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Dead forum? Inactive forum?

Started by ~Bubblicious~, November 14, 2010, 03:10:40 PM

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I think it's time for yet another rant.

However, this time, it's about the forums. Not the chatbox, not humanity, but the forums. As we have all noticed, yes, it's more active. HOWEVER it's more active due to spammers who don't really CARE about the forum or chatting AT ALL. Really, it's more dead than before. I mainly re-registered to clear things up with the Ben problem and shit, and to mess with him, but now it's mostly to bring back what was once a great forum.

All I've been doing lately is checking out new posts, making some of my own, trying to get the real members more active. I've been nonstop spam-clicking the 'Show new replies to your posts' link, and most of the time it's nothing. We complain about a dead forum, yet we ourselves don't post. We need to post, and be more active if this forum will ever be alive again.

Some of us actually want posts that aren't compromised of




Really, that's what you see now. Sure, there's the occasional educated person, but most of the new people... they just want games. They won't stay, they'll get their shit and leave. So, we, as a forum, need to actually work together to make it alive. I'll use my Tobiness, I don't know what that is but apparently it's something so yeah...

We need more Windle! Jkiddy! Draccy! Salas! Mikey! Johnny! Supa! Darky! Boom! We need more of EVERYONE.

So we ALL need to try.


We all also need more Fusion, Don't forget.

Ah, the 'Show new replies to your posts' link.. I love that lovely button. I click it thousands of times a day..
But of course I don't get rewarded as much anymore by clicking that button, that's why I moved to
I make my fair share of posts when I can, but it's true that you can't run a forum on just a few people's posts. So yeah...
Quote from: ~Bubblicious~ on November 14, 2010, 03:10:40 PM
We need more Windle! Jkiddy! Draccy! Salas! Mikey! Johnny! Supa! Darky! Boom! We need more of EVERYONE.


Quote from: DarkFusion on November 14, 2010, 03:32:12 PM
We all also need more Fusion, Don't forget.

Ah, the 'Show new replies to your posts' link.. I love that lovely button. I click it thousands of times a day..
But of course I don't get rewarded as much anymore by clicking that button, that's why I moved to
I make my fair share of posts when I can, but it's true that you can't run a forum on just a few people's posts. So yeah...
and whut dawt net now? o3o


I'm here whenever I can be.  For some magical reason, people have been wanting to do stuff more.  And I'm glad, cause I'm losing 3/4 friends come this summer/fall.  Even my BF, cause they're all going away for college.  (Fuck, I just started crying...I get really touchy when I realize I'm losing everyone in less than a year...)  Of course, hopefully I'll be with my bf in a year or so again, cause he's going to the college I've been planning on going to since middle school, so hopefully I'll get accepted as well.  But that's not the point here, activity is.  Like I said, I get on whenever I can, even for just a little while.


Quite honestly, as much as I'd love to see everyone back. Something just shot me to the point where I don't really care anymore. :I
I swear to god, it's like a father yelling at his disobedient kid through a fucking glass window. >.>
In fact, I might just write a little letter to said person to tell (insert sex here) how I about another hour...while the forum slowly dies because another member is taking his lunch break.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: ~Bubblicious~ on November 14, 2010, 03:51:05 PM
and whut dawt net now? o3o
Err, you aint old enough. :3

Quote from: Dracoslythe on November 14, 2010, 04:01:33 PM
I'm here whenever I can be.  For some magical reason, people have been wanting to do stuff more.  And I'm glad, cause I'm losing 3/4 friends come this summer/fall.  Even my BF, cause they're all going away for college.  (Fuck, I just started crying...I get really touchy when I realize I'm losing everyone in less than a year...)  Of course, hopefully I'll be with my bf in a year or so again, cause he's going to the college I've been planning on going to since middle school, so hopefully I'll get accepted as well.  But that's not the point here, activity is.  Like I said, I get on whenever I can, even for just a little while.
Oh that's really sad, sorry to hear that.  


This forum is dead. Stop trying to squeeze life out of a dead horse. This forum was meant to die a long time ago. There is no reason for it to continue to exist.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 15, 2010, 12:26:09 PM
This forum is dead. Stop trying to squeeze life out of a dead horse. This forum was meant to die a long time ago. There is no reason for it to continue to exist.

Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


This is what I meant about where's the older people??!?!?!?!?!??! I really miss 6 months ago. Like today; there was a huge part where people are like DUDE THE TAILSDOLL CURSE IS REAL. Eeryone wishes for those people to grow up at least. Also we have dumber. People nowadays think posting on the chat 50 tikes is ViP. They don't read the ruled and everyone gets pissed. I could see a reason, but we just don't really like them. Then;spammers. There are people trying to get posts by saying EVERY download is awesome or some who are plain assholes bumping every topic then leaving cause they have ViP. I know we could give them chances, but constant? VIP whores who disturb everyone.

(this wasn't directed at Wolfy, 196, Acorn, and a few other people because you are all awesome:3)

I'm on my phone so Ill try to speed through the replies I wanna make.

SH is SonicHentai

Dracci, that's kinda sad.... sorry to hear about it.

Seconded Windle.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


tobi, i fully agree with you, but most of the time, its active here when everyone is awake, we live in that of a fantasy that we fear is not true, because we are far away from one another and wee do not have enough people from one country that is on before the UK, we slowly die in that of a pit of deadness, we try to do what we all could, but in the end, half of everyone we got into here became insane and started spamming the forums, resulting in ban, but only few that where brought here stayed and continued to bulid the forum.


Honestly, it's for this very reason that I'm fittin' to shake the spot, an action that, I'm sure, will be to the immense satisfaction and relief of my, the immense sorrow and despair of my peers.


Really, for me, the forum died when the whole Roleplay section turned into,

I mean seriously, if its "Roleplay whatever you want", then why are there 50000 of them, and not just one. How many times do you need to roleplay with a lack of storyline?

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

Quote from: Gleech on November 16, 2010, 07:51:02 AM
Really, for me, the forum died when the whole Roleplay section turned into,

I mean seriously, if its "Roleplay whatever you want", then why are there 50000 of them, and not just one. How many times do you need to roleplay with a lack of storyline?
apparently loads, and ya know, i tend to get easily bored of roleplays with lack of plot (or when i use my own plots cause they suck)

as for the deadness of the forum, well tobi has a valid point herem the forum actually only consists of a few active members, and a fuck loada n00bs and whatnot, it's kinda depressing really...
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: windlessusher on November 15, 2010, 04:16:27 PM

You're just delaying the inevitable. If you want the forums to die on a sad whimper, then continue to lurk on this barren wasteland you call a forum and chat with these brain-dead zombies you call a community.


Quote from: Elija2 on November 16, 2010, 09:02:38 AM
You're just delaying the inevitable. If you want the forums to die on a sad whimper, then continue to lurk on this barren wasteland you call a forum and chat with these brain-dead zombies you call a community.
If it works for SSBB online, it will certainly work better here :P
And all these things
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!