In order to control the forum's recent period...

Started by jkid101094, July 25, 2010, 05:36:31 PM

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Quote from: EchidnaPower on July 27, 2010, 02:09:35 AM
I would just like to point out that not all Christians are like that. And if we're being totally honest, there are certain t-shirts that we Christians would like to wear that we'd get beat up for wearing! So let's weigh the differences.

"Inappropriate" T-shirt = Criticism

Christian T-shirt = Trip to hospital

Hmm, I think I have it rougher than Raver.
Where the hell do you live?  No one cares if you wear a Christian T-shirt here.  The only ones that complain ARE the Christians.  It's probably because we have them Southern Baptist Christians.


I have nothing against Christians, but it's the Southern Baptists that drove me AWAY from Christianity.
And not even all of them are bad...just ones like my dad.
Like seriously.  The Internet being the Tower of Babel?
A robot being the Anti-Christ?
What the hell has this guy been smoking?
Oh yeah...he watches Glenn Beck.  >__>

Christians are humans, just like everyone else.  Just because they worship God doesn't mean they're any different or should be treated any differently.  Besides.  It's not like you can look at someone and tell if they are or not.  But GOD FORBID, someone finds out that one of their friends is a Christian, and I'll be damned if they don't act differently in some way, shape, or form, and that kinda drives me up a wall (that happens ALOT here.  I can't say that for everywhere, but that's just from what I've seen).  It's kinda like racism.  People are getting criticized for who they are.  And I'll have to admit.  Christians get hit hard around here.  It's practically a dirty little secret unless you want some skater or pothead to knock your teeth in (that pretty much sums up the groups around here.  We have druggies, skaters, geeks, goths, and Christians.  The geeks and goths pretty much leave everyone alone and keep to them self, which is why I hang out with them  -w-).  .__.

Wasn't directed at anyone...I just had to vent a lil.  ._.


Quote from: TranceRaver83 on July 27, 2010, 08:37:10 AM
Where the hell do you live?  No one cares if you wear a Christian T-shirt here.  The only ones that complain ARE the Christians.  It's probably because we have them Southern Baptist Christians.
I'm Catholic...
Oh my.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on July 27, 2010, 09:31:17 AM
I have nothing against Christians, but it's the Southern Baptists that drove me AWAY from Christianity.
And not even all of them are bad...just ones like my dad.
Like seriously.  The Internet being the Tower of Babel?
A robot being the Anti-Christ?
What the hell has this guy been smoking?
Oh yeah...he watches Glenn Beck.  >__>

Christians are humans, just like everyone else.  Just because they worship God doesn't mean they're any different or should be treated any differently.  Besides.  It's not like you can look at someone and tell if they are or not.  But GOD FORBID, someone finds out that one of their friends is a Christian, and I'll be damned if they don't act differently in some way, shape, or form, and that kinda drives me up a wall (that happens ALOT here.  I can't say that for everywhere, but that's just from what I've seen).  It's kinda like racism.  People are getting criticized for who they are.  And I'll have to admit.  Christians get hit hard around here.  It's practically a dirty little secret unless you want some skater or pothead to knock your teeth in (that pretty much sums up the groups around here.  We have druggies, skaters, geeks, goths, and Christians.  The geeks and goths pretty much leave everyone alone and keep to them self, which is why I hang out with them  -w-).  .__.

Wasn't directed at anyone...I just had to vent a lil.  ._.
Stoners that kick the shit out of people?  My god, it seems like the East Coast is a completely different place than good ol' Midwest.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on July 27, 2010, 09:31:17 AM
I have nothing against Christians, but it's the Southern Baptists that drove me AWAY from Christianity.
And not even all of them are bad...just ones like my dad.
Like seriously.  The Internet being the Tower of Babel?
A robot being the Anti-Christ?
What the hell has this guy been smoking?
Oh yeah...he watches Glenn Beck.  >__>

Christians are humans, just like everyone else.  Just because they worship God doesn't mean they're any different or should be treated any differently.  Besides.  It's not like you can look at someone and tell if they are or not.  But GOD FORBID, someone finds out that one of their friends is a Christian, and I'll be damned if they don't act differently in some way, shape, or form, and that kinda drives me up a wall (that happens ALOT here.  I can't say that for everywhere, but that's just from what I've seen).  It's kinda like racism.  People are getting criticized for who they are.  And I'll have to admit.  Christians get hit hard around here.  It's practically a dirty little secret unless you want some skater or pothead to knock your teeth in (that pretty much sums up the groups around here.  We have druggies, skaters, geeks, goths, and Christians.  The geeks and goths pretty much leave everyone alone and keep to them self, which is why I hang out with them  -w-).  .__.

Wasn't directed at anyone...I just had to vent a lil.  ._.

Never heard the Internet = Tower of Babel one, but I did hear about the computer. And uh, quick tip, the machine itself is not the anti-Christ, whoever said that has his facts mixed up. And I honestly couldn't care less what people do around here as long as the integrity of the forum remains intact.

Draco, I feel sorry for you. I am actually a Baptist myself. I don't know what your dad is because almost everything you've said about him makes him look like everything but a Christian, let alone a Baptist. Let me give you a quick summary of what Christianity is supposed to be.

All you have to do is truly believe that Christ died for your sins. It's that simple. Christianity was SUPPOSED to be something that people would like because it takes you in spite of yourself. But all these other religions have rules, for instance:

Person: "I'd like to join your religion."

Leader: "No bacon."

Person: "I'm out, I'M OUT! What kind of a god would deny a man a good BLT Sandwich?!"


If they've added extra rules that don't come from the Bible, then your church is in the wrong Draco. Christianity was not supposed to be a tyrancy like your dad has made it look like. In fact, Christianity was supposed to GIVE freedom, not take it.

There, I'm done.

I love Jesus! Do you?