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Why Graphics....

Started by shadowDOESrock, April 07, 2010, 10:34:31 AM

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Graphics or Gameplay



This is something i jumped acros while searching for a fun fighting game......
Tekken is not my thing.
I sold Virtua Fighter.
I Have Soul Calibur 2
Sold DOA4
had the DBZ BT3 and Burst Limit.

---Technically, you can skip untill you get accros a line again---

So i thought, why not take look at the Naruto Games.

I Found 3 Current Gen Games The Wii's one is just there for Fan-service, so that one doesnt count.

I saw 'Ultimate Ninja Storm' for PS3 and 'The Broken Bond' for 360.
I buyed TBB and rented UNS (since it was a friends PS3, he was in holiday so i could have it over the Summer 8D)

And after playing that...going back to YouTube...looking at a few other games.......



Its like, the only care about The Graphics. I mean, where is the when the winning is decided by who can press the circle button faster?
Sure, UNS has cool effects, Best Cell-Shading Engine at the moment etc.

TBB has an RPG Elemnt, And 'Zelda'-Like Story-Mode, Battles where you can just smack your way out.


Is Graphics really the only thing that counts now?
Like, what happend to the fun in gamming...
Sure, graphics are is a main thing but....c'mon.
Its like, when people go on Wii Gamevideos, and say 'Wow, Wii Graphix Sux, get a real console babys'

god, it just pisses.....

Discuss....if graphics really the only thing you care or not?

Super Sonic Boom

I remember that arguement I had in video game class with people over the story vs multiplayer and I got into this discussion too. It's both for because without good graphics, everything else is rendered worthless to most people like me...and it's the other way around. They accompany each other in a way that makes everything come together with the right amount.

darkness shadow

yeah, graphics play a big part, but the hell, bad graphics dun mean bad game right? sure it might detour people in trailers, but take S3+K and sonic 06.

S3+K may be old 16 bit graphics and is nothing compared to sonic 06, but hell, the game's much better
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: darkness shadow on April 07, 2010, 10:59:21 AM
yeah, graphics play a big part, but the hell, bad graphics dun mean bad game right? sure it might detour people in trailers, but take S3+K and sonic 06.

S3+K may be old 16 bit graphics and is nothing compared to sonic 06, but hell, the game's much better

thats a...diffrent kind of comparison. 06's graphics suck btw.

My Comparison was, 2 games. Same Year. One has better gameplay, one has better graphics. But everyone perfers the one the with better graphics.


In this day and age, graphics play a big part in the quality of the game. People have come to expect incredible graphics, and are disappointed if they don't meet expectations. But yes, graphics don't mean much if the story and the gameplay don't match.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Gameplay, gameplay gameplay.

I mean in some cases such as Tekken vs Guilty gear

If I were to show many people a Guilty Gear accent core (wii) gameplay video and a TekkenVI gameplay vid. They would much sooner go for the tekkenVI due to the fact the graphics are better (and probably because its 3D)

But when you play the two games you find that, guilty gear is alot faster so therefore there is alot more skill and concentration involved to dodge moves (also due to the fact you cant dodge to the side) and building convo.

As opposed to something like tekken where you do seem to have quite a bit more reaction time to gaurd or counter attack etc etc. Oh well Its just a matter of opinion i guess.

I prefere gameplay, good graphics would just be an added bonus :/


i say gameplay... i mean back when sonic 1,2, &3 came out, they had max graphics at the time, but i still play them more than any other game now, (besides brawl XD) so i say gameplay...
I don't want a signature yet. I gotta think of a new one first xD


Quote from: Xyno76 on April 07, 2010, 11:27:10 AM
i say gameplay... i mean back when sonic 1,2, &3 came out, they had max graphics at the time, but i still play them more than any other game now, (besides brawl XD) so i say gameplay...

any1 who votes for graphics has NO TASTE in games... NOOOOOO TASTE!


no matter how fun the game is,if its sh*tty looking I won't be going back to it often

Also I prefer NUNS over TBB gameplay wise also for many reasons with the main one being is plays like the previous Ultimate Ninja series with cool new add-ons

also this should be in other video games
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jazz Nova

A bad game can have stellar graphics
A good game can have bad graphics

Wii games are good, though don't need next-gen graphics

If I want graphics, I play a computer game

It's that simple for me
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on April 07, 2010, 02:01:09 PM
A good game can have stellar graphics
A bad game can have bad graphics

computer games are good, though don't need next-gen graphics

If I want graphics, I play a Wii game

It's that simple for me
this is also true :P
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jazz Nova

Quote from: Jazz Nova on April 07, 2010, 02:01:09 PM
A bad game can have stellar graphics
A good game can have bad graphics

Wii games are good, though don't need next-gen graphics

If I want graphics, I play a computer game

It's that simple for me
Quote from: windlessusher on April 07, 2010, 02:10:46 PM
this is also true :P
I know
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively

Hyper Shadow 00

Quote from: Jazz Nova on April 07, 2010, 02:01:09 PM
A bad game can have stellar graphics
A good game can have bad graphics

Wii games are good, though don't need next-gen graphics

If I want graphics, I play a computer game

It's that simple for me

This is very true... :)
Mew is awesome


Lets take a slightly different approach..

Graphics go quite far in getting records and a smaller audiences attention, i mean, look at what SEGA did for sonic unleashed's hedgehog engine, look at what Crytek did to the Cryengine, etc. BUT, the gamplay is what makes people keep the game, or buy it after they rented it. because a fun game with decent graphics beats a shit game with stunning graphics (compare any good wii game to the rest of the market :D). nuff said.

so not only is it better for the player(s)' enjoyment, but also better for the company, which earns more money, makes more games, and we have more fun.
Gameplay wins.


Why am I not surprised so few people chose "both"
gameplay is important,but saying graphics isn't needed is outrageous
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!