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Your average MSN talk

Started by xSalashawty, September 12, 2010, 07:01:40 PM

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Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
hello all
Jeexx-Kun says:
xSalashawty says:,
Jeexx-Kun says:
For fucks sake Ben <.<
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
jeexx-kun stop it
xSalashawty says:
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
you should watch your mouth
Valia says:
xSalashawty says:
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
or salas-chan will learn from it
Jeexx-Kun says:
Says the fag who can't even get that I hate him <.<
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
and then use it and get scrolled
Jeexx-Kun says:
Or that I don't want to talk to him.
xSalashawty says:
i dont give a shit Ben. Ive already used heavy language and got in trouble last year.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
jeexx-kun that makes you more irrasistable
Jeexx-Kun says:
......I'm gonna go hang myself now, buhbai. -shot-
  Jeexx-Kun has left the conversation.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
xSalashawty says:
you kicked him.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
you can't kick
xSalashawty says:
you pissed him
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
he is depresed
that makes him all so cute! :3
xSalashawty says:
Valia says:
I saw what you did thurr Salsa
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
salas its a puperty thing
xSalashawty says:
I know.
IM going to puberty.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
not yet
if you where you would like a serten someone
is it derek?
xSalashawty says:
I do.. but he's not here.
And its not Derek.
He's 19.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
well comeon girl spil the beans!
whats this guy like?
xSalashawty says:
ben you're starting to creep the hell out of me.
Valia says:
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
what can't i use girl words?
xSalashawty says:
its not that..
its the fact that your asking..
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
hey i can be curios liek other girls..
xSalashawty says:
I can tell that..
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
its not like i want to know where he lives and his name
all i want to know is why you like him
xSalashawty says:
Yeah...errr why?
Valia says:
lol and besides you know Salsa likes meh! -shotdead-  I ish joking though D8 -shot again-
xSalashawty says:
I'm bisexual.
So it's possible -shot-
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
so its a girl?
xSalashawty says:
Valia says:
but that would make me  a pedo -shot-
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
so salas spill the beans whats he like? i mean like senice your wired i wouldnt see you likeing anyone that much
Valia says:
don't make her talk about it if she doesnt want to
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
hey i'm just curios
i mean like
this is the 1st time she will have a chance
xSalashawty says:
to what?
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
probly if he brakes her heart she will be in the emo corner untill 2012
xSalashawty says:
I'm already practicing to be in the emocorner
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
i hurt myself
with my burp
my mouth was closed and it came out my nose..
xSalashawty winks:

Play "Dancing Pig"
xSalashawty winks:

Play "Silly Face"
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
salas-chan i know you are growing up and becomeing a big girl
xSalashawty says:
I'm not your average girl.
I'm a tomboy.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
but i think you need to know about the grem prosess
xSalashawty says:
thats you.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
if you kiss a boy on the lips you are shareing and excangeing grems
so be sure to wash your mouth if you kiss a boy
xSalashawty says:
In America, in 4th grade and on, girls have to watcvh puberty videos.
Everyone after the video who watched it was like OMG THAT WAS NASTY
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
i got kicked out when they was talking about the vagaina but the girls stayed when they talked about the boy part
xSalashawty says:
I know.
they do that to us  every year.
Everyone thinks it's stupid.
cause we don;t even know what it is.
And it's like the school's teaching aids
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
you know what
you should talk to your princeable about the homo and lesbain and gay term
xSalashawty says:
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
so if anyone says it
xSalashawty says:
I'd be expelled for knowing it.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
they have to talk to them and say the deffanishion
xSalashawty says:
Trust me, my school is different from Austraila schools.
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
Valia... She is stalking us like a Pedofile
Valia says:
why you say that
xSalashawty says:
no she isnt
Valia says:
Ben-theres a little love in everything says:
all this talking about salas-chan is makeing her cuter!
Valia says:

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Ben... you need to learn how to spell. XD



so um... wait... I might've read it wrong, but Salas starting puberty? maybe... but Ben starting puberty?


First try at making a sig, It's decent.



...good job jeexx; saved yourself while you still could.


Quote from: FiamonderCSB on September 13, 2010, 03:20:56 AM
so um... wait... I might've read it wrong, but Salas starting puberty? maybe... but Ben starting puberty?


1st i get punched in the face then i see this?
are you all that black hearted


It's called the internet, Ben. No one has a heart on the internet, only a blackhole of despair and hatred.


So what's internet dating.


idk. he just... krept the fuck out of me.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote[18:43:14] Shadow Mokadara joins conversation
[18:43:15] KC says:
[18:44:26] Shadow Mokadara says:
[18:45:56] KC says:
Whats up
[14/09/10 18:54:41]  Shadow Mokadara says:
But really
[14/09/10 18:54:43] Shadow Mokadara says:
nothing much
[14/09/10 18:54:38] Shadow Mokadara says:
[18:55:31] KC says:
[18:55:42] KC says:
I might be getting the new iPod Touch someday soon
[18:55:52] Shadow Mokadara says:

^Story of my life right there.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!