Just got Red Faction: Armageddon...D-I-S-A-P-O-I-N-T-E-D!!!

Started by XEPER8x8, November 25, 2011, 04:39:44 AM

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Since today was black Friday, i figured I would stop by Walmart and get RFA. I played it all night, and i gotta tell ya...WHAT...A...NIGHT. I got very few good things to say about it. I knew i was gunna like RFG better, but i like it ALOT better now. If your familiar with the game, you'll understand what im talking about in the following critiques. First off, i always enjoyed killing EDF. EDF were annoying sometimes, but not as annoying as those fucking aliens in RFA. And they were easier to kill. They didn't walk on walls and jump faster than bullets. And they didn't arrive in annoying swarms. though, EDF did that too but they weren't annoying, you could just use the arc welder to rid them. I thought there was gunna be EDF in RFA, but...THERE WASN'T! That was pretty much my main problem. No EDF. Didnt like the aliens, not one bit. When i came across the aliens at first, I said "heh! ok, thats pretty cool i guess.." then 4 missions later I said "WWWTTTFFF!!?? am i gunna be fighting these assholes the whole time!?" turns out my guess was correct. Though, there was those cultist nut jobs, they were okay. i wouldve liked the game way better if they were the main enemy. The Linear/set coarse set up i did not like either. Constant rushing. Fucking asshole aliens everywhere raping me. Game controls bugged me also. I liked the weapons being selected with the ABXY buttons better than that of the D-Pad. the sprinting button confused me because it was replaced by the nano forge. the sprinting wasnt unlimited, which kinda bugged me. And I thought in all the previous red faction games, you were fighting the government pretty much. Open war!. not killing aliens. didnt have that feeling.
Though my thoughts for this game was nothing more then dissapointed, there were some good redeeming factors. The graphics were really, really good. I really liked the graphics. Cut scenes annoyed me sometimes because i died alot and they got in the way, but at first sight, theyre good. It was more better acting or w/e than RFG. The weapons were good also. The aiming was better, the nano rifle was better, in my opinion, as well as the rail driver. I didnt care for the magnet gun, kinda pointless really. There was alot of grenade launcher like weapons, which was cool, more explosives. The walkers were awesome. Maybe a bit better than the RFG ones, though they were awesome as well. I liked the nano forge addition also. fixing what was destroyed. This game had a lot of potential. But i guess the writers/creators screwed up. Hopefully they realize the mistake they made and make another one like RFG but have better graphics and weapons and add more things. I wanna ask the people reading this, did u see what i saw? And which did you like better RFG or RFA?


Never played any of them.. but going on your last statement: The RF Series has been discontinued because of poor sales on this exact game.


I've played 1, and 2, and also played the demos for guerrilla and Armageddon, and i have to say, i was pretty impressed, i'll have to pick up a copy next week.


Quote from: PurpleOrangePoo on November 29, 2011, 03:53:27 PM
I've played 1, and 2, and also played the demos for guerrilla and Armageddon, and i have to say, i was pretty impressed, i'll have to pick up a copy next week.

Guerrilla was one of the most awesome games i have played. If you liked guerrilla then u may not like armageddon. Or you may be one of the very few who do like it. I just hope you dont feel like you wasted your money on that game if you didint like it. I mean it has its good perks like the weapons, walkers, graphics. but thats about it. And its almost impossible to own in that game, while in guerrilla you owned everyone.