Whats your favorite Super Villain and why?

Started by PurpleOrangePoo, August 18, 2011, 10:32:46 PM

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Just post yoyr favorite super villain, and explain why he/she is your favorite and how you couldbpossibly relate to them. Personally i like the joker. Im a bit phsyco and i love to make people laugh (or cry). Oh and i also like getting into people heads. Mentally. Not physically. :)


This seems like a spam post. I know you know better. =\
Could you at least put a reason why so it doesn't look like spam?

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



Well uhm.. maybe Mandie (pronounced Man Die) from Fairly Odd Parents. She's unexplainable, evil, and unpredictable.

But if cartoon villians aren't supervillians then I'd say the Joker.
Who doesn't want make up smothered on their face and then asking people "Why the fuck are you so serious?"
and on top of that, Im not a big fan of liveaction superhero movies.. so I barely know any of 'em

Are you lookin' at me fruitcake? I don't need a date.
Click me.



Quote from: PurpleOrangePoo on August 19, 2011, 06:33:46 AM
Ohai :P
Again, this topic just  reeks of spammy-ness. How is a one-word, unrelated post relevant?


Well it seemed relevent to me at the moment :)


This isn't spam, this is my 700th post!
My favorite is either Atlas/Frank Fontaine.


What is a Super Villain? A Villain with super powers? Or someone who's an OP villain?

Meh, not sure which it is, but I'll go by saying the following:

Adachi from Persona 4.
He leads the Seekers Of Truth off track while controlling the whole thing without really doing much and then he fights them and turns into a huge Eyeball...Yeah, if that's not an Epic Super Villain, Idk what is.
I pretty much like him, 'cause he's somewhat of an actorish person who's able to control things, somewhat like Kira/Raito Yagami...And speaking of Kira, he's probably my 2nd fav Villain.

Oh and then there's the OP one(s):

Soldius Snake, Big Boss, The Boss, Volgin, Liquid, Metal Gear, Sepiroth and a few others...
Most of those are seriously just a pain in the ass, 'cause they're far too overpowered and that's why I like them.



Frieza from DBZ
The only villian that doesn't monologue for 30 f*cking minutes
Ironic seeing that the show is infamous for it's fillers.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!



idk say joker because i can make like him people laugh and then just start from nowhere to cry.


i like Dr.EGGMAN because he's always funny and he fails at everything because sonic always beats him so thats why i like EGGMAN


Bass from Megaman X (or Megaman im not sure) because he likes destruction just as much as me
"People carry delusions of having power, but it's a lie. They are but sheep pretending to be wolves. Though I admit, I can understand why." — Young Xehanort


Quote from: sonicknuckles01 on September 23, 2011, 04:23:16 AM
idk say joker because i can make like him people laugh and then just start from nowhere to cry.

dude i hate clowns they scare me