
Too many plot holes...
Too much going on
And it got very boring.  >.>


Quote from: Dracoslythe on January 21, 2010, 10:44:14 AM
He looked like a bondage slave.
I can't tell you how I fangirled over that outfit when I was like 11.  >3>
(That and Marik.  Oh god, the Marik fangirlishness overwhelmed my life.  >3>)

But anyway, quoted for absolute truth.
After the Realm of Darkness stuff, I really stopped paying attention to the series.
Too many plot holes...
Too much going on
And it got very boring.  >.>
I was all fanguyish over Yugi's hair and clothes (I went as far as going to school with a latch on my neck arms and pants legs) people thought I was doing some gay shotacon skit.  Trust me it was awesome wearing it around at school, sadly some guys asked me out but I declined their offer XD.   


xDDD nice.
Oh lord, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought someone who looked like a bondage slave was hot, even as an 11 year old.  xD
That takes away all my fears.  :3


Lol I'm sure me and you aren't the only ones >.> got to find that outfit again.


Where to start,Where to start....well I've got to say some of the cartoons i absolutely HATE are krypto the superdog,southpark, dora the explorer, anything to do with barney the dinosaur,handy manny, and much MUCH more.

5 more till Super Kirby!
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i hate star wars to,  clone wars sucks!!!!


I hate everything I don't watch :3


I hate the recent spongebobs ;_;