What if Minecraft and TF2 had a baby?

Started by Supersonic196, September 22, 2011, 06:57:33 PM

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Well, it would look a lot like this...

Sure the graphics are nothing to write home about, but i must say, I rather enjoyed the tactical gameplay,
that can range from frantic shootouts with shotguns and smgs, to tense sniper staredowns.

The destructible and buildable environments are constantly a gamechanger, and always something to consider. Do you wanna rush into battle or hang back and perfect your fortress?

Unfortunately around 70% of the community are immature, spammy, griefing 11 year olds who apparently have tourettes, and an obsession with building giant dicks...

But if you're lucky enough to find a server with players who aren't the douchiest people on earth, you'll have a great time.
If not, you can always troll the griefers :3

(they hate it when you comment on their age, and will have a rebuttal along the lines of "NUH UH, AHM SEVINTEEEN!!!")


Quote from: supersonic196 on September 22, 2011, 06:57:33 PM
Well, it would look a lot like this...

Sure the graphics are nothing to write home about, but i must say, I rather enjoyed the tactical gameplay,
that can range from frantic shootouts with shotguns and smgs, to tense sniper staredowns.

The destructible and buildable environments are constantly a gamechanger, and always something to consider. Do you wanna rush into battle or hang back and perfect your fortress?

Unfortunately around 70% of the community are immature, spammy, griefing 11 year olds who apparently have tourettes, and an obsession with building giant dicks...

But if you're lucky enough to find a server with players who aren't the douchiest people on earth, you'll have a great time.
If not, you can always troll the griefers :3

(they hate it when you comment on their age, and will have a rebuttal along the lines of "NUH UH, AHM SEVINTEEEN!!!")



Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Jazz Nova

Thanks, firestar and kirbysoul, respectively


QuoteYour grandmother's rig can run this game