Wierd tendecies you might have.

Started by Sonic360, February 15, 2010, 05:58:28 PM

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I have some odd things I do.

I am a total clean freak, so I clean my house every chance I get.

I sometimes walk around the house nakid when my parents are gone (my bros and sis don't know I do this) (I only do that cuz I hate wearing clothes)

I like to bite my fingernails when I am nervous.

You might see me cross-dress about 4% of the time o.O

I sometimes stick my tounge out unknowingly when I am out and about or just playing video games.

I always feel the need to take a shower 4 times a day even tho I rarely do anything.

I mix shampoo's together for whatever reason....yeah it makes my hair smell better than other shampoo's that only have one smell to them. (I mix Ocean mist with Citrus berry shampoo)


Im...a hoarder FFFU- i jsut find it hard to get rid of things..fuck..
um..I OBSESS OVER LITTLE THINGS..i bite my fingers..now they're torn up..ow..I walk around naked in my house too...when im bored..and its not cold, but not but naked, i still have unders one. um...I sing when i take showers..I talk to myself..I stab things, catch things on fire, I get mad at inanimate objects (Pencil..for breaking..game..for making me lose, yeah...xD)
and..last but not least..I ride my bike as soon as i get home from school, no matter what, i just do, not even consciously. now got and judge me now, for being an individual.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


No one can critizise you for being who you are, we all have our things we do and nothing can stop us from doing it.


Quote from: Sonic360 on February 15, 2010, 06:17:28 PM
No one can critizise you for being who you are, we all have our things we do and nothing can stop us from doing it.
except maybe therapy..or realizing the source of your problems..like me, if i know whats causing me to do things..i try and resolve it, and if there is no resolving, i deal with it.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Weird things hmmmmm....
well I do talk to myself alot but never rationally, other me is very arguementitive >:U
ummm im very fidgety and cant sit still... my sister was trying to tell me something yet i was drumming away on the kitchen counter lol or in school i sit and colour in my books and files and stuff much to my georgaphy teachers dismay.
Its hard to think of weird things just cause its just everyday life and stuff hmmm
I hate having shoe's on >.> (one day i decided to walk to school in bare feet hrmhrm)
For a while i was actually saying "lol" outloud but ive stopped that now~
Every time i enter the SZ chatbox i always start with "Rawr" no reason i just do... unless i can make a sarcastic statement about something.
Sometimes, if i walk into a desk or something (>.< ouch) I blame the desk and shout at it and blame the person who put it there (other times i just say Oh shit and start laughing)
well thats all i can think off.... for nowwww


Uhm for me this one may sound odd but I have an interest in buses because my dad's a long time bus driver (he used to drive double deckers back in Britain) and so I will take pictures of buses and trucks and also record videos of inside buses and I know technical aspects of buses.

I fidget a lot, I bite my nails a lot, I have tried for many years to stop biting them but cant. :(

Also all the time when I am awake, I have to have socks on, because one time I was on the computer and suddenly felt something tickle my left foot when I was barefoot, and it was a rather large wolf spider, which are poisonous.

Quite often I am always grabbing my crotch when I am using the computer, I don't know why I like grabbing my genitals though. ???

I have to keep everything in the exact order I like them otherwise I get angry and frustrated at myself if I don't have say my wallet, keys and mobile in the exact order, or I'd get angry.

In a thunderstorm, for some reason I always have to have my window open.

I always eat the chips before the 'main' part of the meal, ie if I go and buy a Big Mac meal at McDonalds, I eat the chips before the Big Mac.

I tend to moan and whine a lot.

I shave every 2-3 days as I hate facial hair.

I am very obsessive over some things, as well as paranoid, probably because of the way I am.

I always enjoy the feeling of being naked in the comfort of my own room, sometimes I am naked and play a game on the computer. :o

I obsess over my childhood, I always love reflecting back to it on the tiniest of things.

Umm theres more I think but I can't remember. :o


Quote from: sonicmaddave on February 15, 2010, 10:50:40 PM
I am very obsessive over some things, as well as paranoid, probably because of the way I am.

baha paranoia is so much fun isn't it?

I mean I freak myself out so much because of it, it actually becomes funny after a while xD

and wow it seems nearly everybody on the forum (so far thats posted) likes being naked.... maybe it is a weird tendancy to not walk about naked x3 lol


Quote from: NiGHTS on February 15, 2010, 10:59:35 PM
baha paranoia is so much fun isn't it?

I mean I freak myself out so much because of it, it actually becomes funny after a while xD

and wow it seems nearly everybody on the forum (so far thats posted) likes being naked.... maybe it is a weird tendancy to not walk about naked x3 lol

You're right XD Being naked is natural, hey we weren't born with clothes on after all, and thats how nature intended us. <3 XD

I forgot to add that because of my shyness, I tend to stutter a lot from being so shy around people I don't know, it's embarrassing if I am in a shop asking for advice or something. .-.


well I'm a really weird person, but I dont have to many weird things to say about me

I talk to myself a lot,
I make jokes that only I understand,
I become sad If i see someone else sad(not always)
I sing almost every minute and there's no day in wich I don't sing
I draw only girls when I feel like drawing
I act like a anime character
I scratch myself between legs
I act like joking when I'm serious
I put my feet at the same hight as my head when I'm at the PC
I always think about the past, and all the good and bad things I did


Hurhurrrr let's see...
I tend to...

Also walk around the house...in light clothes.  I can't say nekkid, but cami and shorts.  xD

I also stick my tongue out at random times.

I'm very fidgety, and talk to myself alot

To keep my hands warm (and still lol) I tend to put them between my legs.  Like, all the time.  Sitting in class, on the computer, in the car, whereever.  lol

I'm really shy, so I studder, and rarely speak up

I can be pretty annoying.  xD

I dig through my bag for no apparent reason.  Then to make it seem like I HAD a reason, I pull out my chap stick.  rofl

I tend to keep withdrawn; being the one that the "cliqué" seems to want to hurt, I kinda have to (let's just say, I'm "THE" freak at school.  rofl)

I walk into walls, chairs, desks, counters, etc. ALL the time.  No, I don't have coordination.  xD

I tend to make jokes that nobody but me and maybe one other person gets.  @-@

Er- there's prolly moar, but I can't think right now


Theres also this weird studder i have, im like..the shyest of the shy, until i get to know you. anyway..i  cant talk fast..or i studder..and i kinda have a slur. also..i pick my hair  out..and i pick my face..like when i had pimples..but now i just pick at it..and get it all scratched up xD.
~Circa 2009; We were kids back then, just looking for a past time~


Quote from: Ioshyriku on February 16, 2010, 10:17:27 AM
well I'm a really weird person, but I dont have to many weird things to say about me

I make jokes that only I understand,
I sing almost every minute and there's no day in wich I don't sing
I always think about the past, and all the good and bad things I did
I put my feet at the same hight as my head when I'm at the PC

I do all of those myself as well.
Lemme see...
I'm always doing something with my hands (I can't rember a moment when i've had them still doing nothing.)
I always accidently brake my pencils or bite them for no reason.
Everytime i play i stand up if i'm a bit nervous.
I often have a urge to bit something or someone (Usually i just bite my arm then....)
And that's all i can think of.


I chew on plastic sometimes like pen lids. D: