My Emerald team as of today

Started by Taz, March 29, 2010, 02:50:46 PM

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Quote from: shadic the ultimate on April 04, 2010, 11:24:54 AM
and what would that way be
As I said, it depends on the Pokemon. A Fire type would be easily trained in an area with an abundance of wild Grass types, as well as Trainers using Grass types if you haven't beaten them yet/they will challenge you again. Of course, if you have a team of high leveled Pokemon and one very weak one you want to train, there's always the option of equipping it with Exp. Share and making a run through the Pokemon League. :3


Platinumm :3

Absol<3  - lvl70 F
psycho cut, ice beam, strength, dark pulse

floatzel - lvl 57 F
crunch, blizzard, rock smash, surf

garchomp - lvl 54 F
dragon pulse, crunch, dragon claw, dig

electivire - lvl 77 M
thunderpunch, ice punch, giga impact, earthquake

magmortar - lvl 72 F
flamethrower, psychic, hyper beam, rock climb

vaporeon - lvl 57 (water absorb for teaming up with floatzels surf<3 )
surf, aqua ring, waterfall, aurora beam

Lol yes some are more used than others but well i only really play pokemon online now using the wii version so it doesnt really make a difference x3


Here's the Pokemon I'm training on SoulSilver right now. The game only came out a few weeks ago, and I'm training quite a few at once, so I haven't hit 100 with any on this game yet. :3

Typhlosion - Lv. 55 - Flame Wheel, Blast Burn, Flamethrower, Lava Plume
Ampharos - Lv. 55 - Discharge, ThunderPunch, ThunderShock, Signal Beam
Lugia - Lv. 55 - Extrasensory, Dragon Rush, Hydro Pump, Aeroblast
Feraligatr - Lv. 55 - Crunch, Hydro Cannon, Water Gun, Ice Fang
Meganium - Lv. 55 - Body Slam, Petal Dance, Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant
Tyranitar - Lv. 55 - Earthquake, Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Crunch
Togekiss - Lv. 57 - Yawn, Last Resort, Extrasensory, Sky Attack
Dragonite - Lv. 57 - Wing Attack, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Draco Meteor
Electivire - Lv. 57 - ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake
Magmortar - Lv. 53 - Flamethrower, Psychic, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam
Latios - Lv. 35 - DragonBreath, Protect, Refresh, Luster Purge
Shiny Crobat - Lv. 40 - Air Cutter, Bite, Wing Attack, Poison Fang

I've also got a Shiny Tauros, but I don't know if I'm going to train it. It almost feels like a rip off. Shinys are so rare, and I find a Shiny Tauros, which, unless trained well, is next to useless.



Quote from: TheGameNinja on April 04, 2010, 12:31:00 PM
As I said, it depends on the Pokemon. A Fire type would be easily trained in an area with an abundance of wild Grass types, as well as Trainers using Grass types if you haven't beaten them yet/they will challenge you again. Of course, if you have a team of high leveled Pokemon and one very weak one you want to train, there's always the option of equipping it with Exp. Share and making a run through the Pokemon League. :3
remember, when training you should not go by type, but rather by which stat you want to level up. fight low level enemies to earn lots of ''EV's'' or effort values with particular stats depending on the enemy. then after you level up you would begin to see that stat rising. just so you can understand, look at this.

if you dont care much for stats, just fight anything.


Quote from: DarkFusion on April 05, 2010, 04:20:08 PM
remember, when training you should not go by type, but rather by which stat you want to level up. fight low level enemies to earn lots of ''EV's'' or effort values with particular stats depending on the enemy. then after you level up you would begin to see that stat rising. just so you can understand, look at this.

if you dont care much for stats, just fight anything.
EVs only really matter if you're going to play against another real person, though, right? I've never seen any real use for it during gameplay.


makes it a hell of alot easier to fight against cpus too. but yes it is mainly for real ppl.

wow... im not that hard of a pkmn fan and i know this shit @_@

Hyper Shadow 00

Quote from: Hyper Shadow 00 on April 01, 2010, 05:04:57 PM

Note: the three migrated pokemon were from games NOT under my ownership, So I couldn't have hacked them...


Arceus is japanese named and knows: shadow force, Judgement, Spacial Rend, And Roar of Time
Mew is awesome


My team on emerald is:flygon lv.100
flygon lv.100
flygon lv.100
kyogre lv.88
groudon lv 88

Well not the best team my cusion captured and made them that level.


Quote from: DarkerSuperSonic on May 08, 2010, 07:13:36 PM
My team on emerald is:flygon lv.100
flygon lv.100
flygon lv.100
kyogre lv.88
groudon lv 88

Well not the best team my cusion captured and made them that level.
Only 5?


personally i dont really liike flygon because of the 4x weakness to ice but i am a dragon fan... my favorite salamence with outrage