Have you changed in the past Years?

Started by shadowDOESrock, May 05, 2010, 08:18:56 AM

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For me, its like this.

I was that guy that NEVER would like to be on the inside or playing games.

Untill i said somebody that i like her and got rejected and switched schools.

Since then i am a person who likes to be on the computer and play games.

But i noticed lately...they i seem to be less and less on the computer....because i really love somebody now.
i guess. (well, i cant think of anything else)

The Only Reason why i am still on the computer is because of here and a project.

But that will fade away eventually too.


I used to be a disgusting ape but I soon evolved into a civilized human being.


I've never liked being in close contact with the outside world.  Not even now, although I'm more willing to go.
I'm...to be honest...I'm afraid of getting hurt by people.
I don't like people.
At all.
There are a few that I like, but I'm talking as a general population...humans make me want to gag.  As hypocritical as that sounds, me being one.

I grew up around adults, so I never really knew how to socialize with kids my age...
So I always stayed locked up and aloof.
But I've got some amazing friends that are dragging me out of my shell.
It wasn't really until I started high school that I started being sociable, which was only two school years ago.
I wouldn't say I'm a wild delinquent but I can get a little out of hand at times.
But all in all I'm still one of they shyest, most reserved people you'll ever meet.

There's also my attitude.  I used to be more optimistic, but I find myself slipping into pessimism at times.  Not full on depression, although I do have spells where I want nothing more than a bullet in my brain, and I all but kill myself (or cut.  I tried it, and I realized how stupid it was.  My friend can't even wear shorts/skirts because she CARVED poems into her thigh and calf about how she's dying because this kid who abused her and got her pregnant left, and she claims he's the only one she can love, but he hates her.  I want to slap her across the face sometimes.  >.>  But all in all, she's a nice person.)

I also find myself to lash out more often.  Used to, hardly anything would make me mad.  It's still difficult to make me mad, but when I do reach that point, it isn't pretty.  Used to, I would just go into my room, scream into my pillow, and throw stuffed animals against the wall.  Now I verbally lash out at others, then end up locking myself in my room(or to the best of my ability...my bedroom door doesn't have a lock).

IDK, there's a lot of things that's changed about me, but those are the ones that I most notice.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on May 05, 2010, 08:44:59 AM
I've never liked being in close contact with the outside world.  Not even now, although I'm more willing to go.
I'm...to be honest...I'm afraid of getting hurt by people.
I don't like people.
At all.
There are a few that I like, but I'm talking as a general population...humans make me want to gag.  As hypocritical as that sounds, me being one.

I grew up around adults, so I never really knew how to socialize with kids my age...
So I always stayed locked up and aloof.
But I've got some amazing friends that are dragging me out of my shell.
It wasn't really until I started high school that I started being sociable, which was only two school years ago.
I wouldn't say I'm a wild delinquent but I can get a little out of hand at times.
But all in all I'm still one of they shyest, most reserved people you'll ever meet.

There's also my attitude.  I used to be more optimistic, but I find myself slipping into pessimism at times.  Not full on depression, although I do have spells where I want nothing more than a bullet in my brain, and I all but kill myself (or cut.  I tried it, and I realized how stupid it was.  My friend can't even wear shorts/skirts because she CARVED poems into her thigh and calf about how she's dying because this kid who abused her and got her pregnant left, and she claims he's the only one she can love, but he hates her.  I want to slap her across the face sometimes.  >.>  But all in all, she's a nice person.)

I also find myself to lash out more often.  Used to, hardly anything would make me mad.  It's still difficult to make me mad, but when I do reach that point, it isn't pretty.  Used to, I would just go into my room, scream into my pillow, and throw stuffed animals against the wall.  Now I verbally lash out at others, then end up locking myself in my room(or to the best of my ability...my bedroom door doesn't have a lock).

IDK, there's a lot of things that's changed about me, but those are the ones that I most notice.

Geez, you could have just said "puberty".


But I like going around my thumb to get to my elbow.
You didn't have to read any of it anyway.

On another very unneeded side note...
puberty happened years before I started acting different.


*totaly edits Draco's post so it fits him because he's too lazy to type. :P*
Quote from: Dracoslythe on May 05, 2010, 08:44:59 AM
I've never liked being in close contact with the outside world.  Not even now, although I'm more willing to go.
I'm...to be honest...I'm afraid of getting hurt by people.
I don't like people.
At all.
There are a few that I like, but I'm talking as a general population...humans make me want to gag.  As hypocritical as that sounds, me being one.

I grew up around adults, so I never really knew how to socialize with kids my age...
So I always stayed locked up and aloof.
But I've got some amazing friends that are dragging me out of my shell.
It wasn't really until I started hanging out on the internet that I started being sociable, which was only last summer.
But all in all I'm still one of they shyest, most reserved people you'll ever meet.

There's also my attitude.  I used to be more optimistic, but I find myself slipping into pessimism at times.  Not full on depression, although I do have spells where I want nothing more than a bullet in my brain, and I all but kill myself (not often though. :P).
I also find myself to lash out less often.  Used to, the littlest thing would make me mad.  It's now more difficult to make me mad, but when I do reach that point, it just walk away and find somewhere to calm down and contemplate, or tell you guys about it. Used to get into fights with my brother ALL THE TIME, but now I've matured and realized violence solves nothing. :3

I also have discovered I have sides of myself I never knew were there, I used to yell at my brother for playing gory games, yesterday I was telling Draci about how much fun it'd be to have a swimming pool with red water. >:3

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Well, I used to be quite a talkative child(all my school reports said i was too talkative, they are now saying im very quiet), but well years of being told to "shut the fuck up" have taken its toll, so now I am quiet, though that molds begining to break. I'd still be quiet in class, maybe not attentative but I'd make the teacher think I am, just to get head peace.

After i few bad experiences with a bunch of titwanks, I am less trusting of people now, and prefere if I am out either being in a group or with someone I really trust anyway, otherwise I just feel awkward and wanna run away. Like in my first year of high school I had one or two really good friends and I would only really talk to them, but now I hang about in groups of people (which include my earlier friends too :3)

Usually if someone shouts at me I would either walk away if I already felt quiet annoyed or was occupied with something else, but if I was in a good mood or bored I would now argue back (unless its an adult, then I feel like I have to be respectful and stuff). Unlike when I was younger, it was always manners and stuff first or you'd get a slap across the arse (Yeah I was brought up properly when parents were allowed to slap their children for being bad >:U it got the message through quicker.)

As a child I was optimistic, but that was probably more innocence, but now im pessimistic as hell, though when it comes to other people I can be optimistic for them... self-esteem is bad xD
It could be a long list.. so i'll stop now :3

Jazz Nova

for one, I've developed a devil side of me...
I apprecieate things I used to take for granted.
and discovered the joy of music.
You can take my books, destroy the world and make everybody hate me, but I'll STILL be (somewhat) sane due to music.
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Growing up I was a very anti-social person (I still am in a way)  It has it's ups and downs.  I always was the quiet guy at school and I was always picked at by other students because of my nerdiness, but its a good thing that doesn't happen anymore I have grown to be quite the ladies man =3.  I used to be bisexual but I still contradict myself when it comes to that because I say I like guys one second but then I like girls the next, although I am quite the straight child now thank you very much.  I was raised with the ROD of love children (which means I have had my ass beaten a few times, well alot xD)  I was a very troublesome child.  Puberty still has its tolls where as I would just get this spell of depression, and thinking the whole world is against you.  Some of you might find this odd...but I havn't masturbated in 2 1/2 years...I won't tell you why either.  This might shock some of you but...I used to take pills to build my appetite up...ironically I am still skinny.  Well I won't waste anymore time talking so thats it for now.

Soul Blade


Quote from: Dracoslythe on May 05, 2010, 10:14:00 AM
oh you ass.
I never bothered to ask, am I an ass because I edited your post or because I got mad easily until about a year ago? xD

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Jazz Nova

Quote from: jkid101094 on May 06, 2010, 01:16:21 PM
I never bothered to ask, am I an ass because I edited your post or because I got mad easily until about a year ago? xD
I can get pissed pretty easy...
That's not changed
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


I use to be a very shy, rebellious kid when I was younger. Every Sunday I'd get in trouble at church (I swear half the time it was just because I was telling my friends to be quiet).

But believe it or not, I'm actually a very responsible, trustworthy, social (HAHAHHHAHAHAH yeah not really) teen (Or... hopefully I'll remain that way o_o, I was like that a few days ago at least). I've had a lot of bumps when it came to being positive or negative about things, maybe because while I was little my parents use to go on rampages when they'd get mad.

And I was always in the middle of it.

I do admit a lot of times (Mainly when I'm upset) I crave attention, which it wasn't like that before.

I guess its mainly because, usually the youngest gets the most attention, but in my house, well to me at least, it doesn't seem like that... one instance of this was that my sister was graduating, or having some kind of award or some celebration that was school related... and it was a few days before my birthday.

EVERYONE was talking about her, everyone was obsessed with what she had accomplished, and my birthday? Well there was only an occasional mention of my birthday... made by me.

It was like, 4 days before my birthday and once it was over, THEN everyone realized that my birthday was coming up... it hurt, a lot.

I'm a very sensitive guy, and I always have been...

Anyway yeah I've become more responsible now. And I love how everyone on this site who dislikes me basically see's the responsible side of me, ignoring my funny, random side that I show a lot of in real life. I act really different on this site because I enforce the rules. If you've known me before I joined SZ, when I was on a site called, "Toontown Central", you'd know that I'm not strict at all. Theres actually one member that has known me since then.

I also use to be more active outside, but once I moved from my neighborhood into this wooded area, I lost interest in the outdoors, why? Well because everyone in this neighborhood is like, 30+ years old >___________>

It really hurt me, moving from a neighborhood where I made a lot of friends at, to one where I'm trapped in this house. I've become a huge gammer since.

It's not too bad, I'm surrounded by a lot of technology and videogames, but what sucks is that my friends from church (I've always had them as friends, the move didnt effect my friendship with them) are like, all athletic, which really depresses me sometimes, due to my lack of interest in sports.

Anyway thats most of my life right there, feel free to laugh at my misery and continue to hate me for who you believe I am.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!