All is fair in love and war

Started by ~Bubblicious~, July 12, 2011, 04:19:09 PM

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There was once a time of peace, harmony, compassion and companionship between lands. A time where greed hadn't stained pure hearts, innocent minds. However, with age between lords comes knowledge. With that knowledge also came an unsettling lust for power, the urge to control all... their people were torn apart into two groups

Solar and Nexis

Solar represents what is still innocent, the side that wishes to return to the peace that was once known.

Nexis craves for power, a furtherment, for blood if need be. Nexis is ruthless, weed out the weak and thin out the faint of heart.


So, yeah. What I want for my character is maybe a love interest in the opposite camp, to try and start bringing everything to peace again. Anywho.

Name: Lacrimosa (Female)

Age: 18

Camp: Solar

Rank: Head Medic

Status: Single


Looks: Medium heigth, very thin and lithe. Hourglass form. Long, silver hair (It falls to the back of her knees) and deep purple eyes. Very pale, all in all almost elf like in her beauty. (shes one of my prettiest characters x3)

Personality: Somewhat quiet, but once you get to know her she will open up a little. Lacrimosa is VERY blunt in her opinions and she does NOT sugar-coat the truth. The young woman is a very caring, soft, gentle sort of person, yet stern when she needs to be. She has a soft spot for children.

Weapons n what not: A double-headed scythe is her weapon of choice. The handle is completely black and the metal of the heads is a gleaming silver, ancient runes carved into them. She has control of basic attack magic, but is a master of healing magic. She is not a fighter, she is someone that has to be protected. Note: After expending her magic reserves she will develop fangs. She requires some ammount of blood in order to replenish them. She is very ashamed of this fact even though its not really a bother at all. Physically weak, she's no good in combat at all. (For those of you who know my character, Rhaoz, yes, I got the blood idea from her.)


Did someone let tobah read "Twokinds"?

Name: Dark (Male)

Age: 19

Camp: Nexis

Rank: head scout/solider (He explores while fighting as well.)

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Looks: medium hight, not that muslely, short black hair.

Personality: Loyal, quiet, never tells the truth.

Wetponds(trololololol): two hidden blades in his robe, an always ready metal baseball bat made from the most finest metal of the mythical TINDAHBOXES, and a bow 'n arrow for back-up.


I read TwoKinds before most of you because Valia had posted a website topic a long time ago and one of the links had it, I occasionally catch up on it however I had this roleplay idea long before then on a crappy website I had made myself. You can ask Maddie, Valia, and Rockout. they'll tell you the same. xD. oh and- You're in =3

Quote from: Darkyellowz on July 13, 2011, 03:30:23 AM
Did someone let tobah read "Twokinds"?

Name: Dark (Male)

Age: 19

Camp: Nexis

Rank: head scout/solider (He explores while fighting as well.)

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Looks: medium hight, not that muslely, short black hair.

Personality: Loyal, quiet, never tells the truth.

Wetponds(trololololol): two hidden blades in his robe, an always ready metal baseball bat made from the most finest metal of the mythical TINDAHBOXES, and a bow 'n arrow for back-up.

darkness shadow

yay for fiya 8D

Name: Kurai (Male)

nickname: Human Napalm

Age: 25

Camp: Nexis

Rank: Commander

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Looks: tall, black haired man, averagely muscular, has irisless eyes =3

Personality: despite being someone who could just kill on the spot without remorse, prefers to avoid as many casualties as possible. he's also a born leader, and is very good at making sure his subordinates know their place, not to say that he doesn't take their suggestions into consideration if it proves to be more effective.

Weapons and magic: he prefers to not use weapons, however, if need calls for it, it isn't afraid to pick up the neaest weapon to him. he normally relies on his fire magic, which earned him his nickname within the military.
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


You're in! =3

Quote from: darkness shadow on July 13, 2011, 05:09:48 AM
yay for fiya 8D

Name: Kurai (Male)

nickname: Human Napalm

Age: 25

Camp: Nexis

Rank: Commander

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Looks: tall, black haired man, averagely muscular, has irisless eyes =3

Personality: despite being someone who could just kill on the spot without remorse, prefers to avoid as many casualties as possible. he's also a born leader, and is very good at making sure his subordinates know their place, not to say that he doesn't take their suggestions into consideration if it proves to be more effective.

Weapons and magic: he prefers to not use weapons, however, if need calls for it, it isn't afraid to pick up the neaest weapon to him. he normally relies on his fire magic, which earned him his nickname within the military.

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D



Name: Enya

Age: 17

Camp: Solar

Rank: Informations/Intelligence  (KINDA LIKE A SPY FOR YOU KIDS WHO DUNNO WUT THAT IS.  :3  Yes, I watched Cars 2 lately, I'm on a spy limb.  xD)

Status: Single

Orientation: Bisexual

Physical Appearance: Kinda tall for her age (around 6-ish feet)
And since I'm terrible at descriptions unless I have a base to go off of, I quick-shit-sketched a picture.  xD (with missing hands and feet because I'm lazy.  Nothing on the hands, and her shoes are just simple flats, the same color as her suit)

Personality:  Looks go hand in hand with personality for this businesswoman.  She's neat, organized, and snappy.  She's a loudmouth, though, and combined with the fact that she tends to act before she thinks, she causes some problems sometimes.  She's really a loyal person and would put herself in the line of danger any time of the day for friends.  Don't make enemies with this girl, though; you will rue the day you became enemies with the master of blackmail.  As a young child (pfft, she still is a child!) she wanted to become a spy, and has learned various methods of gathering information.  Her quirk is animals.  She LOVES them.

(Lack of) Weap-Ons && DE MAGIKZ:  Not being a fighter, she has nothing more than a pocket knife for a "weapon" but when it comes to skills, she's quite adept in shape-shifting, enabling her to infiltrate anywhere she needs to.  The only downside to her shape-shifting magic is that it's focus-based.  If she loses her focus, she changes back to normal.  She also wields weak offensive magic, allowing her to protect herself against weaker foes.


Blegh, sometimes coming up with a bio from sratch can be a pain. xD

Name: Asher (Male)

Age: 20

Camp: Solar

Rank: Alchemist

Status: Single

Orientation: Straight

Looks: About somewhere between medium and tall height. Fit body, but somewhat below normal standerds. Skin is a small step above pale. Black hair, normal length on back and side. front is a little longer (kinda mostly covers his left eye, but not to the point where he can't see. Both his eyes are different colors (due to an alchemy accident) his left eye being red and his right eye being a ice blue color, but they can be either the same color (red or ice blue) depending on which one of his personality is in control.

Personality: Due to his alchemy accident he had, his personaliy can change depending on certian things (mood, stress levels, weather, ect.) at times. When he's normal (when eyes are different colors) he's the type of guy who doesn't want to make enemys with other people, but is kinda worried on making friends due to the fear of one of his split personalitys kicking in and cause problems with them. He's kind at heart, but only to people who he knows well enough and trusts. He enjoys his work and like to talk about it when asked. His other two personalitys (cold and fiery so to say) are completly different from his normal one. In his cold personality (when both eyes are ice blue) he is very calm, even when chaos is all around him. He only cares about himself and tends to shut other people out and can be somewhat rude to them. In his fiery personaliy (when both eyes are red) he can be hasty on things and tends to jump into things without thinking. His temper tends to be a problem and can really overreact on even the smallest things. If someone gets him mad in this state, he tends to get even with them, weather it be with a comment or with a few broken body parts.

Weapons/Magic: He wears a belt that carrys throwing kinfes and has a battle pole which can change into a compact size when not in use. He also has control over fire and ice magic, which tend to be the same strengh when he's normal, but when he's not, one tends to be stronger while the other is weaker depending on which personality takes over. He also carrys a pouch with him filled crystalized magic (magic fused into a pure crystal or gem) that he can use on the go. He can also do some alchemy magic, but he doesn't have any strong offensive ones so he mostly uses defensive ones.

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


Quote from: Dracoslythe on July 13, 2011, 01:35:27 PM
(Lack of) Weap-Ons && DE MAGIKZ:  Not being a fighter, she has nothing more than a pocket knife for a "weapon" but when it comes to skills, she's quite adept in shape-shifting, enabling her to infiltrate anywhere she needs to.  The only downside to her shape-shifting magic is that it's focus-based.  If she loses her focus, she changes back to normal.  She also wields weak offensive magic, allowing her to protect herself against weaker foes.
I'm sorry, but, that all made me think of Team Fortress 2.
I just had to point that out.


Quote from: Darkyellowz on July 13, 2011, 02:15:21 PM
I'm sorry, but, that all made me think of Team Fortress 2.
I just had to point that out.
I don't see how...but okay.  xD

Now this....
Quote from: Darkyellowz on July 13, 2011, 03:30:23 AM
Wetponds(trololololol): two hidden blades in his robe, an always ready metal baseball bat made from the most finest metal of the mythical TINDAHBOXES, and a bow 'n arrow for back-up.
Make me think of TF2.

When I read "always ready metal baseball bat" I was like "lolscout"

Quote from: Gamerdude on July 13, 2011, 02:11:55 PM
a battle pole which can change into a compact size when not in use
COPYCAT.  -slapped-
Nah, jk.
Slashy's practically dead.  -textbook'd-


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on July 13, 2011, 02:53:07 PM
My god, we hadn't RP'd in so long, she's in the corner rusting!  :P
But, we'll have to wait more.
Your wii can't run MSN.  xD




Quote from: Dracoslythe on July 13, 2011, 03:06:33 PM
"you lot" = me and GD?  xD
I didn't even notice GD here...TRAITOR! *shot*

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o