if you are willing to accept me

Started by darkyellowz, November 22, 2010, 09:36:32 PM

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i am willing to be nicer, in empted i can be nice before new years, so yeah, the story is that senice my mother and all that know i am not nice here, they threatened to take the Internet and everything i have away from me if i a not nicer on the Internet.


From what I've seen, from the way your sort of attacking nearly everyone and such, you don't really make a good forum member, no offense.

But this whole sentence is just... lol...

Quotethe story is that senice my mother and all that know i am not nice here, they threatened to take the Internet and everything i have away from me if i a not nicer on the Internet.

Either it's a lie to try and guilt people into accepting you or you have too much of a serious family (Even though you don't act serious it seems)


Quote from: Rigged on November 22, 2010, 09:42:11 PM
From what I've seen, from the way your sort of attacking nearly everyone and such, you don't really make a good forum member, no offense.

But this whole sentence is just... lol...

Either it's a lie to try and guilt people into accepting you or you have too much of a serious family (Even though you don't act serious it seems)
There's more..

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote from: Rigged on November 22, 2010, 09:42:11 PM
From what I've seen, from the way your sort of attacking nearly everyone and such, you don't really make a good forum member, no offense.

But this whole sentence is just... lol...

Either it's a lie to try and guilt people into accepting you or you have too much of a serious family (Even though you don't act serious it seems)
you do not know me, so your do not know it is the truth, please know more about me before posting things that you claim to know me on the Internet.
Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 09:45:19 PM
There's more..
please, do explain this, "more" you speak of.


I am neutral in all aspects but.. I have seen many people come along, who have managed to make someone get angry one way or another and continued to bash that person again and again, and then finally play the "Guilt" card, that your sorry for all the things you've done and that you should be given a second chance.

Guilt cards don't work on me and as far as I'm considered, I seem to believe more of what Cat will have to say, then what you will have to say


Quote from: darkyellowz on November 22, 2010, 09:46:37 PM
you do not know me, so your do not know it is the truth, please know more about me before posting things that you claim to know me on the Internet.please, do explain this, "more" you speak of.
You harass people
Never accept anyone
Don't know everyone's feelings
Need grammar checks
Been an attention whore
You're about to go emo
Copy people's idea
try to make certain people look like dicks.

Quote from: Rigged on November 22, 2010, 09:48:47 PM
I am neutral in all aspects but.. I have seen many people come along, who have managed to make someone get angry one way or another and continued to bash that person again and again, and then finally play the "Guilt" card, that your sorry for all the things you've done and that you should be given a second chance.

Guilt cards don't work on me and as far as I'm considered, I seem to believe more of what Cat will have to say, then what you will have to say

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote from: Rigged on November 22, 2010, 09:48:47 PM
I am neutral in all aspects but.. I have seen many people come along, who have managed to make someone get angry one way or another and continued to bash that person again and again, and then finally play the "Guilt" card, that your sorry for all the things you've done and that you should be given a second chance.

Guilt cards don't work on me and as far as I'm considered, I seem to believe more of what Cat will have to say, then what you will have to say
what you call "bash" and "Guilt cards" do not comply with that of which i speak, when someone says "bash someone" i think of a peaceful fun-loving game...of tag...in lava...with girls in bikinis fighting in mud...
Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 09:50:19 PM
You harass people
Never accept anyone
Don't know everyone's feelings
Need grammar checks
Been an attention whore
You're about to go emo
Copy people's idea
try to make certain people look like dicks.
okay, in the order of the bold.
what you call "harass" is different from what i am doing, please learn more about me, and try again.
i accept everyone, but ever senice i was betrayed, i've had no other choice but reject those around me, but i am willing now to bring them into my arms.
i do not know everyone's feelings because i am not them, they know there feelings, plus if you what real feeling givers, go to facebook.
i am not a attention whore any-more, i never was.
rember i never knew i was copying your idea, my mind has less cells to contain memories, not like it used to back on my home planet.
i do not make them look like dicks, because it is those who read it, make them think i am making them look like dicks.


Quote from: darkyellowz on November 22, 2010, 10:02:15 PM
what you call "bash" and "Guilt cards" do not comply with that of which i speak, when someone says "bash someone" i think of a peaceful fun-loving game...of tag...in lava...with girls in bikinis fighting in mud...okay, in the order of the bold.
what you call "harass" is different from what i am doing, please learn more about me, and try again.
i accept everyone, but ever senice i was betrayed, i've had no other choice but reject those around me, but i am willing now to bring them into my arms.
i do not know everyone's feelings because i am not them, they know there feelings, plus if you what real feeling givers, go to facebook.
i am not a attention whore any-more, i never was.
rember i never knew i was copying your idea, my mind has less cells to contain memories, not like it used to back on my home planet.
i do not make them look like dicks, because it is those who read it, make them think i am making them look like dicks.
Let me explain it to you >.>
(order of the posts)
You make people uneasy and do things people don't want you to do. When they tell you stop, just fucking stop.

I doubt

I didn't mean that way. I meant you can sense people how they feel.

You actually WERE an attention whore because look who tried committing suicide but never actually DID.

I told you I had -90 age then you come in. Also, you wouldn't have thought of it yourself if you have 'less cells' Also, stop trying to be a goddamn alien.

Well, then why would you fucking fight with me or try proving a different point to embarrass someone.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 09:50:19 PM
Need grammar checks
Right fucking there.

Anything else I don't give a crap about, I've had it up to *hand above head* here, and I'm over it.

This is what the post should have looked like;
Quote from: darkyellowz on November 22, 2010, 09:36:32 PM
If you are willing to accept me..

I am willing to be nicer. [This part made no sense], I can be nice before the New Year, so yeah. Since my mother and all [My family] know I am not nice here, they threatened to take the Internet and everything I have away from me. If my behavior doesn't improve they will take it away.

~Looks to me like a guilt card too, Rigged. But the thing is, he's pulled this off about seven times before.


Here are things I'm willing to do.

Make a poll right on THIS topic saying if Ben should change or leave the forum.
If he pulls this drama thing about him being all nice then all of a sudden emo and shitty , make a anti Ben MSN group.
His grammar doesn't improve? Well we're gonna point out ALL of his mistakes everytime...

I could think up of more if I tried tbh

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.


Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 10:23:49 PM
Make a poll right on THIS topic saying if Ben should change or leave the forum.
Maybe.. But you know the result already.
Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 10:23:49 PM
If he pulls this drama thing about him being all nice then all of a sudden emo and shitty , make a anti Ben MSN group.
Not a good idea. He may be a total dick, but that's pretty far.
Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 10:23:49 PM
His grammar doesn't improve? Well we're gonna point out ALL of his mistakes everytime...
My job.
Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on November 22, 2010, 10:23:49 PM
I could think up of more if I tried tbh
Yeah, like 'Don't bother?'
Or 'Ban [perma-IP :3] him and get it over with?'
I could think of more myself. Quick, easy, painless.


QuoteLooks to me like a guilt card too, Rigged. But the thing is, he's pulled this off about seven times before.

Once you've been around the net and different forums, you see all kind of guilt cards. The most common "My family is against me so be nice to me"


Quote from: Rigged on November 23, 2010, 05:06:29 AM
Once you've been around the net and different forums, you see all kind of guilt cards. The most common "My family is against me so be nice to me"
I'll have to note that one.

I've seen so many of the, "MY COUSIN'S UNCLE'S DAD'S NEPHEW'S MARRIED DAUGHTER'S HUSBAND'S GREAT GRANDPA WORKED FOR ____ AND TOLD ME THAT ____ " that I have to face-desk every time I see them.

Also, Ben... A lot of us HAVE been willing to 'accept you', but you see, your blindness has driven you off that road of trust. As has been said, "You harass people". It's a fact. Countless posts are stacked up by you, out there to 'get' someone, to irritate them, to make them feel bad, to aggravate others.

We've given you a second chance, even a third. But I'm sorry, as much as I'd love to offer the hand of forgiveness again, it just appears you aren't mature enough to grasp that hand and hold on.

And another thing, blaming all your faults on your family, wont get you far in life. I'm a very sensitive person, and I can understand others' pain a lot of times... but I know that complaining and blaming everything on others wont even get people like me to feel bad for you.

And if you're actually willing to LISTEN, one of the ways you're harassing people, is by doing stuff like this,
Quote from: darkyellowz on November 22, 2010, 09:08:24 PM
you didn't put a dot, yet you have a cap a. Its just fun to annoying you because you act like a 5 year old, its funny. Anyway, a real adult would do something like a truce or some-shit.

You freakin' don't know how to use grammar yourself, and yet you're harassing others on how they make errors?! Take a good look at your own work and fix it before you go around telling others how to spell.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Now I've tried to avoid Ben's topics but this is like the thousandth one saying "WILL U ACCEPT ME OR SHULD EYE LEAVE", and it's really pissing me off now, and that's kind of rare since this is the Internet. Ben... oh Ben, I don't even know where to start. I've had enough of seeing this Salas and Ben fighting crap and Ben topics, so you creating these kind of topics doesn't get you further and doesn't help you at all.

You might find me rude, and I'm pretty sure that everyone else was afraid to tell this, but it's the best for you to leave this site. you only get us and yourself trouble, so atleast leave for a while. it's time that someone had to say this, and I'm sorry that I had to be the one.

First try at making a sig, It's decent.


Quote from: Fiamonder on November 23, 2010, 08:50:49 AM
You might find me rude, and I'm pretty sure that everyone else was afraid to tell this, but it's the best for you to leave this site. you only get us and yourself trouble, so atleast leave for a while. it's time that someone had to say this, and I'm sorry that I had to be the one.
okay, i deleted the first time i did this because of fixing gleech's thing so i targeted one sentence, so anyway i said your a mind reader and shit and yeah, i am leaving and shit.
Quote from: Gleech on November 23, 2010, 08:29:46 AM
And if you're actually willing to LISTEN, one of the ways you're harassing people, is by doing stuff like this,
You freakin' don't know how to use grammar yourself, and yet you're harassing others on how they make errors?! Take a good look at your own work and fix it before you go around telling others how to spell.
i know i spell bad, but i am not perfect, and from what i have seen, only smart people know what i say, i am not trying to give offence, but what you are saying is that everyone is supposed to be this so called "perfect", then may i ask you, what about the people who are disabled? are they perfect? No, they aren't, that is because we are all different from everyone, and maybe you want me to not be Australian and say "mom" instead of the right word, which is "mum", and maybe i should say "color" like a pomy instead of "colour", i am not trying to offend you, this is mealy something that poped into my mind when i read that.