TheGameNinja's trip to Kami-Con!!

Started by TheGameNinja, April 26, 2010, 12:18:18 PM

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Hey everybody! I'm back from Kami-Con!!

Lots of stuff to talk about. First, I got to meet some really cool people. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring almost everything I was going to have the guests sign. TT^TT It didn't bother me much, though. On Saturday on cosplayed as Dr. Derek Stiles from the Trauma Center video games, so that's what I'm wearing in the pictures

I met Vic Mignogna, who does the voice for Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist, Mao in Disgaea 3, Ikkaku Madarame in Bleach, the theme "Toward the Light" from One Piece, and a ton of other anime and video game roles. He also was handing out copies of the Gospel of John that he had recorded. The best part was probably seeing Fullmetal Fantasy, which is a live-action video that Vic made with the rest of the cast of Fullmetal Alchemist and he only shows it at conventions. It was great. :D I was going to get him to sign the cover of Disgaea 3, but I forgot bring it.

Me and Vic

Picture of Mao from Disgaea 3, Signed by Vic

Picture of Radolf from Ar tonelico, Signed by Vic

Picture of Ed from FMA, Signed by Vic

I also met Robert Axelrod, who was the voice of Wizardmon and Armadillomon in Digimon, as well as Finster and LORD ZEDD FROM POWER RANGERS. I was going to get him to sign the cover of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, but I forgot it. I didn't realize how much he'd done. He's done a LOT of acting. :O

Me and Robert

Picture of Lord Zedd from Power Rangers, Signed by Robert

The last guest was Martin Billany, AKA LittleKuriboh, creator of Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series, which itself was the first abridged series. I actually got to talk to LK a little. I asked him if he had thought about what the Pharaoh's true name should be, as it is revealed at the end of the series. He said that, obviously, he'd thought of Dan Green, but that he wasn't sure yet.

Me and LittleKuriboh

Kuriboh card, signed by LittleKuriboh

I connected with TONS of people's PokeWalkers. There were 1187 people there, and this was only their 2nd year!! Sadly, this convention, along with every other convention I've been to, has had very little Eureka seveN merchandise. I bought the only E7 figure there for sale. Oh, speaking of stuff I bought. Here's everything I got at Kami-Con:

Samurai 7 vol. 1 (got in a $10 mystery box)

Fullmetal Alchemist vol. 10 (got in a $10 mystery box)

Player Pin and Reaper Pin from The World Ends with You

Rei Ayanami and cockpit from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Konata Izumi from Lucky Star: OVA (even though I haven't seen the OVA yet XD)

Fuu from Samurai Champloo (figure and magnet)

Mugen from Samurai Champloo (figure and magnet)

Jin from Samurai Champloo  (figure and magnet)

All of the figures fit together

Headless little figure of what I think is Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho that I found on the ground

Yuki Nagato character CD from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

.hack//ENEMY deck

And, my favorite, the Devilfish from Eureka seveN (or, more specifically, the E7 movie)

One of the best things that happened was that I WON THE AMV CONTEST IN 2 CATEGORIES!! I won in Drama and Parody. The parody video I entered had already won in the same category at PersaCon in 08. I had entered in 5 of the 6 categories, so I was glad that I at least won 1, let alone 2!

My winning video in the Drama Category

My winning video in the Parody Category

And, for winning, I got 2 visual novels.

I had a ton of fun. This may have been the most fun I've ever had at a con. If I think of anything else to talk about, I'll post it. And feel free to ask me anything about the con. :3

And, remember: I'm in a contest to get a free 3-day pass to Hama-Con. Want to help me go? Click here for the details:,15253.0.html

I'd REALLY appreciate the help!!


Sounds like you had an decent awesome time.

So, what was your favourite part of the trip?
Let me guess, breakfast in bed at the hotel you stayed at?


Quote from: Elija2 on April 26, 2010, 12:29:36 PM
Sounds like you had an decent awesome time.

So, what was your favourite part of the trip?
Let me guess, breakfast in bed at the hotel you stayed at?
Nah, I stayed with my aunt. It was breakfast in a recliner. XD

No, the best part, for me, was definitely winning the AMV contest in 2 categories. Second was Vic's panel. :D


Y'know, I'm entering the Power Morphicon this year. I'll ask Robert Axelrod about you. It's also the 15th anniversary of the MMPR movie. I may cosplay as the first Red Ranger. With a Dyno Buckler remodeled into a Power Morpher. It's gonna be a awesome time. And there's also a girl's section. Female PR actresses, yeeeeeah... XD


Quote from: SuperSonic12 on April 26, 2010, 01:14:05 PM
Y'know, I'm entering the Power Morphicon this year. I'll ask Robert Axelrod about you. It's also the 15th anniversary of the MMPR movie. I may cosplay as the first Red Ranger. With a Dyno Buckler remodeled into a Power Morpher. It's gonna be a awesome time. And there's also a girl's section. Female PR actresses, yeeeeeah... XD
I don't know if he'll remember me, I only got to talk to him for about a minute. XD
If it helps, tell him I was the one dressed as a doctor. :3

Okay, this was one of the most AWESOME things that happened at the con. Right before closing ceremonies, well, this happened!!

Not my video, by the way. I didn't take a video camera. D:


Maaan, cons sound like SO much fucking fun.
I can't wait until mom'll let me go.  :3

I've been planning on going with some friends this summer to the local con in Durham (well, it's about two/three hours away, but it's still really close compared to the distances SOME people travel for cons @-@), but mom was like "no, you're too young."  I was like "really? >:U"  We'd be with parents (the parents who would be watching us like anime too) and we'd have separate rooms for the girls and guys, mom in the room with us girls, dad in the room with the guys.  There was like 4 of us planning to go.  @-@  And if anything went wrong with my diabetes, mom would only be like two hours away.  @-@

Oh well, enough complaining.  xD
I'm glad you had fun.  :3
It seems like you got to meet a bunch of interesting people.
Your cosplay.
You win the fucking internet, sir.
TC = <33
and XD at the Journey thing.
It looks like you had a BLAST<3



Oh, yeah. I also got some stickers and 3 t-shirts. I don't have my DSi with me at the moment though, so no picture. :(

In consolation, more video. This time, some of the stuff that went on.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on April 27, 2010, 08:45:37 AM
I don't know if he'll remember me, I only got to talk to him for about a minute. XD
If it helps, tell him I was the one dressed as a doctor. :3

Okay, this was one of the most AWESOME things that happened at the con. Right before closing ceremonies, well, this happened!!

Not my video, by the way. I didn't take a video camera. D:
Am i the only one with a problem where when i hear this song, i MUST sing along?  And sounds like you had fun, looking sexy also :>


Quote from: TranceRaver83 on April 27, 2010, 10:07:11 AM
Am i the only one with a problem where when i hear this song, i MUST sing along?  And sounds like you had fun, looking sexy also :>

Not sure how I feel about a guy calling me sexy.



Quote from: TheGameNinja on April 27, 2010, 10:15:27 AM

Not sure how I feel about a guy calling me sexy.

You're suposed to feel sexy.




The KAMI-con. rofl i thought this was about me XD well kami is jappenese for "goddess of hope"


i've been to one, and it hardly counts.


anyway, seems like you had a great time.