He tried trolling. He failed. C:

Started by ~Bubblicious~, July 30, 2011, 05:31:25 PM

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sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:01:25 AM): hey dumbass
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:01:38 AM): Obvious troll is obvious.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:01:40 AM): u stop playing sonic u fucking maggot
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:01:40 AM): :DD.
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:01:45 AM): Lololololol
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:01:54 AM): Its not like I only play Sonic =P.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:02:05 AM): sonic is gay as fuck u sonicfantard
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:02:25 AM): I'm not even that big of a Sonic fan, I prefer the Legend of Zelda series.
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:02:43 AM): And yes- I suppose Sonic IS happy as fuck.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:02:51 AM): that's even gayer than sonic
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:03:03 AM): Oh snap.
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:03:09 AM): Am I supposed to be offended? :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:03:31 AM): i LUlz i kNEW U wERE pEdoFiLe
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:03:38 AM): I AM?!
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:03:39 AM): FUCK
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:03:40 AM): D:
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:03:53 AM): u mAd bRo
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:03:59 AM): I ain't even mad tho
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:04:00 AM): :3
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:04:28 AM): well change that fucking picture u asshole
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:04:35 AM): it has shadow the emobastard
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:04:44 AM): But I cosplay the female version of Shadow o3o
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:05:00 AM): Plus, if you really don't like Sonic, how would you even know his name?
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:05:04 AM): ...xD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:05:05 AM): 0_0 this is why i stop like sonic
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:05:20 AM): cause of u fucking dumbass pricks
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:05:35 AM): You stopped like stopping Sonic because girls made them look hot as females?
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:05:40 AM): You must not like porn.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:06:03 AM): porn are for people with no life
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:06:07 AM): Oh snap
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:06:29 AM): I, personally, enjoy porn. I suppose I have no life then. damn.
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:06:30 AM): :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:06:54 AM): Yup
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:07:04 AM): Ah well, never had one to begin with!
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:07:20 AM): hmmmmm tailscuntfan1825 block meh
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:07:39 AM): Good for him. I'm having too much fun to block you :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:07:40 AM): do da same u butthurt fatass
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:07:50 AM): TROLOLOLO
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:07:59 AM): You're trying too hard, dear =3
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:08:07 AM): oh Is Teh sLUt havIng fUn
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:08:23 AM): Only my master is allowed to call me a slut, you bad troll
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:08:24 AM): >:U
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:08:33 AM): ....
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:08:41 AM): TROLOLOLO
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:08:42 AM): I win
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:08:43 AM): :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:08:49 AM): what the fuck
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:09:04 AM): I win >:DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:09:04 AM): go suck on sonic blue dick :)
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:09:08 AM): Ewwwwyyy
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:09:15 AM): It'd be all nasty though D:
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:09:22 AM): Imagine where the fuck that thing has been D<
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:09:28 AM): or shadow the emohog?!?!?!
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:09:44 AM): Shadow is pretty epic- but I'd rather suck my boyfriend's dick
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:09:49 AM): up tails ass lol
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:10:30 AM): shadow is freakin awesome cuzz he can use chaos power and guns
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:10:55 AM): I thought you didn't like anything to do with Sonic at all :DD
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:11:12 AM): ?
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:11:18 AM): EFFIN' LINK NOT WORKING
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:11:18 AM): D<
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:11:22 AM): oh and sonic is fuking awesome cuz he can run fasttttzzzz and stop that fat fuck of a bastard eggman
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:11:44 AM): Sir, do you suffer from schizophrenia?
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:11:59 AM): i suffer from sonicfags like u
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:12:13 AM): But you appear to be one yourself :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:12:14 AM): sonic only spawn furrys fags on teh web
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:12:23 AM): Shame, I am a furry :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:12:40 AM): furry suck ass and i hope all them die :) u mad
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:12:42 AM): Plus- I was a furry long before I even touched any Sonic games
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:12:48 AM): I ain't even mad
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:12:50 AM): :DD
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:13:07 AM): furryfags
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:13:09 AM): i mean
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:13:20 AM): TROLOLOLO
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:13:53 AM): ur mom is a whore
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:14:06 AM): She is?
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:14:09 AM): Holy fuck.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:15:03 AM): Sonic anal raped u in bed that's why u play sonic gayroes and his other games
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:15:26 AM): So THATS why my ass was so sore!
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:15:50 AM): .......
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:16:06 AM): Trolololo
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:16:17 AM): Dear, you're trying to troll an experienced troll.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:16:18 AM): so this is how sonic became a queer!!!!
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:16:27 AM): Brotip - Use magnets for faster trolling.
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:17:09 AM): GAY FUCKER
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:17:22 AM): I wasn't aware I fucked gays.
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:17:29 AM): I just got a brand new outlook on life!
tobithegoodgirl (7/31/11 12:17:37 AM): I know my place now- the fucker of gays
sonicsucksurmompussy (7/31/11 12:18:07 AM): ========>>>>>
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Fail. I've seen that poor kid on the chat before. He's terrible at trolling. xP

Quotefurry suck ass and i hope all them die

This. *shot dead and mutilated*

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

The Forgotten Alex

Wait...that's trolling? Looks like a bunch of mumbo jumbo shit to me.
People asked.


Quote from: Miles The Hedgehawk on July 30, 2011, 05:40:53 PM
Wait...that's trolling? Looks like a bunch of mumbo jumbo shit to me.

He tried trolling


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Chimmy Chonga

shrinky dinks


LOL.... Before Tobi got trolled by "sonicsucksurmompussy", I got trolled by him, but...

I called him a "WoW fantard" :P


-No advertising in signature, please.


Hope you guys are having fun on the Sonic Zone!
                 WHERE FUN IS NEVER DONE!


Quote from: NiGHTSPrower25 on July 31, 2011, 03:47:09 AM
LOL.... Before Tobi got trolled by "sonicsucksurmompussy", I got trolled by him, but...

I called him a "WoW fantard" :P
bestest insult ever...

and that troll..faiulz.

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.



Quote from: xKáyáh'sCátpirèty on August 01, 2011, 12:34:51 PM
bestest insult ever...

and that troll..faiulz.

Yeah... I agree lmao... I'm just waitin' for his otherwise shitty comeback lol  8) that is, IF he ever does revisit me for another round in the PM's xD


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


That bastard. He said Loz is gay. Where's Chuck Norris when you need him?


My grandmother trolls better than that. Hes obviously confused, he shpuld go to troll therapy.