Sonic The Hedgehog 4 : Episode 2 PRE-RELEASE TOPIC

Started by Skyle369, October 06, 2010, 12:29:07 AM

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Quote from: Manic X-Treme~1323 on February 29, 2012, 10:14:13 AM
Good grief Iris, are graphics all that matter to you?

And for a " phone game ", looks pretty dang good. :|

Sonic CD HD looks way better than this, even though its completely 2D.


Quote from: Manic X-Treme~1323 on February 29, 2012, 10:14:13 AM
Good grief Iris, are graphics all that matter to you?

And for a " phone game ", looks pretty dang good. :|

We've already discussed this, several times. And each time I've deflected your comments about me apparently thinking "Only graphics matter". On the contrary, I am only complaining about the glaring visual flaws, not the art itself.

Quote from: {The Lovely Kyo}~ on March 01, 2012, 01:29:22 AM
Sonic CD HD looks way better than this, even though its completely 2D.
Also this. And that game ran at only an upscaled 2x of the original resolution of the Mega CD..


I'm still not getting your problem. I think the game is pretty.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on March 01, 2012, 06:13:24 AM
I'm still not getting your problem. I think the game is pretty.
^ Thank you.


Got some really large expectation down under dont ya?


Quote from: Nightshade the hedgehog on February 29, 2012, 10:23:38 AM
Kinda reminds me of a guy on a different forum..He cannot stop complaining.
There's no doubt that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But here's what's just aggravating me; NONE OF US have even PLAYED the game yet. Yet SOME OF US just can't stop RAMBLING ON about the game's - (which is in EARLY DEVELOPMENT) - faults. 8 |


Quote from: Manic X-Treme~1323 on March 01, 2012, 01:45:54 PM
There's no doubt that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But here's what's just aggravating me; NONE OF US have even PLAYED the game yet. Yet SOME OF US just can't stop RAMBLING ON about the game's - (which is in EARLY DEVELOPMENT) - faults. 8 |

You don't need to play a game to say that it looks like shite.

And duhh... it's early development. Feedback = Improvement.

Quote from: SmashFinale on March 01, 2012, 01:03:21 PM
Got some really large expectation down under dont ya?

That has absolutely fuck all to do with anything :l


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on March 01, 2012, 02:11:34 PM
You don't need to play a game to say that it looks like shite.

And duhh... it's early development. Feedback = Improvement.

That has absolutely fuck all to do with anything :l
I keep saying it's as if all you care about are graphics, but yet you keep denying it. But all you're complaining about ARE the graphics, so what other conclusion can I come to, Iris?

I know Feedback = Improvement, but you nagging like some type of grumpy, immature old man, isn't going to make the entire game look better. Why don't you get off your high horse for a few months and wait until the blasted thing comes out? The game has JUST BEEN REVEALED. There is still TWO MORE MONTHS, before it's set to release.

I have a suggestion for you, Mr. Sapphire:

Why not you go and work for Sonic Team and become the leading Art Director, for all of the upcoming Sonic Games, huh? Why not you go ahead and develop your own game, with the best graphical effects that can be produced with the current technology. That way, everything can be just the way you like.

Things aren't always going to be the way you like it, Iris. It would be different if you were COMPLAINING AND COMPLAINING about this AFTER IT HAS BEEN RELEASED, but the thing is still in (and I keep stressing this) E A R L Y  D E V E L O P M E N T. You're expectations can be as big as Mount Everest - that's not going to magically make the entire game look as beautiful and gorgeous as your eyes want it to be. We don't always get what we want - that's just how life is. And complaining about it, repeatedly, isn't going to fix it either.

But if you are looking for something that looks absolutely beautiful beyond comparison, get up out of your chair and get outside and take a look around.

That's the best graphics in the entire world. Nothing can beat it. It's people like you who just don't even seem to play Games, anymore. Or at least, not for entertainment. If all you're going to do is nag, nag, nag, nag, and nag about the Art Direction, how can you enjoy the game for what it's truly for? Fun Entertainment. If you want to see dazzling special effects and textures, go and watch an IMAX 3D Movie.

I know this is seems to be the age where "EVERYTHING MUST LOOK AS REALISTIC AS POSSIBLE, OR IT'S COMPLETE CRAP" - but truly, that notion has to be one of the most stupidest things that I've ever known about.

Let me ask you this one, simple question.

There's this game, right? It's fun. It's amazing. The controls are spot on and fluid, and the gameplay is just marvelous. This seems to be the most epic game ever. There's only one problem - it's graphics just don't seem up-to-par.

Then there's this other game. It looks gorgeous. The textures are so releastic, it's as if you're looking right outside your window. It has the best graphical effects in the world. Here's the problem - the gameplay is so horrifying and boring, that playing with a rock is more entertaining.

Now, which would you choose?

A.) The game that is completely superb when it comes down to gameplay. It's a perfect example of how a game should be, except it's graphics just don't match-up to current standards.

B.) The game that is so beautiful, that the word " beautiful " is an under-statement. Everything about it - in terms of graphics - are perfect. But it's gameplay is just horrible, and will bore you in less than 5 minutes.

You can only pick one. If you had to make this decision, which would you go with? Gameplay or Graphics?


Quote from: Manic X-Treme~1323 on March 01, 2012, 04:15:02 PM
you choose?

A.) The game that is completely superb when it comes down to gameplay. It's a perfect example of how a game should be, except it's graphics just don't match-up to current standards.

B.) The game that is so beautiful, that the word " beautiful " is an under-statement. Everything about it - in terms of graphics - are perfect. But it's gameplay is just horrible, and will bore you in less than 5 minutes.

You can only pick one. If you had to make this decision, which would you go with? Gameplay or Graphics?

I could now count up a bazillion games with amazing graphics and amazing gameplay. :l
Even from SEGA. Alot from SEGA, actually.

Also, with two months left it DEFINITLY IS NOT EARLY DEVELOPMENT!
Obviously there will be still tweaks based on input from the fans & other small changes.


Quote from: Manic X-Treme~1323 on March 01, 2012, 04:15:02 PM

Why not you go and work for Sonic Team and become the leading Art Director, for all of the upcoming Sonic Games, huh?

I'm not going to be leading art director just to add some AA to a game.

Seriously, this is you, writing that entire post and being SO defensive and butthurt. Over what, really? I'm giving the game my fucking opinion. I told you, it looks good on the gameplay side of things. Animations are smooth, the set pieces are nice. Etc. I've told you, graphics? I couldn't give a damn about the art direction, that's fine. But the think is, if it were actually oh I dunno.. RENDERED PROPERLY, then maybe it would look good.

And honestly? There is such thing as a beautiful game with great gameplay. There's games like that all over the PC and even on consoles. You can't have just one or the other. THIS IS A STANDARD IN GAMING. THIS IS WHERE THE BAR IS AT.

Now on the contrary sir, if you can really tell me to step outside and admire the "Best graphics in the world", I think you yourself need to spend more time outside and gather that Video games and reality and not to be compared.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on March 02, 2012, 01:37:44 AM
I'm not going to be leading art director just to add some AA to a game.

Seriously, this is you, writing that entire post and being SO defensive and butthurt. Over what, really? I'm giving the game my fucking opinion. I told you, it looks good on the gameplay side of things. Animations are smooth, the set pieces are nice. Etc. I've told you, graphics? I couldn't give a damn about the art direction, that's fine. But the think is, if it were actually oh I dunno.. RENDERED PROPERLY, then maybe it would look good.

And honestly? There is such thing as a beautiful game with great gameplay. There's games like that all over the PC and even on consoles. You can't have just one or the other. THIS IS A STANDARD IN GAMING. THIS IS WHERE THE BAR IS AT.

Now on the contrary sir, if you can really tell me to step outside and admire the "Best graphics in the world", I think you yourself need to spend more time outside and gather that Video games and reality and not to be compared.
I wasn't being defensive, nor was I being butthurt. I was trying to get my point across, seeing that you obviously are too proud and uptight, to stop complaining about the game's graphics.

I know you're giving your opinion. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, yes. But when they start to run on about the same blasted thing, over and over again, it just gets annoying.

I NEVER SAID that there weren't games with a perfect balance of both gameplay and graphics. I was making an ILLUSTRATION. I know that there are games with a perfect balance of graphics and gameplay, I own a few for crying out loud.

Let me clarify what I was saying, seeing that you completely ignored the point I was trying to make:
I said, that here are two games. One with amazing gameplay, but not-so-good graphics - and the other with amazing graphics, but not-so-good gameplay. You could only pick ONE, so which would you choose? Gameplay or Graphics?

I never said that there wasn't any game with a perfect balance between the two - I was trying to see if you would actually pick Graphics over Gameplay and you completely avoided the question.

The point that I was trying to make to you was; Just wait until the blasted thing comes out in two months. I admit, it can't be considered an early game anymore, but at least hold your horses for two more months. Nagging like an immature old man, about how the graphics aren't rendered properly - REPEATEDLY - is what fueled me enough to post that post. It seemed like I wasn't getting through that thick skull of your's, so I tried a different approach. But yet, you spear-head it, yet again.

I know VIDEO Games and REALITY can't be physically compared. But that's the point I was trying to make. If the Graphics of the game don't appeal to your HIGH-TASTE IN QUALITY eyes, then look outside your window and scan your surroundings, if you want to see something beautiful and " perfectly rendered ". You're knocking down a game that hasn't even gotten a chance to get up yet, and that's what was pissing me off.

I rest my case, Mr. Iris Sapphire.

Post Merge: March 02, 2012, 12:15:39 PM

Quote from: {The Lovely Kyo}~ on March 02, 2012, 12:51:41 AM

I could now count up a bazillion games with amazing graphics and amazing gameplay. :l
Even from SEGA. Alot from SEGA, actually.

Also, with two months left it DEFINITLY IS NOT EARLY DEVELOPMENT!
Obviously there will be still tweaks based on input from the fans & other small changes.
Both you and Iris dodged the point I was trying to make. Shallow, very shallow.

I never said there wasn't a game with a perfect balance between graphics & gameplay. I was simply making an Illustration, to see whether you'd prefer Graphics over Gameplay. Next time, analyze the question, think about it, and then respond. Don't simply brush it off and throw it back to the person who asked the question, just to make it seem like they were talking random foolishness. Don't put words in other people's mouths. :|

" Obviously, there will still be tweaks based on input from the fans & other small changes. "

Exactly. You just owned yourself with that sentence alone. This entire time you and Iris have been double-teaming with bashing the graphics of the game, yet you admit that there will be tweaks before the game's release, something I've been SAYING ALL THIS TIME.

Oi . . . Society is so backwards these days. . . .


So you're calling me thick? Okay.

let me put it this way. Your "Illustration" is IMPRACTICAL. It doesn't even need to be there, because it doesn't clarify your argument or help you. At all. If a company makes a game, BALANCE is the key. This is not my "HIGH-TASTE IN QUALITY" speaking, this is THE STANDARD OF MODERN VIDEO GAMES FOR FUCKING FUCK'S SAKE.
This is why I dodged your question, it would only serve to not convey my true opinions in any way and make you come up with more bullshit to bag me with.

"But when they start to run on about the same blasted thing, over and over again, it just gets annoying"
Touché, hypocrite.

"Exactly. You just owned yourself with that sentence alone. This entire time you and Iris have been double-teaming with bashing the graphics of the game, yet you admit that there will be tweaks before the game's release, something I've been SAYING ALL THIS TIME. "

Don't start getting at Kyo too, he's making a valid statement and clarification that you failed to. His argument?
"Obviously, there will still be tweaks based on input from the fans & other small changes."
Your argument?

Kyo's answer is logical. We give the game it's needed input, I said the game needed some AA and to to sharpen it up a bit, rather than filling the game with triangles that honestly.. aren't needed.  < -- This statement proves I DO NOT ONLY care about the game's art, as you think I do. This game more than enough meets the standart in it's polygon-count, honestly, and that is NOT the problem.

"you obviously are too proud and uptight, to stop complaining about the game's graphics."

Negative. I am concerned that the visuals will cause a great letdown in the potential game. AND I'm hoping that it will be fixed prior to release, even if it's in favour of some of the admittedly beautiful models.

If you think that I'M being bad about graphics, you should see.. the average consumer base! no, seriously.



Jazz Nova

Quote from: jkid101094 on March 01, 2012, 06:13:24 AM
I'm still not getting your problem. I think the game is pretty.

Can't we all have our separate opinions and move on? I know that each of you want to be right, but if you want to discuss it this this badly, would you mind making another topic so that we don't have to scroll past your paragraphs of text?
And must this happen on every tread for a video game that's not Pokemon?
Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively



That partner system blew my f*cking mind back then, just think what they could do with it now =D
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!