Pokémon: -The Spearow theory-

Started by Fiamonder, September 04, 2010, 04:39:16 AM

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I should've sworn that I've seen a topic about this a while ago... but I can't find it anymore, so I'm posting a new one here. If somebody finds it, please tell me as soon as possible so that I'll lock this topic, or if a mod/admin finds it, feel free to lock it.

I believe that alot of people saw TGN's "Pokémon: Best Wishes" topic, and some guy mentioned a theory called "The Spearow theory". I google'd it, read the theory, and like alot of other people, it kind of creeped me out if you think about it. If you haven't read the theory before, copy-pasty tiem.

The accident with the bike? It put Ash in a coma. three days later he was found and pumped full of painkillers. This is why team rocket became less menacing. The drugs kicked in and stabilized his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his pokemon master fantasies.

It's also the reason that every time he enters a new region, virtually no one has heard of him, despite his conquests, and why givoanni leads team rocket. Ash has daddy issues, so he put his dad atop the evil corporation, and he just can't picture himself as famous, so he essentially adopts a new identity every few months.

It also explains a few other things, such as how a child can go off on his own in a world full of dangerous untamed animals, and why every pokecenter has the same exact nurse.
Brock is ash's repressed sexuality, he fell into the coma a virgin, and needed an outlet for it. since he can never experience it, brock must never succeed.
To further expand on this, one will note how misty, a tomboy, is another aspect of Ash's personality, his feminine side. the feminine side would obviously be upset at the womanizing side, which would keep a normal human being from acting like brock. This is why she constantly batters him.

I can explain the purpose of any character to ash's mindset within the coma to make it make sense.

It's the same thing as his community. Never experienced anything else, and couldn't at this point. He's only able to imagine landmasses besides his own because he used to dream about going to them and winning tournaments there. Also the reason Joys and Jennys are everywhere - those were just two figures he looked up to in his hometown so he projected them everywhere.
Team rocket is aspects of ash's personality that he has deemed "bad" james implied homosexuality, and jesse's vanity. You'll remember that meowth has the potential for rehabilitation, and doesn't want to be evil, so yet again this fits in with the conflicting personalities theory.

Their methods of capture become more and more ludicrous ( and physically impossible) because ash is just a kid dreaming these things up.

The worldwide socalism can be explained if you once again realize that this is a dream world, he thought up a safe system of government that would run smoothly and keep the world going, allowing his adventures to work like they do.

and another thing.


Pikachu obviously represents ash's Humanity, hence the episodes where they get separated, and ash wants desparately to find him, but for some reason cannot. Even team rocket is willing to set aside any differences to work together and find pikachu. They want to steal pikachu ( ash's humanity) and hand it over to his father. They will always be opposed because ash does not want to become anything like his father and no resolution can ever permanantly be reached. however he will temporarily reconcile with those aspects of himself in order to save his humanity from just becoming flat out LOST.
Max came with may, she played the ID with great aspirations, and he played the sensible Ego that "Session". They worked for a little while but ash, being a teenager eventually his sexuality had to come back into play. he kept reinventing himself and eventually Wrote new aspects, but his mind slowly brought back the old ones as a crutch to make the transition easier.
Also, why the elite four?

Why not one elite unbeatable trainer?

Because no person has one single psychological roadblock, and toppling all of them in one go would rend one's minds into shreds. I would assume that if he were ever to beat all four the coma would reverse itself.

The narrator is Ash's higher mind, recapping and explaining the progress he's made and the tribulations he will face, allowing itself insight into how best to awaken him.

Now it's time for Gary Oak.
Gary oak is what ash wants to be. He's wish fulfillment. he succeeded, and settled down to a normal life. ash needs someone to succeed in his world or he won't be able to validate it and will start questioning why he's where he is. it's a subconscious trap to keep him from becoming too aware of his situation. His mind must have figured out that awareness of the coma would snap him out of it, but it would cause major brain damage, so it took something the boy already loved and built a way out for him with it. however ash is too complacent to finally fight his way out of it, and cannot escape. this is why he keeps encountering legendaries, they're his mind's way of showing him he can do great things if he tries, and it's a way to encourage him to push forwards.

Dawn is ash giving himself a chance to love. since he already established misty as someone he's not likely to go anywhere with, he created a new super female, one that was more like him, and less violent all the time. ( you'll note that both may and misty had no tolerance for brock whatsoever whereas dawn seems to try and shrug it off.) Richie and his pikachu were another success story for ash, but he wanted one he could be closer with. One nearly identical to him. One that even used a similar roster to him.

Paul is ash's dark side, one that wants to push on even harder and harder, the part of him that will stop at nothing to escape this coma world.

The reason for the new rivals is that gary settled down, he's living peacefully, and to bring him out of that would be to supress part of ash's wishes.There's no way his mind would let that happen, so his personality fragmented further, producing dark (paul) and light (richie) versions of gary.
Mr.Mime is actually a stand in for ash's father, one that can't abuse him or his mom, because he is a pokemon, a peace loving creature that's oddly humanoid, but that can never hurt a human ( ash's trust is because he was never really hurt by a pokemon, so he sees them all as harmless, whereas in the real world they may be quite feral or vicious ( as seen in the early wpisodes), again falling back to the theory that the only real pokemon are the ones from the first season, and everything else is just further speculation coming from his mind on what new species would look like.)
And the movies?

Ash has been switched to a new treatment, and is adjusting to it, so his mind runs wild, allowing things to become grittier.

He releases them (his pokemon) because his mind is forcing him to let go of them. The second he raises an overpowered team, a tournament comes up, and after fighting his way through it he has to go to a new land for new challenges, but with an overpowered team, there won't be any challenges, and no way to motivate him further, part of ash wants to stay in the coma, and keep journeying.

The other part wants freedom, and to return to his real life, to finally become a real pokemon master. However if he's allowed to keep his powerful team there's no reason to meet and ame new pokemon, he'll lose interest, and the chance of becoming self-aware comes around again. so it's not that he gives them up, it's that he loses them, and unless he's desparate ( like with charizard) he can't get them back. it's basically his mind forcing him to deal with his issues.

Aah the reason team rocket's disguises are always believed. He knows it's them ( on some level), but chooses to ignore it, so he can better himself, in a sense escapist ash is sabotaging idyllic ash. So that there can be more conflict, and hopefully an eventual escape.

Oh there are real animals. But they don't matter to ash's psyche so they don't come into play much. if ash had loved puppies, everything would be about different breeds of dogs, and a dog fighting circuit.

But, as the series goes on longer, we've been seeing less realistic animals and more Pokemon.

Could this be a sign of his mind's deteriation? That, as he's in this coma, he's losing concepts of some animals and machinery and replacing them with Pokemon. It could explain things like electric pokemon working as power generators.

Team Rocket are the qualities of himself that Ash deems "negative" but is coming to terms with. Jesse and James want to appease Giovanni, Ash's father figure, and Jessie will trick the submissive James into doing her bidding to achieve this. Meowth especially wants to appease him because he remembers the good times with Giovanni. This places Meowth in a category known as Ash's (corrupted) innocence. This is apparent because Meowth is able to speak. In fact, the whole reason Meowth can speak is so that Ash can eventually accept the aspects of Team Rocket as parts of himself.

Ash has issues with his father, so he put him atop the evil corporation and demonized him. There may be an actual Team Rocket (in the real world) but it's doubtful that Ash's father is their leader. Ash likely feels that the split between his parents was partly his fault, but also partly blames his father. The split caused his mother to move out of the city, down to Pallet Town and is one reason why Ash initially embarks upon the journey: to escape the turmoil at home. But the whole organization, including Butch and Cassidy, is symbolic o his inability to escape his father's machinations.

James is implied homosexuality (which does not necessarily make Ash homosexual) and gullibility, and Jesse is vanity and manipulation. Since Meowth has the potential for rehabilitation, and doesn't want to be evil, this once again fits in with the conflicting personalities and demonized-self theory. Team Rocket cross-dresses because Ash is exploring his sexuality (a different facet than what Brock represents) and this was a method that allowed his gay/vain side to experiment freely. When he found that it wasn't something for him, his "free" side stopped playing with it.

Ash releases his Pokemon because his mind is forcing him to let go of them. The second he raises an overpowered team, a tournament comes up, and after fighting his way through it he has to go to a new land for new challenges. But with an overpowered team, there won't be any challenges, and no way to motivate him further, so the part of Ash that wants to stay in the coma and keep journeying releases his solved issues so that he can continue and overcome the unresolved ones. This is essentially his mind forcing him to deal with his issues.

Ash's rivals and the Elite Four are ultimately the strongest part of this cycle. Having Pokemon that are essentially godlike, they represent both what can be attained and what is unattainable. Ash's rivals are all possible future he envisions for himself (note that they are all older than him). This originated with Oak, someone Ash knew from real life and built up into a sort of god within his mind, but Oak progressed and changed to suit Ash's vision of himself and his ultimate desire, eventually settling down into a professor role after beating the Elite Four. With Gary Oak in retirement, his mind needed a new rival for him, thus the births of Richie (the good aspect of his rivalry) and Paul.

Paul is his mind's last ditch efforts to snap him out of this, to force Ash to actually come to terms that this perfect world is not the best option or path to waking up. Paul is Ash's shadow, one that wants to push on even harder and harder, and the part of him that will stop at nothing to escape this coma world.

Mewtwo is a new form of treatment, done with electric impulses and a machine to knock Ash out of it, taking down every last one of his mental guards (the original Pokemon in the movie). In Ash's mind, Mewtwo and his clones were (in the real world) the treatment for the mental safeguards that were protecting Ash and keeping him comatose: the Pokemon of his world. The clones were counters to the issues that Ash had thought solved, and so each appeared to Ash as the exact copy of his defense. The clones didn't play by the rules of Ash's world, they didn't use any special Pokemon attacks or moves -- they just beat down their counterpart through brute strength. The treatment was working.

There were side effects. The electric jolts were beginning to affect Ash's nervous system, and if the treatment continued, he would be paralyzed. His mind manifested this in the dreamworld by petrifying him. Were it not for the end of the treatment by Ash's mother (who knew her son wouldn't want to live in a world he couldn't explore), Ash would have remained as stone forever. After this, Ash needed to recover from the damage caused by the electric therapy. In order to reduce the danger Ash's consciousness felt from it, his subconscious began downplaying the effects of electricity in his world, which is why Pikachu's electric attacks -- once noted for their strength by Team Rocket -- no longer have any effect on Ash, other than comic relief.

As we can see, Ash may well have been trapped forever in this world. But like every dream, like everything, there is a beginning and an end. What would happen if Ash never recovered? In his hospital room, we see Delia, obviously distraught, talking to a doctor with a grim look on his face. He's saying that their insurance is up, and the boy has had no change in brain activity for seven years. That the shock of taking him off life support has a very small chance of awakening him.

She tearfully agrees.

Back in Ash's world, he has finally defeated the Elite Four, and one by one, the people around him start disappearing. Eventually, everything is black. Pikachu comes dashing towards him, glowing brighter and brighter in the darkness. Eventually he reaches Ash and the two embrace one last time.

Back in the hospital room, his life signs fading, Ash mutters his final words.

I...want to be...the very...best...

He will die, never having known his dream, except as naught but a dream. When he came back to reality, he knew it all for the lie it was, knew it as his imagination. Knowing that his efforts, ambitions and friends were nothing, he will let go.

As he utters his final phrase, he barely opens his eyes and sees the silhouette of his mother, her face hidden by her hands wiping away tears. They make eye contact, and one final realization fills him before he loses all strength.

He sees that his mother was holding out hope that he'd recover all that time. He sees her and finds that her hope had been broken as she'd come to the realization that she'd outlived her only child. He dies knowing that he is loved, but that it means the one person closest and most real to him is utterly crushed.

Now that I think about it, Ash's eyes keep getting bigger every season, and his eyes in Best Wishes is... big. That might be another sign? Remember that it's only a theory, but still... he also never gets older.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


@-@  Someone has too much time on their hands.

Nothing makes sense in the anime world.  Nothing.
I don't think that the creators had anything that...deep and psychological... in mind.

They might have, though, we never know.
The theory was...interesting (to say in the least) to read; very well thought out.  Depressing, though.  @-@


Yeah, I never said I believed it, just that it's out there. :P

It is interesting, though. It certainly livens up watching the anime.


Giovaani is Ash's dad O_o

At which point would Ash have fallen into a coma?

How did they find him and bring him to the hospital?

This theory doesn't explain Ash's changes(voice,clothes,etc)

This person has obviously seen the pokemon manga,and is trying to explain why this is soo kiddy.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


He forgot to put this part which really convinced me...

This explains why he doesn't change much physically. Also, the worldwide socialism can be explained if you once again realize that this is a dream world; he thought up a safe system of government that would run smoothly and keeps the world going allowing his adventures to work like they do. It also explains a few other things, such as how a child can go off on his own in a world full of dangerous untamed animals, and why every Pokémon center has the same exact nurse. Joy and Jenny he knew from his hometown, and they act as a safety net or anchor, allowing him to feel safe no matter where he goes. The professors, like the Joy's and Jenny's represent stability, and ash's ideals. This is why Gary became a professor. It's also the reason that every time he enters a new region, virtually no one has heard of him, despite his conquests, and why Giovanni leads Team Rocket. How could Paul, the rival of the Sinnoh area, not know of someone who has placed in at least the top 16 of all three leagues and has destroyed the Orange league and Battle Frontier?

Full version here... http://pokmonx.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=340

Jazz Nova

Quote from: windlessusher on September 05, 2010, 09:12:06 AM
This theory doesn't explain Ash's changes(voice,clothes,etc)
The full thing explains that Ash's change in clothing are a way for his mind to keep him in a coma. By forgetting his real clothes and such, he can forget that the real world exists
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on September 07, 2010, 05:28:37 PM
The full thing explains that Ash's change in clothing are a way for his mind to keep him in a coma. By forgetting his real clothes and such, he can forget that the real world exists
And this 10 yr old can come up with this...how?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jazz Nova

Quote from: windlessusher on September 07, 2010, 07:49:05 PM
And this 10 yr old can come up with this...how?
I dunno
The mind is very complex
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


I still think it's bullshit in a can.  @-@

Jazz Nova

Quote from: Dracoslythe on September 08, 2010, 08:39:50 AM
I still think it's bullshit in a can.  @-@
I second
But really, why doesn't Ash keep his uber pokemon from the last region and why hasn't anybody heard of him?

And why are the movies on a separate continuum than the show?
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on September 08, 2010, 10:41:39 AM
I second
But really, why doesn't Ash keep his uber pokemon from the last region and why hasn't anybody heard of him?

And why are the movies on a separate continuum than the show?
1.He doesn't want to be cheap
2.The same reason why we don't hear of the Yu-Gi-Oh champion from japan
3.Look up "filler"
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jazz Nova

Quote from: windlessusher on September 08, 2010, 11:09:45 AM
1.He doesn't want to be cheap
2.The same reason why we don't hear of the Yu-Gi-Oh champion from japan
3.Look up "filler"

But really... Ash beat the indigo league, the orange league, the elite four from three regions, stopped probably three criminal organizations... (probably four now), beat the battle frontier... need I go on?
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on September 08, 2010, 11:23:17 AM

But really... Ash beat the indigo league, the orange league, the elite four from three regions, stopped probably three criminal organizations... (probably four now), beat the battle frontier... need I go on?
Ash did not win the Indigo League. He has never (to my knowledge) battled an Elite Four member.

Jazz Nova

Quote from: TheGameNinja on September 08, 2010, 11:28:49 AM
Ash did not win the Indigo League. He has never (to my knowledge) battled an Elite Four member.
It's implied that he beat the elite four
but that stuff excluded, you still go a major fame list!
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


Quote from: Jazz Nova on September 08, 2010, 11:31:04 AM
It's implied that he beat the elite four
but that stuff excluded, you still go a major fame list!
No it's not. In fact, he's met both Bruno and Lance several times and has never even mentioned battling them.