So... Blade isn't as loyal as we thought....

Started by ~Bubblicious~, August 10, 2011, 04:51:59 PM

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saracrestal (8/10/11 6:42:48 PM): What are your interests? =3
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:42:57 PM): also its nice to meet u.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:43:18 PM): Hello.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:43:23 PM): Hi
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:43:25 PM): I have many intrests.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:43:33 PM): i like anime and manga and gaming
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:44:21 PM): Cool.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:44:21 PM): What do u like?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:45:37 PM): I love anime, gamig, cars, aviation (airplanes), meteorology (weather), swimming, biking, baseball, and RPing.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:45:47 PM): *gaming
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:45:50 PM): ooh
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:45:53 PM): thats interesting
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:46:06 PM): meteorology and aviation seem pretty cool
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:46:11 PM): Mhm.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:46:13 PM): Thank you.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:46:19 PM): np =3
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:47:07 PM): u seem like a nice guy
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:47:34 PM): Thank you.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:47:48 PM): np =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:48:07 PM): You seem nice yourself.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:48:09 PM): =3
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:48:15 PM): aww thanx
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:48:21 PM): : )
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:48:56 PM): Your welcome, my de- I mean, yeah your welcome.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:49:05 PM): hm?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:49:24 PM): Uh nevermind.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:49:26 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:49:32 PM): hmm okay =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:50:05 PM): what kind of games do u like?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:51:09 PM): Racing, Action-Adventure, Puzzles (Like Portal 2), and Simulations.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:51:30 PM): ooh
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:51:32 PM): thats kool!
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:52:01 PM): Thanks.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:52:14 PM): no problem =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:52:58 PM): u seem kinda cute
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:53:45 PM): Wow, thank you.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:53:58 PM): ur welcome
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:55:10 PM): You look pretty good yourself, even if it is a picture of Konata.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:55:28 PM): i mean in terms of personality and stuff
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:55:34 PM): and cool, u noticed
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:55:36 PM): : 3
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:55:59 PM): lucky star is one of my favorite anime ever
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:56:11 PM): ^
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:56:18 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 6:56:22 PM): Even if I am a guy. It was an awesome anime.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:56:33 PM): it doesnt matter what gender you are, really.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:56:44 PM): its still a good quality anime
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:57:50 PM): omg i just realized
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:58:00 PM):
bladethehedgehog9889 (6:48:56 PM): Your welcome, my de- I mean, yeah your welcome.
saracrestal (8/10/11 6:58:09 PM): what was this?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:00:22 PM): Yes, yes it is/
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:03:39 PM): what do u mean?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:05:04 PM): I was agreeing with you.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:05:15 PM): You said it's a good quality anime.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:05:20 PM): And I said, yes, yes it is.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:05:21 PM): oh
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:05:22 PM): well
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:05:27 PM): what were u trying to say
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:05:30 PM): bladethehedgehog9889 (6:48:56 PM): Your welcome, my de- I mean, yeah your welcome.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:05:33 PM): i dont understand
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:05:43 PM): =(
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:06:01 PM): Ohhh that.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:06:20 PM): I was gonna say ''dear.'' But then it hit me.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:06:21 PM): =P
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:06:53 PM): what hit u
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:06:56 PM): wait
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:06:59 PM): r u taken?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:07:06 PM): do i remind you of your girlfriend or sumthing
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:08:22 PM): No I'm not taken.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:08:37 PM): hm
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:09:12 PM): i see
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:10:01 PM): Yeah.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:10:14 PM): well im single 2.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:10:29 PM): Wow, nice.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:10:35 PM): yes
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:10:55 PM): sarah has a boyfriend tho
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:11:57 PM): I see.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:12:07 PM): im kinda jealous i guess
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:12:20 PM): but ive been single for like a year or so i guess im pretty happy
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:12:41 PM): brb
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:12:44 PM): ok
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:17:22 PM): r u back yet?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:23:21 PM): wb
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:34:01 PM): u there?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:35:03 PM): =(
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:35:23 PM): Back.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:35:30 PM): yay
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:35:32 PM): Sorry, I had to take a really important call.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:35:33 PM): = )
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:35:37 PM): its np
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:36:15 PM): sooo
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:36:46 PM): Hm?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:37:46 PM): well
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:37:53 PM): do u want to go out or something lol
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:39:27 PM): Eh, I guess we could give it a shot.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:39:30 PM): Lol.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:39:38 PM): ok cool
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:40:16 PM): Heh heh.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:40:32 PM): But if we're gonna go out, shouldn't we get to know each other better?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:40:44 PM): sure
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:41:03 PM): i dont like to rush
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:41:15 PM): Me neither.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:41:22 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:43:00 PM): should i put it on my profile?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:44:38 PM): Your choice.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:44:55 PM): Wait, no.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:44:59 PM): The truth is, I
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:45:07 PM): I'm still dating someone else.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:45:13 PM): But I'm falling out of love with her...
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:45:17 PM): oh
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:45:20 PM): So we can't be a couple, just yet.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:45:21 PM): =/
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:45:23 PM): maybe i shouldnt get in the way then
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:45:31 PM): No no no, it's fine.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:45:47 PM): what should i do then?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:48:27 PM): ???
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:48:42 PM): We could just be friends.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:48:45 PM): Good friends.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:48:49 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:48:51 PM): ok that sounds good
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:48:56 PM): i hope your relationship does well tho
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:49:53 PM): I'll have to see how it goes.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:50:14 PM): maybe i could be your backup or something
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:50:18 PM): is that the right word?
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:50:21 PM): my english isnt that good
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:52:36 PM): Umm...when you say it like that.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:52:43 PM): It makes it sound like I'm a player.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:52:44 PM): =/
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:52:49 PM): player?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:53:49 PM): Yeah, a player.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:53:56 PM): whats that?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:54:10 PM): A guy who dates girls for the fun of it.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:54:19 PM): ohh
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:54:22 PM): ok
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:58:00 PM): Mhm.
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:58:09 PM): youre not
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:58:11 PM): youre loyal to me
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:58:26 PM): i dont mean that like youre loyal to me
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:58:27 PM): but like
saracrestal (8/10/11 7:58:30 PM): i think youre loyal
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:59:19 PM): I know watcha mean.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 7:59:21 PM): Thank you.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:01:41 PM): np
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:04:35 PM): what is she like
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:05:07 PM): She nice, funny, smart, just down-right wonderful.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:05:18 PM): oh
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:05:23 PM): so why dont you love her too much
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:05:29 PM): she seems pretty nice
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:07:41 PM): Well, it's 50-50.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:07:47 PM): Just gotta re-ignite the spark.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:07:55 PM): i hope it goes well
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:08:08 PM): youre a really nice person and you dont deserve to be heartbroken
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:08:36 PM): Aww, thanks.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:09:33 PM): no problem =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:16:35 PM): i have a question
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:16:50 PM): Sure, go ahead.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:16:57 PM): do u like me at all?
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:16:59 PM): as lke
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:17:01 PM): a friend
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:17:02 PM): *like
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:18:23 PM): Oh yeah, of course.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:18:30 PM): I like you as a close friend.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:18:31 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:18:44 PM): we met a few hours ago
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:18:50 PM): its nice that we could become friends so quickly
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:19:38 PM): Yeah, IKR.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:19:47 PM): = )
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:21:14 PM): Okay, so we can;t have a relationship.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:21:22 PM): ?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:21:25 PM): But how does Friends With Benefits sound?
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:21:34 PM): friends with benefits?
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:21:38 PM): what is that?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:21:59 PM): It's when you and another person are just friends.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:22:19 PM): isnt that the same as friends?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:22:25 PM): But you're allowed to do stuff to the other person, as if you two were in an actual relationship.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:22:35 PM): hm
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:22:39 PM): like what?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:01 PM): Okay.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:07 PM): Like how me and you are friends.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:13 PM): yeah
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:16 PM): I'd have premisson to do stuff like kiss you.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:22 PM): But we're just friends.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:24 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:28 PM): ohh
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:31 PM): thats okay i guess
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:37 PM): its not rushing either so i guess its good
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:41 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:47 PM): Awesome.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:23:48 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:54 PM): so
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:23:56 PM): hm
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:24:03 PM): how do we kiss??
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:25:23 PM): Like an RP kiss.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:25:33 PM): RP? like ummm
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:25:36 PM): roleplay?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:25:53 PM): Mhm.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:26:02 PM): im a little nervous
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:26:14 PM): well
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:26:19 PM): 1 will your girlfriend know
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:26:21 PM): 2 i dont know how
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:26:39 PM): 1.) she won't know..and technically I'm not cheating.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:26:46 PM): 2.) I can teach you how to RP.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:26:47 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:26:51 PM): oh okay
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:26:52 PM): if u want
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:27:00 PM): Alright.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:27:04 PM): RPing is simple.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:27:22 PM): You just do it as if your actually becoming your avvi (avatar)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:27:33 PM): So for example, this would be an RP sentence.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:27:49 PM): -He walks over to the wodden char and sits down. Looking at her passionatly.-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:27:56 PM): hmm
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:28:34 PM): Make sure you put a character (symbol) at the beggining and end of your RP sentence.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:28:39 PM): -She looked at him with a passionately desireable look on her face, a slight grin appearing. Her eyes reflected the lust in his eyes-
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:28:50 PM): Woah....
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:28:53 PM): Your good.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:28:55 PM): O_O
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:29:45 PM): Like...really good.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:29:47 PM): -She smirked even more, looking even more directly into his eyes; she drifted over to him as if she was floating, so angelically, before she lightly pressed her hands onto his lap, moving in closer and coming to a slightly abrupt stop-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:10 PM): oh well
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:30:11 PM): ..No no no. Good isn't the word......amazing....
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:13 PM): i like writing a lot
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:20 PM): and i do it pretty quickly
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:30:21 PM): Your a PRO!
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:24 PM): but is that like roleplaying?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:30:33 PM): That IS ropleplaying.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:30:38 PM): You did that marvelousley.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:50 PM): oh
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:51 PM): thank you
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:30:55 PM): i guess i have done it before.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:30:56 PM): You sure you haven't RPed before?
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:31:04 PM): well i think i have
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:31:04 PM): Oh, lol, I got my answer.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:31:15 PM): there was a writing group i was in for a little while
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:31:27 PM): But either way, that was great. You could even surpass me.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:31:28 PM): ;)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:31:46 PM): really?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:31:51 PM): Yes.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:32:59 PM): -She looked at him a little bit more feircely, her fingers tightening on his pants; she felt the rough fabric through her hands and lightly breathed, her eyes widening very slightly while she lustfully and unknowingly brought her left hand forward, to the back of his head, and gently stroked, her mouth open a very tiny bit against her will*
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:34:07 PM): i usually like to write long entries
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:34:20 PM): we had a contest a year or two ago but the group was divided
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:34:44 PM): i joined because one member was bilingual and he taught me more difficult english words
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:34:54 PM): -He looked at her. Deep into her lushious green eyes. His head moved closer and closer to meet hers. Then finally, as if it were magic, their lips connected, and a surge of love & passion surged through him as if a switch had been turned on, and electricity went dashing to the source.-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:36:39 PM): -Her eyes slowly closed, enjoying the passionate moment as she began to blush; the blood began to rush throughout her face and she couldn't resist slightly smiling as he kissed her, not embarassed, but rather, flustered that he kissed her. She moved slightly closer to him, bringing both her hands down to his waist and lifting her knees up, both her left and right to sit on his lap-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:40:27 PM): u there?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:40:32 PM): Yes.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:40:37 PM): oh okay!
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:40:49 PM): Oh you didn't get that, sorry my internet connection died.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:40:57 PM): ?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:41:06 PM): bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:38:37 PM): -He threw both is arms around her, holding her extremely close. He kept kissing her, holding that one lip lock as if it meant life or death. The emotion still surging through him like electricity. His cheeks turned Apple Red, as the amount of passsion he was feeling was overwhelming.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:42:21 PM): -She slowly broke the kiss after a while, looking into his eyes and grinning gently. Her hands clutched his waist a little, pulling him toward her as she whispered into his ear- do you like me more now?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:43:03 PM): -A small grin appeared on his face. He closed his eyes and opened them again. He whispered back: ''No I don't like you anymore, I just love you.''-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:43:48 PM): -She gasped very lightly, moving back and looking into his eyes more seriously and intently as her own widened; her grasp lightened as her hands moved back to her sides- r--really?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:44:31 PM): -He nodded.-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:44:48 PM): -A tear slowly crept down her face and she smiled again-
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:45:25 PM): -His grin turned into a huge smile. He held back tears of joy, trying to luck tough.-
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:45:28 PM): =3
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:45:33 PM): do u really love me?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:45:55 PM): Y-yes.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:46:04 PM): what about your girlfriend?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:46:49 PM): Hmm. Remember, me and you our just Friends With Benefits.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:46:57 PM): But now I'm thinking of breaking up with her.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:47:09 PM): to be with me?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:47:16 PM): -Nods.-
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:47:18 PM): but i thought you said she was awesome and sweet
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:47:30 PM): She is.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:47:38 PM): so why be with me
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:47:46 PM): You're so much better.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:47:47 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:47:57 PM): aww =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:48:10 PM): :3
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:48:13 PM): do u want me to put it on my profile?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:49:02 PM): If you want.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:49:06 PM): ok
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:49:15 PM): do you want to put it on yours?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:49:40 PM): I will.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:49:49 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:50:22 PM): It's now on my main profile.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:50:23 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:51:56 PM): ohh
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:51:57 PM): i see
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:52:00 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:52:06 PM): :3
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:52:56 PM):
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:47:46 PM): You're so much better.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:47:47 PM): =)
saracrestal (8:47:57 PM): aww =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:48:10 PM): :3
saracrestal (8:48:13 PM): do u want me to put it on my profile?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:49:02 PM): If you want.
saracrestal (8:49:06 PM): ok
saracrestal (8:49:15 PM): do you want to put it on yours?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:49:40 PM): I will.
saracrestal (8:49:49 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:50:22 PM): It's now on my main profile.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:50:23 PM): =)
saracrestal (8:51:56 PM): ohh
saracrestal (8:51:57 PM): i see
saracrestal (8:52:00 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8:52:06 PM): :3

saracrestal (8/10/11 8:53:05 PM): This is a very happy moment
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:53:10 PM): but
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:53:16 PM): your girlfriend
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:53:20 PM): will she be unhappy?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:54:44 PM): But, what?
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:54:51 PM):
saracrestal (8:53:05 PM): This is a very happy moment
saracrestal (8:53:10 PM): but
saracrestal (8:53:16 PM): your girlfriend
saracrestal (8:53:20 PM): will she be unhappy?

saracrestal (8/10/11 8:54:53 PM): did u see
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:54:54 PM): ?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:55:13 PM): Oh no, my connection fizzled out again.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:19 PM): oh ok
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:21 PM): =(
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:55:28 PM): Well she cheated on me once, i won't be suprised if she did it again.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:36 PM): oh
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:38 PM): well
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:43 PM): maybe u should tell that site
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:55:44 PM): Which is why, when she comes back on, I'm ending it for good.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:55 PM): that we go on
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:55:59 PM): 2gether?
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:56:05 PM): about you and me
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:56:06 PM): We'll let them find that out.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:56:09 PM): ;)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:56:11 PM): how
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:56:20 PM): They'll see our profiles.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:56:21 PM): o-o
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:56:23 PM): ohh
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:56:35 PM): Trust me if we blurt it out, they won't care.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:57:00 PM): And Bhad, who accussed me of breaking her heart (even though we never had a relationship) will just call me a lier and a cheater again.
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:57:08 PM): oh
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:57:09 PM): well
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:57:11 PM): okay!
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:59:29 PM): No no no.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:59:32 PM): Your perfect.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:59:33 PM): =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:59:37 PM): aww
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:59:38 PM): thanks
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:59:40 PM): you are too
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:59:44 PM): Thanks.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 8:59:46 PM): =3
saracrestal (8/10/11 8:59:59 PM): do you want to kiss again?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:00:14 PM): If you want.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:00:21 PM): i do but
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:00:27 PM): Hm>
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:00:27 PM): i want you to name what you want to do
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:00:29 PM): i can do anything
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:00:39 PM): Well I'm leaving right now.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:00:44 PM): aw ok
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:00:49 PM): So I guess I can give you your goodbye kiss.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:00:55 PM): =)
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:01:15 PM): -He walks over to her and wraps his arms around her. He then kisses her on the lips before waving goodbye.-
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:01:31 PM): -She smiled at him, waving goodbye as well- bye!
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:01:50 PM): Bye, Hun.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:01:54 PM): See ya tomorrow.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:01:56 PM): bye! =)
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:02:00 PM): see u tomorrow too
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:05:27 PM): hi!
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:05:32 PM): o-o
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:05:39 PM): I just had to test my connection.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:05:39 PM): ?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:05:41 PM): Sorry.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:05:42 PM): oh ok
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:05:44 PM): its ok
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 9:06:24 PM): Bye.
saracrestal (8/10/11 9:06:30 PM): bye
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:12:46 PM): yay your back!
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:12:56 PM): Again not for long.
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:02 PM): aw why?
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:13:04 PM): Had to update my profile info.
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:09 PM): alright
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:19 PM): i love you
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:13:22 PM): I'm completley drained and I'm falling sleep at the keyboard.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:13:26 PM): X_X
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:29 PM): aw
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:33 PM): go to sleep then hun
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:13:36 PM): I love you to.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:13:41 PM): -Huggles her.-
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:42 PM): <3
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:13:47 PM): -Huggles back-
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:14:05 PM): <3
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:14:57 PM): by the way
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:15:05 PM): i wanted to ask
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:15:09 PM): if you wanted to go further
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:16:15 PM): ...furhter.
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:16:16 PM): How?
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:16:23 PM): i dont know
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:16:24 PM): like
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:17:59 PM): Hm>
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:18:18 PM): hm
saracrestal (8/10/11 11:18:21 PM): more than kissing
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:19:45 PM): ....
bladethehedgehog9889 (8/10/11 11:19:51 PM): I know where your going with this..

You know... I thought he was a nice guy. I thought Matthew was a great guy even, one who'd been treated like dirt by too many people... you'd think after he was cheated on multiple times he'd not do the same himself... he has just proven himself to be a giant man-slut. He was with a wonderful girl, Nicole, and he's going to leave her for some person online. He "loves" her after one little kiss.

Manic / Blade / Matthew if you read this... I have lost ALL respect for you. All of it. You are no longer my "son" nor are you my friend. This whole charade you preformed... I have lost all trust, respect, and faith in you.


Yeah, manic used to be my mate, I thought he was a good bloke.. This is kinda heartbreaking.


I have no idea who these people are.

Also lol at "lets give it a shot". whatevs

nazo unleashed

Blade, i thought you where awesome. now you're dead to me, you bastard.



ugh, the whole "rp isn't technically cheating"

That right there pissed me off.  :/

The Forgotten Alex

That son of a bitch...and I loved him a close brother.
People asked.


I considered him a great friend, someone I could trust to always be open and honest with me... turns out I was wrong. I feel bad for Nicole, but she isn't the only one he's hurt. He has hurt his friends with his lies and it's hurt me a lot more than it should. He always talked to me about everything in the world that was bothering him... and just this...? Yeah. I feel like an idiot for falling for his shit and trying to help comfort him.


nazo unleashed

Blade if you're reading this, i just want to let you know you are just sicking. Please just do us the favor and leave SZ, nobody wants your dirty ass anymore, you fucking bastard.


My god... Blade used to be one of my buds. But now... I've lost all respect for him. And I love how after one little RP kiss he's like "ZOMFG I LUV YOU. MY OLD GF CAN SUCK IT." And Blade, if you read this. Yes, RP relations does count as cheating. I'm pretty sure. Virtual or not. I would be pissed if my GF was flirting with men on the internet. Blade, as Nazo said. Get off SZ. You're not welcome here. And a second qoute from Nazo. GET THE FUCK OUT. YOU MAN-WHORE


I've been thinking, and I've decided we don't need to see drama like this on the forum and it only causes trouble to continue so, unless another mod butts in..



I dunno who this person is, but how did he allow this to go public?

Speaking of Blade, I haven't seen Rendel in 4ever
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 10, 2011, 04:58:47 PM
ugh, the whole "rp isn't technically cheating"

That right there pissed me off.  :/

that would technically make me the biggest cheater ever.


Quote from: The Lovely Kyo~ on August 11, 2011, 05:43:30 AM
that would technically make me the biggest cheater ever.

Just the way he worded it.  @_@
