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Old technology

Started by sonicmaddave, March 24, 2010, 05:31:23 PM

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Does anyone remember the old technology? Like playing on a Mega Drive, watching a VHS video cassette on a CRT based TV set, or listening to audio cassettes on an old portable music system?  :P I remember those days before recordable CDs took over audio cassette, recordable DVDs and hard disk based recorders took over VCRs, and LCD/plasma TV's you can hang on the wall replaced the bulky old CRT based TV sets. And does anyone remember the old fashioned beige coloured PCs before they became black and silver? ;) Here's some old technology pictures for nostalgia. XD

Old TV

Audio cassette


Sega Megadrive - an icon of my youth


A computer of the 90s XD

Can anyone think of anything else that would be considered old these days in terms of technology? Share your experiences of old fashioned technology here. :P


i remember good times but no better times


Remember back when computers were made of wood and were steam powered? Ah, those were the days...


Quote from: TheGameNinja on March 24, 2010, 09:50:39 PM
Remember back when computers were made of wood and were steam powered? Ah, those were the days...

Haha wow I bet that would be an expensive computer to run! I bet it's slow too. :P


i love old technology IT IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!