All is fair in love and war

Started by ~Bubblicious~, July 12, 2011, 04:19:09 PM

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Quote from: jkid101094 on July 13, 2011, 03:14:45 PM
I didn't even notice GD here...TRAITOR! *shot*
Gee thanks for reading all the posts here. xDD

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


Quote from: Gamerdude on July 13, 2011, 03:28:25 PM
Gee thanks for reading all the posts here. xDD
Hey, let's go have sex in the back bushes.

And get off Tobi's RP topic with idle conversation while we're at it.  xD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on July 13, 2011, 02:39:19 PM
When I read "always ready metal baseball bat" I was like "lolscout"
Well, he IS a scout. -Shotdead-

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Nope, I just want a few more people before I make the starter post =P.

darkness shadow

i dun think anymore are gonna show up.... unless we invite them i guess
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on July 18, 2011, 06:18:24 AM
Nope, I just want a few more people before I make the starter post =P.
I was wondering about that lol
I doubt anyone else is going to show up.  We have the bulk of the Semi-Lit/Lit RPers of the site right in this topic.


derp. K, lemme see what I can swish up. (btw, we go in order, once everyone posts once we stick to the order we posted in)
(sorry for the failureness, I just had a painmed not too long ago so yeah)
      A lightly armored woman was focused solely upon her work. Long, clean tresses of silver hair were tied up with a tight, black bow. Despite this, a few locks still cascaded over her shoulders. Her angular facial features betrayed nothing but slight confusement, deep purple eyes glinting with concern. Long, elegant fingers paused in their slicing of an herb. A slow sigh escaped her pale-rose lips as she shrugged out of her armor. Gripping the polished metal, she glanced at it, taking in the detail. Frowning lightly, she padded over to another table to set it down on.

      It was cool in her fairly large tent, kept so by a minor magic. She needed the herbs to maintain, after all. The lithe figure then shrugged off her heavy robe, leaving her in a tunic and leggings, and her boots. Her eyes then went back to the herb on the table. For the damndest reason it wouldn't bleed out the juices she needed no matter how she cut it. Cracking her fingers, she returned to her work table, staring down at it. What to do, what to do... really, she didn't even want to be in  this tent. Or in this camp. Fighting was something she did not support.

     It didn't matter to her the cause, issues could be resolved without war... however, she had been coherced into the position she was in. She didn't have much of a choice, but in the very least, she was on the 'good side'. Whatever that was, to her, both sides were bad in a war. Both caused death, both caused strife. Both tore lands and families apart... she cared for neither side in this war all the same. In the very least, she was the top medic for Camp Solar, which meant she got to save lives that would be otherwise lost to violence and hatred.

    Lacrimosa uttered another sigh as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. Tomorrow she would deal with this. Turning on her heel, she left her tent and headed to the dining section of the camp. Purple eyes flickered up, taking in the view of an inky black sky sprinkled with stars, and one big moon. How much she wished to be  star in the sky... why, one may wonder? Theres thousands of stars, too many to focus on just one, she could be adored and admired while not really being noticed at all. She was bored, Lacrimosa then decided. Bored and disgusted with this whole ordeal.


     Laying back in a chair, a man was writing in a somewhat over-sized book while looking at some research notes that finally came into camp that he requested. Every once in a while he brushed his hair away from his left eye as he was copying what he needed and editing it as he wrote. He paused for a moment as he rubed his eyes and head. He had been working for days without hardly any sleep trying to get his work done. He layed his papers aside and tossed his book on the table and got up as he sighed in frustration.

     Asher went into thought for a moment and then looked around his tent. To everyone else it was a nice sized tent, but to him, an alchemist, it wasn't big enough. He had been used to working in bigger areas like at his lab at home, not to menition a more safe environment to conduct his experiments. Trying to work with the equipment at hand made things hard for him given the fact that all the work he is ordered to do required higher quality eqipument and other things he didn't have, forcing him to find loopholes, which tend to made things much longer. In the past this would not be much of a problem for him, but ever since that accident he had a few years ago, he trys to not to overwork or stress himself due to his personality problem.

     He took off his lab coat and tossed it onto his bed and walked out of his tent into camp. As he steped out he looked around and the site. He let out another sigh as he took a walk around camp. He had missed the old days, back when everything was peacful, back when he was free to do what he wanted and liked to do. Now he's caught up in ths war, being forced to work on a timeframe and without a chance to rest or relax. The sooner the war was over, the sooner he could get away from all this.

     As he walked he rubed his eyes again. Trying to stay awake was seeming to be impossable right now without help. He decides to go to the dining area and get some coffee, even though he dislikes the taste of coffee more than the war itself. He was more of a tea guy than anything else, but to his luck the camp didn't have any and he forgot to bring any with him. All he could hope that there was something edible there to cover the taste.

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3

darkness shadow

over at the other camp, a pitch black haired man with irisless eyes was in the briefing room with several others of similar rank to his... he was leading this mission, as he had a good reputation of getting missions done with as fewer casualties as possible... that was because the war was pointless to him, so why make people lose their lives over something pointless...?
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


OoC: This died because of Draco. All because of Draco. We should hunt her down.


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on October 28, 2011, 11:40:28 AM
OoC: This died because of Draco. All because of Draco. We should hunt her down.
Kill that bitch with fire. D:<

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o