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IOSYS ~ Star river

Started by Darkyellowz, November 09, 2011, 12:22:39 AM

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This is the full version of star river by IOSYS, from their album [Japanese letters] (Touhou Crystallized Ocean). Translation and romaji are from Touhou Wiki. Pictures are from Danbooru.

The subs are in the annotations, so please turn them on!

I enjoy this song, don't you?
Sad, yet heart warming and smoothing.
I could listen to this when I'm sad, and I'd cheer up.

IOSYS - star river -FULL-

Tittle : star river
Original : [Japanese letters] ~ Cosmic Mind ( Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind )
Circle : IOSYS
Album : [Japanese letters] ( Toho Crystallized Ocean )

Here's just the full version of the video above.
If you're into Full Versions.