Tell us a little bit about where you live

Started by sonicmaddave, January 15, 2010, 07:04:31 PM

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No need to be specific on where you are live or anything. :3

I live in a coastal area at the east side of Australia, full of nice beaches and stuff. It's an area full of surfers and people who go fishing. It is a very pretty area I live in. Unfortunate things are lack of jobs, I live on a road where some people have to do burnouts and some assholes.


Mhm, coast of North Carolina.  Not far from the barrier islands, the Outer Banks.
There's alot of famous people who stay at the island about 10 miles from my town;  about an hour out is a city that has a movie production studio, so the stars stay up here to get away from the media.
Not much to say besides that.
Really boring place, to be honest  Even that "city" isn't that big.
AAAAANNND, I live about an hour (in a different direction) from the birthplace of Pepsi.  :3
(Did you know that Pepsi was created by a pharmacist as a "medication" to help stomach aches?)


I live in somewhere around the middle part of Finland near the southern end.
The city i live in is some about 10-30 miles big.
It's pretty cold all around the year.
But last summer it was so frikkin hot that me and my friend couldn't even stay outside for 10 minutes!
Quote from: Dracoslythe on January 15, 2010, 07:07:46 PM
(Did you know that Pepsi was created by a pharmacist as a "medication" to help stomach aches?)
I tought it was headaches.


I live in Chicago IL. Lotsa snow out here. ;D
As a consolation gift for losing the olympics, we were given the prisioners from Guantamino Bay when it was shut down. Nice huh?

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

shalter x

Well.... I live in egypt , It is really cool, but there is no snow there .

I don't go with friends to clubs and more . Most  of my life was on the computer . and that is not good :/ .   My dad get angry so fast , when he get angry from me he says " GO AND STUDY YOU SON OF *** " .

I used to open the computer when my father isn't here but i could turn on it on thursday when he is at home .

I met alot of Fucking ASSHOLES . the most of them was from my school , and private lessons .

Well , I don't want to talk alot  but.... that is all i can say >_> .

Sig made by me :D .


I live in Britain

Idk, my area is pretty crap so if you come to my house expect to see 12 year olds smoking -_-
witty sig caption


I live in a city here in the Philippines.
so we only have 2 climates here which is wet or dry so I never had experienced snow before.
The weather here is nice but when its noon its always hot but its a cool place to live in anyway.


I Live in Texas, and i don't like those Texan stereotypes btw >:U, and it's like almost in the center of Texas, little on the right. its like 3 hours away from the nearest beach, my town is a college town so yeah. and if any of you know, don't say it, I don't want to be found, cause I already know where you live. 8F
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Northern Ireland FTW
I live in a town which i shall just call " a shithole "
Yea people are all "lets go to 'a shithole' today" and im just like "yea why theres a few shops which never change woohoo~"
But yea and my schools like 10 minutes away from my house NUUUU
A good thing to say hmmm... it aint that far from Belfast... thats about the only thing i can think of.
Unless you like being rudely awakened by tractors some mornings X3 lol /lose


Ima going to say it becuz im bored.. i live in... HOLLAND <3

And in Amsterdam. The southern part. I live in a part with lots of store's and stuff. The weather here is always.. COLD. You can stand on lake's here. Too bad that the game store here is shitty. 'nuff said because there isnt much to tell anymore XD

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


This is a few pictures of the area i live in :3

A intense thunderstorm, the second pic I took with my car window down so I wasn't out in the pouring rain. That was one really good storm. :3

A beach 5 minutes drive from where I live.

Part of a local motorway.


Quote from: sonicmaddave on January 17, 2010, 12:05:11 AM
This is a few pictures of the area i live in :3

A intense thunderstorm, the second pic I took with my car window down so I wasn't out in the pouring rain. That was one really good storm. :3

A beach 5 minutes drive from where I live.

Part of a local motorway.

Now that we have pics we HAVE to rape you you know. Any voulenteers? :D

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


i live in a little town in the NSW neer dubbo called nyngan it is really small and needs more vistors D:
but in the school holidays i'm in the ACT canbrra!


I have some family in dubbo XD I haven't been to canberra for like years. D:


Quote from: sonicmaddave on January 17, 2010, 12:39:13 AM
I have some family in dubbo XD I haven't been to canberra for like years. D:
you can look me up if you come to nyngan and you gotta come to canberra it is great here!