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Elana's story...

Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, January 25, 2009, 01:17:01 PM

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ok the ppl i know who can rp here
is: ultrashadow,jimmy,light,sonicfrenzy,draco-chan(if she wants to), wind,gleech, and thats all i can think of..
PlEaSe StAtE your InFoRmAtIoN
the roles that can be taken (PLZ USE UR FAN CARACTER TOO)
Cream & chease-
                                  now my info
Name:Elana The Hedgehog
Crush:shadow the hedgehog
looks:look at meh icon
Abilatys:she is the princess of the chaos Emeralds so she has a lot of powers (duh)
Bio:Elana the hedgehog lost her family because of eggman. Elana was devastaded when that happend she was lucky she had her sister Blaze..two sisters one princess of the sol emeralds the other princess of the chaos emeralds and the master emerald. Elana is very sweet she will help anyone or anything. Elana has promised to be strong and always win and to take revenge on eggman for what he has done.then one day she meets friends but one of them likes her.His name is shadow the hedgehog,now she is not alone she can now make her promise

and thats all

I'll Start
Elana:*is on a hill looking at the sky wondering if she will see shadow and her friends again*

Light the Hedgehog

here's my fan characters info:

Name: Light the hedgehog


looks: red fur, grey stripes on the quills, grey eyes.
Abilities: the same abilities of shadow

Bio (i'll be speaking in the first person): I was born 20 years before my younger brother shadow. when i was created i was under mind control of Black Doom. my eyes were the same color as black doom's were when i was under mind control.but when i came to my senses my eyes turned grey, that showed Professor Gerald Robotnik i was defective. he sent me down to earth at that moment. if you wanna find out more go to "Light the hedgehog....a story......".

OOC: i'll also be using Shadow

Name: Shadow the hedgehog

Crush: believed to be Elana the hedgehog

abilities: same as light the hedgehog

Bio: unkown

my voice (over the hills): ELANA!

Shadow: ELANA!


Elana:huh *turns around* SHADOW!!LIGHT!!! *hugs them* i missed you guys...

Light the Hedgehog's been a while since we've seen each-other

me: Shadow's right...


Elana:i thought i would never ever see you guys again... but now where here finnaly together..
*kisses shadow*

Light the Hedgehog


me: TIGER?!?!

Tiger: *crash lands on me*

me: long time no see, little buddy!

Tiger: ELANA!!! *starts flying in circles over Elana*


(Can I join, I love Role Playing. The more role-plays, the better for me.)

Name: Lonnie the hedgehog

Crush: Nobody (for now)

Looks: See other role-plays to get the idea.

Abilities: He doesn't really have any powerful abilities, then again, he doesn't need powerful abilities. only good speed and agility. No godly powers or anything. Want to complain? Go talk to batman about it.

Bio: Robotnik has killed off most of his freinds and vows to search for his mother, who was kidnapped by Robotnik and has never been ever heard of again since Lonnie was 6 years old...

Lonnie sits on a tree stump, thinking about what happened to his mother 8 years ago.

Lonnie: Mom... where are you... I miss you... Please come back...

A tear dropped from Lonnie's face.
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."


name:sonicfrenzy                                                                                                                                     crush:none                                                                                                                                              looks:                                                                              abilitys:super sonic boom,glide,and all of sonics abilitys                                                                         bio:a kind freindly hedghog who doesn't know much about self.he doesn't know how odl he is,how fast he goes,or the powers in him.he only learned super sonic boom,and glide.when sonicfrenzy was a alone he encountered whith the most famuos enchida, NESTOR THE WISE. nestor has taught him a lot of things. and one important thing sonicfreny will never forget: the most best ppower of a team is freindship.nestor has also taught sonicfrenzy,to control hiis anger.he could be the nices person,but gets made easy. LATER  then sonicfrenzy meet a lost talking chao called rick.they became fast freinds.and on his journey he meets more ppl,hoping to find more about self.                                                                                                  name:rick                                                                                                                                            crush:none                                                                                                                                             looks:                                                              ability:unknown                                                                                                                                         bio: rick is a young talking choa.when rick was came out of his egg,he was thrown out of the chao garden by eggman.he was found aand became best freinds whith a hedgehog named sonicfrenzy.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(


OOC:Ill be using sonic here.

Looks:Green hedgehog, transparent silver spike shoes, and black gloves
Powers:Not telling..
History:When raik appeared eggman created him. Raik was a hero, eggman tried to make him evil but it failed. Raik defeated eggman. Then he went off to find sonic to become friends with him.


Thx gleech

Thx Mikey


OOC:gewd gewd you ppl are in
Elana:hi tiger..^_^
Elana:huh.. AMY *hugs amy*
Amy:i thought i would never see you again....EVER
Elana:i thought that too amy-



Lonnie still sits down on the tree stump, still thinking about his dark memories... He hears an explosion (Ben's Chaos Blast) and looks up. Then, he sees a hedgehog throwing glowing spears at Shadow to get his attention.

Lonnie: Hm? What's going on down there?

Lonnie runs to the others to investigate...
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."


Sonic and raik ran to amy, "AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They hugged amy.

Thx gleech

Thx Mikey


Elana:*hits ben and helps shadow*


Lonnie runs up to Ben.

Well, I have this cloth with me, you can have it. You okay, dude?
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."