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Started by Light the Hedgehog, December 11, 2008, 11:32:16 AM

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Elana:..*gets plate and sits in an empty table*

Light the Hedgehog

me, tiger, ProtoMet, Megamet, Shadow and shinzo: *does the same thing*


Elana:..soo..whats new

Light the Hedgehog

me: not much.

Shinzo: *looks out the window...then notices the sky is red* what the?


Elana: *looks out the window* eaither a tornado's coming  or i have no idea

Light the Hedgehog

Shinzo: that part that i said that was left of Dragonia..that would be it's core. and it's HEADED STRAIGHT FOR US!


Elana:..ughh well thats our que! *runs outside and transforms into a hedgehog*alright lets see if this works *gose chaos and heads for the core of dragonia

Light the Hedgehog

core of dragonia: *transfomrs into Meteor G*


Elana:*grabs metetor G and attemts to push it back*

Light the Hedgehog

Meteor G: *becomes unstoppable*


Elana:..AHH! will burn up in the atmosphere :D ....right?

Light the Hedgehog

me: no.

Meteor G:....*some how turns into a human* WHAT THE?!


Elana:....ok...thats weird *turns normal*

Light the Hedgehog

Meteor G:....*shrugs*


Elana:....*turns back into a human and walks back inside*...akward OH JEEZE DA FUZZ IS COMING MY WAY...oh well i always take the blame..wait...fawk i was supposed to entertain for dinner tonight her too.. *face palms*