What do you think about Sonic Colors?

Started by Milow, January 09, 2011, 09:04:24 AM

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what do you think about sonic colors/colours

6 (66.7%)
2 (22.2%)
not bad and not good
0 (0%)
a bit kiddy
1 (11.1%)
the worst game ever
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 7


Quote from: TheGameNinja on January 14, 2011, 01:16:24 PM
That voice sounds nothing like Sonic. AND the same voice yells them out when Robotnik uses them in the final battle.
Again I say, WHO CARES???!!


Quote from: ManicX~1323 on January 14, 2011, 03:01:37 PM
Again I say, WHO CARES???!!
Me. That voice got on my nerves. It's not like a voice yells HOVER every time Tails flies around. >.>

Seriously, though. I think you might have a rage problem. :P

EDIT: Another thing, why the heck is Sonic's mouth always on only one side of his head? His mouth has never EVER been like that. It looks awful. The only animal with its mouth on one side of its face is an adult flounder. Is Sonic a fish? And he smiles through the whole game. Not once does he take the pillaging and enslavement of the inhabitants of an alien world seriously.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on January 14, 2011, 06:13:40 PM
Me. That voice got on my nerves. It's not like a voice yells HOVER every time Tails flies around. >.>

Seriously, though. I think you might have a rage problem. :P

EDIT: Another thing, why the heck is Sonic's mouth always on only one side of his head? His mouth has never EVER been like that. It looks awful. The only animal with its mouth on one side of its face is an adult flounder. Is Sonic a fish? And he smiles through the whole game. Not once does he take the pillaging and enslavement of the inhabitants of an alien world seriously.
OK. You obviously are one of those people who try to find EVERY FLIPIN SINGLE fault in games! And I only have a rage problem when people like you go,on,and on, and on, with every single thing that bothers them. I've had the game for a month, and not once have I EVER complained about anything, other than the 2D difficulty spikes (which now doesn't bother me since I've passed the game). So are you just gonna use this topic to wine about LITTLE things, like sonic always smiling, the voice that yells a wisp power, and his mouth on one side of his face?! REALLY?! I don't know what your problem is, but you seem to look all around for little, UNIMPORTANT THINGS! So what? Is it gonna affect game play, NO. Is it gonna slow down your WII, NO! Is it gonna keep you from playing the game, ICCL (I could Care Less). Don't look for everything, that doesn't seem right, if its not going to do anything to the game. Stop trying to discourage everyone who plays, or plans on playing this game, with your silly little, game faults. If it doesn't affect anything, THERE IS ABOSOLUTLEY POSITIVELY NO GOD DAMN PROBLEM!!!!!!!


there we go again
OK and before we get an off-topic again STOP
we know you don't like it and i respect that ok
but now be sportive and stop say every little fault you find
i'm working on a sig


Quote from: ManicX~1323 on January 15, 2011, 01:26:59 AM
OK. You obviously are one of those people who try to find EVERY FLIPIN SINGLE fault in games! And I only have a rage problem when people like you go,on,and on, and on, with every single thing that bothers them. I've had the game for a month, and not once have I EVER complained about anything, other than the 2D difficulty spikes (which now doesn't bother me since I've passed the game). So are you just gonna use this topic to wine about LITTLE things, like sonic always smiling, the voice that yells a wisp power, and his mouth on one side of his face?! REALLY?! I don't know what your problem is, but you seem to look all around for little, UNIMPORTANT THINGS! So what? Is it gonna affect game play, NO. Is it gonna slow down your WII, NO! Is it gonna keep you from playing the game, ICCL (I could Care Less). Don't look for everything, that doesn't seem right, if its not going to do anything to the game. Stop trying to discourage everyone who plays, or plans on playing this game, with your silly little, game faults. If it doesn't affect anything, THERE IS ABOSOLUTLEY POSITIVELY NO GOD DAMN PROBLEM!!!!!!!
Okay, you obviously didn't read my first post. I LIKED THE FRIGGIN GAME. But there were a few things I didn't like about it. I think you're the kind of person that gets a mediocre game and gets mad when people comment on it's faults. I LIKED THIS GAME, BUT IT WAS NOT PERFECT. I am going to comment on every fault because, guess what? THEY ARE FAULTS. We should not accept faults! It's called positive criticism. I can like something and still list the problems with it. Guess what that might do, huh? MAKE THE NEXT EFFIN GAME BETTER BECAUSE THOSE FAULTS COULD BE FIXED.

Now, I have a question for you. Why in the world are you so hung up on me having problems with this game even though I like it? Heck, I love the Pokemon games, but I can list a ton of problems I have with every single game. I am going to list every fault I find with  the game, so that, like I said, maybe that will result in those problems not being in the next game.



Quote from: TheGameNinja on January 15, 2011, 11:31:35 AM
Okay, you obviously didn't read my first post. I LIKED THE FRIGGIN GAME. But there were a few things I didn't like about it. I think you're the kind of person that gets a mediocre game and gets mad when people comment on it's faults. I LIKED THIS GAME, BUT IT WAS NOT PERFECT. I am going to comment on every fault because, guess what? THEY ARE FAULTS. We should not accept faults! It's called positive criticism. I can like something and still list the problems with it. Guess what that might do, huh? MAKE THE NEXT EFFIN GAME BETTER BECAUSE THOSE FAULTS COULD BE FIXED.

Now, I have a question for you. Why in the world are you so hung up on me having problems with this game even though I like it? Heck, I love the Pokemon games, but I can list a ton of problems I have with every single game. I am going to list every fault I find with  the game, so that, like I said, maybe that will result in those problems not being in the next game.

I have nothing else to say. I'm not going to dispute something as pointless as this with you anymore. AND OBVIOUSLY YOU DIDN'T READ MY POST CLEARLY JACKASS! I have abosolutley no objections to you saying that it has faults. I said the faults that you did point out were totally, LITTLE AND NOBODY CARES. You pointed out faults, that people would notice, and not care a shit! I never said that you didn't like the game, I was saying you kept wining on faults that nobody effin cares about dumbass!


There is a person hired to work on every single video game that any studio worth it's weight will have. This person's job is "quality control." It is their job to make sure the little nitpicky problems do not make it into the final product. SEGA obviously needs to hire a new guy to fill this position, because they either don't have a guy for it or their guy sucks at it.


I'm not getting mad because i can't handle faults I'm getting mad because you rattling on
i'm working on a sig


Awesome if someone dosint like sonic colours he have a bad taste of games and music


not again!
if you give your opinion don't say that people have a bad taste of games/music or somthing looks like that(i alse put this in the first post so thing like this stop)
i'm working on a sig


Quote from: Milow on January 27, 2011, 09:02:52 AM
not again!
if you give your opinion don't say that people have a bad taste of games/music or somthing looks like that(i alse put this in the first post so thing like this stop)
Well Milow no offence, but your kinda late. Me and TGN have been done with this fued for 3 weeks now.


i know that i'm late but i'm busy and can't be here every day  :-[
i'm working on a sig


It's average but its a good start to get Sega some decent sales.


Quote from: Milow on February 02, 2011, 08:52:13 AM
i know that i'm late but i'm busy and can't be here every day  :-[
Your not the only1 my love.


i'm working on a sig